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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Revisiting Scientific Trends in Islamic Decision-Making: A Systematic Review




 Decision-making is the essence of management and a key factor in the success of individuals, organizations, and societies. Moreover, unlike many managerial and governance issues that are purely procedural, decision-making is directly influenced by doctrinal and value-based teachings. While numerous studies in the fields of Islamic management and governance have addressed this area, the lack of a holistic and structured perspective has led to fragmentation and a lack of synergy among these studies. The primary aim of this research is to meta-study previous studies to present a comprehensive and integrated depiction of the dimensions of Islamic decision-making, thereby identifying the major trends within this knowledge domain. Based on this objective, the central research question is: how can the dimensions and themes of Islamic decision-making be systematically categorized to clearly identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of these studies and uncover gaps in this research field? The methodology of this study is grounded in a systematic review. To this end, the researcher, along with a team of experts, first developed a systematic review protocol. Peer-reviewed scholarly articles in Persian, English, and Arabic were selected as the scope of the review. Two search strategies were employed: a keyword-based strategy and a source-oriented strategy. For the keyword-based strategy, a set of terms related to Islamic decision-making, including religious decision-making, was selected and searched in the three target languages across eight relevant academic databases. For the source-oriented strategy, seven journals focused on Islamic decision-making were comprehensively examined. As a result of these two strategies, a total of 11,159 scientific works were reviewed. After removing duplicates, invalid, or irrelevant works through several stages of screening, 395 scientific works remained within the scope of the study. The findings indicate that the body of knowledge on Islamic decision-making consists of ten fundamental themes: critical meta-paradigmatic Foundationalism, affirmative theorizing, refinement of intra-paradigmatic theories, limitation of applied theories, commercialization of theories, stylistics of Islamic decision-making, operational biography research, community-nation experience documentation, and the integration of these axes. The key results show that each theme plays a distinct role in explaining and advancing the paradigm of Islamic decision-making. Strengths of these studies include linking Islamic theories to contemporary scientific theories, laying the groundwork for applied research, and developing Islamic decision-making knowledge at the international level. Conversely, notable weaknesses include insufficient focus on theory-centric approaches, repetition of topics, and a lack of robust methodology in applied studies. Finally, the research offers a conceptual model for the synergy and integration of these works. Using interpretive structural modeling, the relationships and roles of each trend within the framework of Islamic decision-making knowledge were clarified. This model emphasizes the foundational role of critical meta-paradigmatic Foundationalism and affirmative theorizing, highlighting their prevalence in the pre-scientific stage of Islamic management knowledge. It also identifies four practical axes—commercialization of theories, stylistics, operational biography research, and community-nation experience documentation—as pivotal in making Islamic decision-making knowledge more applicable. In conclusion, theoretical and practical recommendations aligned with systematic review standards were provided.


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