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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Consequences of Domestic Violence and Coping Strategies of Ahvaz Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic (a Qualitative Study)




 Background & Aims: The covid-19 pandemic has forced many countries to implement national quarantines as a measure to protect against the spread of the virus. Although home confinement due to the covid-19 pandemic was a necessary measure to protect against the spread of the virus, it had social, psychological, and economic consequences (2). One of them was the increase in cases of domestic violence. domestic violence (or domestic abuse) includes a variety of acts of violence (physical, sexual, and emotional) and although it usually refers to intimate partner violence, which is mostly between a male and female partner, it can also involve children, the elderly, or individuals. . Especially for children, domestic abuse can include not only direct violence against them, but also witness violence against other members of their family (for example, their mother or siblings) and can lead to violent sexual partner relationships in adulthood. In many countries, since the implementation of quarantine measures, reported cases and service needs of family violence have increased dramatically (2). Considering the complexity of the consequences of domestic violence, after the outbreak of the covid-19 disease, quarantine and long-term confinement at home, domestic violence seems to be one of the most serious concerns in the psychological field. For this reason, there have been many studies related to domestic violence during the pandemic in different countries. On the other hand, during periods of crisis, increased rates of sexual partner violence, abuse of children and the elderly have been reported in relation to economic instability and stressful environments (6). Because most of the unemployed during viral crises like Corona are working in informal jobs that are not covered by the unemployment insurance law. As a result, the pressure on this group is much higher. Because in addition to being in the lower class of society, they do not have official support. Economic pressure in normal conditions seriously threatens mental health, and this pressure is experienced more in the stressful conditions of the pandemic. In the case of the covid-19 pandemic, the risk of domestic violence can be greater due to home confinement, limited access to social services and victim support organizations. In general, research shows that domestic violence increases in critical situations, including during an epidemic. The long-term presence of spouses at home following the outbreak of the covid-19 disease causes the escalation of old disputes, the opening of unresolved issues, and the increase of sensitivity to deficiencies and minor defects in marital relations. Since the behavior of the virus is unpredictable, other periods of home quarantine may be applied. The conducted researches can open the way for health planners to increase the general health of the society. Considering that the previous researches were mostly quantitative and the conducted qualitative researches were mostly related to the experience of the victims of violence. Therefore, this study seeks to find out how the perpetrators of violence (men) have understood and experienced violence. Methods: In this study, by using the phenomenological method, an attempt was made to obtain a deep understanding of the Lived experiences of violent men. The participants of this research are 10 men who had first-hand experience of the studied phenomenon. Results: During the interviews, it was determined that the important factor that intensified the violence experienced during this period was unemployment due to quarantine, non-attendance education of children, disagreement between couples on how to wash food, obsessive behavior of one of the parties, how to restrict And came with relatives and friends. Quarantine and removal of recreational activities to relieve violence have continued. Sensitivity and differences of opinion in complying with health protocols have been another factor that aggravates violence. The difference of opinion in observing the protocols related to the limits of social communication, the intensification of anxiety and obsessive problems, the justification of accepting control behaviors under the excuse of the corona virus has been all the participants had quotes from conflicts related to confinement and home isolation, which are also in other studies. found (9). Verbal violence has increased in this study, like other studies during the pandemic (14). Verbal violence is the most common type of violence, all interviewees have experienced this type of violence more during the pandemic. Also, 80% of the participants have committed physical violence, which is in line with the results of other studies (12). Also, 30% of male participants expressed conflicts due to not having sex and their wives' indifference towards sex. This finding clarifies the understanding of the concept of exchange. The concept of exchange has a special place in the internal relations of the family. For example, the husband interprets the wife's disobedience as disturbing the balance of the relationship between cost (that is, family investment) and profit (obedience) and considers his violence to be justified because it ends the conflict and dissatisfaction and forces the woman to continue to obey (3). Conclusion: The data has shown that non-attendance education and its challenges have been one of the factors that aggravate violence. The restrictions caused by house arrest have led to the intensification of controlling behaviors and obsessive strictness and disagreements, which have undoubtedly had an impact on the increase of conflict between family members. Loss of job and financial insecurity imposes a lot of stress and psychological pressure on the family, which provides the basis for the occurrence of domestic violence. This finding is consistent with some experimental evidence such as In general, it can be said that among the factors that aggravate violence during the pandemic, unemployment and income reduction have led to more intense violence. Among the acts of violence experienced, it seems that men have chosen physical violence as a way to escape from the blame and verbal violence of their wives, in order to end conflicts with masculine power and authority. The short-term ending of conflicts leads to cognitive errors and the strengthening of aggressive behaviors and the repetition of dysfunctional patterns of the family of origin. During quarantine and covid-19 in particular and during crises in general, domestic violence can have irreparable consequences for both victims and perpetrators of violence. Considering that the consequences of domestic violence not only involve the victims of violence, but also the perpetrators of violence and leave negative and repeated cycles in family interactions, it is necessary to carry out the necessary programs and training widely through communication media. Cultivation should be done in order to teach and present correct behavior patterns without violence.


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