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 Emmanuel CARRERE is one of the most celebrated French writers in the recent years. In his book Rival, he narrates the story of Jean-Claude Romand, a man who introduced himself to all his relatives as a physician working for the World Health Organization. When after eighteen years of trickery, he felt that his secret might be revealed; he murdered his wife, children, and parents on the ninth of January, 1993. Then he attempted to end his own life, but failed. This real, but unbelievable tragedy drew Emmanuel CARRERE’s attention to itself, and made him write a story based on it. In his book, he wanted to go through all those dishonesties and deceptions to find out the factual reasons of Romand’s drowning in them. As a result, he creates a story that is somewhat between a BIOGRAPHY and a novel. There are also some parts in which CARRERE-to explain the story more clearly- compares his own life story with Romand’s, which makes the story look like an autoBIOGRAPHY. But still there are some situations that the writer’s efforts fall short of understanding Jean’s traits and his real motivations. So the writer has no alternative but using his imagination to create the rest of story and complete it. That’s the part in which it’s like a story. To sum up, to put what CARRERE has written in a certain category seems impossible. That’s why book critics have named him as “the literature monster”.French: Etude generique de L’Adversaire: un ouvrage a la frontiere du recit biographique et de la FICTIONEmmanuel Carr ere est l’auteur de romans, de biographie, de documentaires et de sc enarios pour le cin ema et pour la t elevision. Il publie . L’Adversaire» en 2000; un ouvrage qui lui apporte un grand succes.Dans ce livre, Carr ere met en sc ene l’affaire Romand: le 9 janvier 1993, Jean-Claude Romand, un homme qui se faisait passer pour un fameux m edecin de l’OMS, apr es dix-huit ans de mensonge lorsqu’il etait menac e d’etre decouvert, a tu e sa femme, ses enfants, ses parents et a tent e de se donner la mort. Ce fait divers inou i, cette histoire de mensonge et d’imposture fascine Carr ere, alors il essaie de trouver ce qui reste d’humanit e chez Romand et cherche a comprendre le pourquoi de son comportement. Le r esultat est une oeuvre originale a la fronti ere du biographique et de la FICTION. Le fait que Carr ere choisit d’ ecrire sur la vie de Romand en retra cant son arbre g enealogique et en s’appuyant sur des documents et des informations r epond a l’exigence de la biographie.Mais parfois, certaines parties de l’histoire sont racont ees par Romand lui-meme, cela fait rapprocher le texte du r ecit de vie; d’autres fois CARRERE met sa vie en parall ele avec celle de Romand ce qui donne une allure plut ot autobiographique a l’oeuvre. Cependant, certaines fois tout en reprenant les informations, la volont e de l’auteur de comprendre son personnage est confront ee a l’impossibilit e d’atteindre sa v erite interieure, donc Carr ere se sert de son imagination pour combler les vides et l’oeuvre prend alors une tournure romanesque. En r esume, il para it difficile de classer cette oeuvre dans un genre litt eraire pr ecis, cela explique pourquoi les critiques parlent d’.un monstre litt eraire..keywords: Biographie, Autobiographie, Recit de Vie, FICTION, CARRERE, Crime, Imposture.


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    GHAFOURI GHARAVI LEYLA, SALEHINIA NEGAR. THE STUDY OF L’ADVERSAIRE: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OR FICTION?. PLUME[Internet]. 2012;6(14):85-98. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/119959/en

    IEEE: Copy

    LEYLA GHAFOURI GHARAVI, and NEGAR SALEHINIA, “THE STUDY OF L’ADVERSAIRE: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OR FICTION?,” PLUME, vol. 6, no. 14, pp. 85–98, 2012, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/119959/en

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