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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Analyzing Central Government and Local Azarbaijani Rulers’ Functionality in Confronting Sheikh Obeidollah Shamzini’ s Rebellion (1289-1297AH/1880-1881 AC)




Sheikh Obeidollah Shamzini’ s rebellion is considered as one of the most renowned political and social crises in Qajar Era, due to its being multi faç ade. This rebellion at the highest levels of government in Iran led to reactions. Although the life of Sheikh Obeidullah's rebellion was short, it was considered one of the most important events of the late Naseri Era, given its background and its internal and external dimensions. The examination of the documents of the period under discussion shows that the issue related to Sheikh Obeidullah was very important for Iran and the mind of the Qajar statesmen was involved. This article focuses on the issue of analyzing the performance of the central government and local rulers of Azerbaijan in confronting the rebellion of Sheikh Obeidollah Shamzini (1298-1297 AH / 1881-1880 AC) and describing and analyzing the events in a library and documentary way. The main question of this research is that, considering the use and function of the military forces used to deal with the insurgents, how did they influence the containment of the crisis? Here, it is assumed that deficiency on state part in this case is attributed to lack of organizational management and the king, Nasser al-Din Shah, himself in facing such events. The weak association between central government and ruling authorities in Azarbaijan, in addition to deficiency in organizational structure and management, and wrong conduct of affiliates constitute the failure in controlling these crises.


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    APA: Copy

    Zaghian, Asadollah, Boushasb, Feizollah, & torabi farsani, soheyla. (2019). Analyzing Central Government and Local Azarbaijani Rulers’ Functionality in Confronting Sheikh Obeidollah Shamzini’ s Rebellion (1289-1297AH/1880-1881 AC). JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCHES (UNIVERSITY OF ISFAHAN), 54 (NEW VOL 10)(4 (40) ), 115-133. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/148908/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Zaghian Asadollah, Boushasb Feizollah, torabi farsani soheyla. Analyzing Central Government and Local Azarbaijani Rulers’ Functionality in Confronting Sheikh Obeidollah Shamzini’ s Rebellion (1289-1297AH/1880-1881 AC). JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCHES (UNIVERSITY OF ISFAHAN)[Internet]. 2019;54 (NEW VOL 10)(4 (40) ):115-133. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/148908/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Asadollah Zaghian, Feizollah Boushasb, and soheyla torabi farsani, “Analyzing Central Government and Local Azarbaijani Rulers’ Functionality in Confronting Sheikh Obeidollah Shamzini’ s Rebellion (1289-1297AH/1880-1881 AC),” JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCHES (UNIVERSITY OF ISFAHAN), vol. 54 (NEW VOL 10), no. 4 (40) , pp. 115–133, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/148908/en

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