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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Effect of Urban Management Style on the Physical and Mental Health of Citizens




 Background & Aims: Today's cities, especially metropolises, are very complex entities that, along with their historical transition to this complexity, different and increasingly complex perceptions and cognitions have emerged from them. Nearly five decades ago, cities were considered physical identities with the dominance of urban service infrastructure and manipulative entities in which changes were made to maximize functional benefit. Urban planning in the sense of spatial planning, location and location for land use, and economic analysis was the dominant approach to cities. With such an approach, managing the city based on infrastructure management and spatial-economic variables was a priority. But over the years, urban environments have faced a host of problems, spatial planning has failed to achieve its goals, and environmental problems have invaded urban structures. Studies have shown that improving technological infrastructure and urban services is not possible without the people, nor should these measures serve anything but the people. At the same time, the Mediatization and mass production of cultural products, the emergence of new social movements, the emergence of new demands on people of the modern age, and the dissatisfaction that arose for people in urban settings, needs, and wants. Created other environments for urban environments and human beings present in them. In the development literature, the position of human development, social development, culture and development, social capital, and in short, human orientation, social relations, and quality of life gradually emerged as a combination of economic, political, social, and environmental factors. It was natural for new approaches to urban management to emerge to provide a new formulation of urban management issues, priorities, and goals and to plan for urban management based on them. These developments do not mean that the position of technology, economy and spatial planning in cities has diminished. Urban management, urban specialists, and technologists are constantly coming up with new tools to improve transportation systems, reduce environmental pollution, improve communications, make municipal services cheaper, and other requirements, but that's the problem. All these achievements should be seen in addition to paying attention to human beings, targeting the quality of human life, public participation in the management and promotion of urban affairs, and strengthening the civic environment. On the other hand, the behavior of Citizens is a set of voluntary behaviors that are not part of the official duties of the individual, but by doing so, the individual effectively improves his duties and plans in society. The most authoritative classification of the components of Citizenship behavior has been provided by Oregon, which has been used in various studies, including social etiquette, altruism, work conscience, chivalry, and decency. Citizenship behavior improves organizational performance by influencing factors within the organization such as organizational climate, retaining qualified employees, improving morale, increasing organizational commitment, and job satisfaction, reducing the intention to leave the job, and reducing absenteeism and destructive job behaviors. Citizens' Citizenship behavior also improves the quality of employee performance by improving external factors such as customer satisfaction, service quality, and customer loyalty. What affects the type of Citizenship behavior of Citizens is their physical and Mental Health, which is very important. One of the factors affecting organizational Citizenship behavior and organizational performance is Mental Health. Increasing physical and Mental Health in society; means reducing social harms, reducing the cost of exchanges and interactions in the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres, expanding the participation and social interactions of Citizens and civic institutions, and finally, facilitating and organizing urban services. Thus, policy-making to improve urban development and management requires mapping the space and the desired state of Mental Health. Therefore, physical and Mental Health, like other forms, should be considered by managers and the field of its maintenance and development should be provided in the organization. Managers and those who can create physical and Mental Health in Citizens in the municipal organization according to their management style, pave the way for their professional and organizational success. According to this concept, social capital includes concepts such as unity, cooperation, and cooperation between members of a group or community that forms a purposeful system and leads them to achieve a valuable goal. This research seeks the effect of urban management style on the physical and Mental Health of Citizens. The physical and Mental Health of Citizens in each drawer is one of the main goals of management, so the main purpose of this study was the effect of urban management style on the physical and Mental Health of Citizens. Methods: Due to the nature of the research, which seeks to investigate the relationship between research variables, the present study is a survey. The statistical population of this study, including all Citizens of Tehran, was estimated to be more than 8 million people. The sample size was 384 people through the Krejcie Morgan table by random sampling method. The collection tool in this study is a researcher-made questionnaire made by Urban Management and Mental Health David Goldberg (1972). In this study, PLS2 and SPSS tests were used to analyze the data Results: The results showed that the urban management style affects the physical and Mental Health of Citizens. It was observed that the significance value of t for the hypothesis was greater than 1.96. Because the standard path coefficient between these two variables is positive and equal to 0.610, so it can be said that by increasing the standard deviation in urban management style, we will see an increase in the physical and Mental Health of Citizens by 0.610 standard deviations. Was. Therefore, with a 95% probability, urban management style has a significant effect on the physical and Mental Health of Citizens. Conclusion: The results showed that the physical and Mental Health of Citizens is one of the important goals in any society that urban management style can be considered as an important financial and effective on these components. Social behaviors are very similar to Citizenship behaviors in organizations, which is the behavior of employees. Behaviors that go beyond the requirements of their role and facilitate the functioning of the organization. Mental Health encompasses organizational Citizenship behaviors by improving close interpersonal relationships. With the advent of the information and knowledge age, new concepts have emerged in the management and business environment so that the future competitive advantage of organizations depends on the effective and appropriate use of these new variables. Citizenship behavior is one of those concepts that has been the subject of serious research for the last decade. On the other hand, an organization with more mentally healthy employees will benefit from a competitive advantage that can help them outperform their competitors. In the field of modern urban management, the discussion of management model and style is one of the key issues related to how cities are governed. According to the research results, it can be suggested that principals increase organizational culture among teachers by creating an environment with interaction, altruism, work ethic, responsibility, and applying the dimensions of influence.


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