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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 This paper is the revised and up-dated version of a lecture given at Teheran University on the occasion of the symposium about “Culture and Art in France in 20th Century” which was organised by the Faculty of World Studies, on 19th and 20th May 2009.Leon BLOY (1846-1917) is a French writer from the beginning of Twentieth Century. He is the most radical and one of the most influential authors of the stream of catholic literature, which contributed strongly in the French culture of this century. While introducing the works of BLOY, the author focuses on some aspects that might be of special concern for Iranian readers. Then, he gives a brief survey of BLOY’s influence and finally tries to explain why readers, critics and scholars have recently taken a new interest in this great writer.   French: Un catholicisme de protestation: Leon BLOY et sa posterite litteraire Cet article est l’adaptation d’une communication au colloque sur (La culture en France au XXeme siècle) qui s’est tenu a l’universite de Teheran, a l’initiative de la faculte d’etudes mondiales, les 19 et 20 mai 2009.L’auteur a choisi d’y presenter un auteur du debut du siecle, Leon BLOY (1846-1917), et a travers lui, un des courants de la litterature d’inspiration catholique, qui traverse tout le vingtieme siecle francais, et dont BLOY est le representant le plus radical et l’un des plus influents.Apres avoir presente l’oeuvre de BLOY, en insistant sur certains de ses aspects qui peuvent particulierement interesser des lecteurs iraniens, l’auteur propose quelques apercus sur sa posterite litteraire et intellectuelle, et s’interroge sur les raisons du regain d’interet dont beneficie aujourd’hui ce grand ecrivain.Keywords: BLOY, Litterature du XXeme Siecle, Catholicisme du XXeme siecle, Romanciers Catholiques, MASSIGNON


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    APA: Copy

    GILLON, JEAN YVES. (2011). LEON BLOY: HIS INFLUENCE IN MODERN LITERATURE. PLUME, 6(13), 71-91. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/119996/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GILLON JEAN YVES. LEON BLOY: HIS INFLUENCE IN MODERN LITERATURE. PLUME[Internet]. 2011;6(13):71-91. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/119996/en

    IEEE: Copy

    JEAN YVES GILLON, “LEON BLOY: HIS INFLUENCE IN MODERN LITERATURE,” PLUME, vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 71–91, 2011, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/119996/en

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