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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 Irony, since its first usages by Socrates, cover a great variety of forms that have been at the service of this kind of writing called “oblique”. This figure of speech has a particular importance in Gide’s works who thinks that “he had never written anything but irony” in his books and stories. The comprehension of the notion of the irony and the meaning that emerges of such a figure of speech makes sometimes a few problems for those who are not so familiar with this kind of sense-making. Some the act of the production of the irony looks like a dialogue that needs an active participation of the both sides and solicits an appropriate response from the target. As a study on this notion, we should consider a double categorization: VERBAL IRONY and IRONY OF SITUATION; we will see that Gide has largely used the both forms in his story PALUDES. French: L’etude de la position de l’ironie dans PALUDES d’Andre GideLa question de l’ironie-depuis sa premiere presence chez Socrate-couvre une variete de formes qui sont au service de cette ecriture oblique.Ce trope prend une importance particuli ere dans les oeuvres d’Andre Gide qui croit qu’il «n’a ecrit qu’ironiquement» ses livres. En outre, la sotie par son essence est un lieu favorable pour pr esenter des bizarreries et des absurdites. Un deuxieme point assez remarquable reste dans la comprehension de l’acte d’ironie; en effet, l’ironisation est comme un dialogue qui sollicite parfois une reponse appropriee.Ceci dit, l’ironie se produit dans une certaine enonciation dont les circonstances necessitent un regard plus attentif et plus penetrant. La presence et les propos ironiques, tenus ca et la, par le narrateur nous pousse vers une analyse de l’ironie avec d’un point de vue narratologique.Keywords: Ironie Verbale, Ironie de Situation, Narrateur, Enonciation, PALUDES, Ecriture Oblique.


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    APA: Copy

    ABASI, ALI, & GHASEMI, ROUHOLLAH. (2011). A STUDY OF IRONY IN PALUDES WRITTEN BY ANDRE GIDE. PLUME, 6(12), 5-24. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/119944/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ABASI ALI, GHASEMI ROUHOLLAH. A STUDY OF IRONY IN PALUDES WRITTEN BY ANDRE GIDE. PLUME[Internet]. 2011;6(12):5-24. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/119944/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ALI ABASI, and ROUHOLLAH GHASEMI, “A STUDY OF IRONY IN PALUDES WRITTEN BY ANDRE GIDE,” PLUME, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 5–24, 2011, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/119944/en

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