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 In this article, Louis Aragon is introduced as a contemporary feminist poet and writer, A poet who engaged simultaneously and identically in the two phenomena, FEMINISM and Resistance, during the World WAR II. He, unlike those who consider women as limits to the power of the battlers, praises women in all his works. He explicitly declares that it has been his beloved who has granted him the spirit and vigor to resist and continue living within the WAR. His themes, styles and examples and, in fact, the major parts of his works are full of ELSA’s feminine presence. There commences and continues a movement, from ELSA to the FRANCE, traversing the evocation of other feminine figures, images of beauty and magnificence of culture. Aragon has attributed to the FRANCE too, all the values he had primarily dedicated to his beloved, as an adorable and lively feminine character.Love, herein, finds a dual aspect. This is the manner of a French poetwriter, who, initiating the Poetry of the Resistance through adopting an implied style so as to seem legal against its contemporary censorship ambiance plays a brilliant role within the WAR. He impliedly praises FRANCE, which is frustrated by the WAR and summons up his compatriots to save their common LOVE, their homeland, FRANCE, which is, per se, well realized in the emblematic eyes of ELSA, his beloved woman. French: L’imagologie du FEMINISMe aragonien Louis Aragon, dont nous essaierons d’analyser l’oeuvre dans cet article sous l’angle d’un poete et ecrivain feministe contemporain, est l’un des principaux poetes engages de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et plus particulierement de la Resistance. Dans son oeuvre, il celebre la femme, a l’appose ceux qui la considerent comme un element paralysant le cote guerrier de l’homme, du guerrier, il affirme explicitement que c’est sa bien-aimee qui lui donne de l’espoir pour continuer a vivre.Cette lecture de son oeuvre ne deroutera pas le lecteur qui a bien connu l’epoque de la censure et de l’oppression, celui qui va plus loin que la simple structure et superpose le contenu commun de son oeuvre.D’Elsa a la FRANCE, la ligne est continue passant par l’evocation d’autres figures feminines, images de la beaute et de la richesse d’une culture, Aragon attribue aussi les valeurs assignees a l’etre aimee a la FRANCE, representee dans ses poemes sous la forme d’une figure feminine vivante et adoree. En atteste l’image largement developpee dans (Plus belle que les larmes), ou l’admiration pour la patrie s’exprime par l’exaltation du corps feminin. L’amour occupe donc lui aussi une double fonction: il est a la fois amour humain et amour de la patrie-patrie dont meme le drapeau est defini a travers des images feminines.Voici resumee la demarche d’un poete-ecrivain engage qui joue un role primordial dans la poesie de resistance, en s’exprimant au travers d’une (modalite de contrebande), afin de pouvoir s’exprimer legalement pendant la periode de la censure. Ainsi, dans son oeuvre, il celebre la FRANCE sous-entendue, hantee par la guerre, et lance par la-meme un appel a ses compatriotes pour sauver leur amour commun, leur partie, la FRANCE-appel realise a travers les yeux emblematiques d’Elsa.Keywords: Image, FEMINISMe, ELSA, Amour, Femme, FRANCE, ENGAGEMENT, PATRIOTISMe, NATIONALISMe, Resistance


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    GHIASSI MOHAMMAD TAGHI, NADERI MAGHAM CHAGHAYEGH. IMAGOLOGY OF ARAGONIAN FEMINISM. PLUME[Internet]. 2011;6(13):55-70. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/119994/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD TAGHI GHIASSI, and CHAGHAYEGH NADERI MAGHAM, “IMAGOLOGY OF ARAGONIAN FEMINISM,” PLUME, vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 55–70, 2011, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/119994/en

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