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Persian Version

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 One the most important factors in correct and fluent translation of a text is analyzing the syntactic structure of the source text. This is particularly important in the translation of the Quran so in this article, we analyze SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTion of emphatic "L" (ل) in Quran and after analyzing parallels of this structure in Persian and some translations of this construction in translator Qurans regarding the view points of syntactic and vowel point scientists, interpreters and Persian grammar, we present a similar translation based on analyses of this structure. This structure: "was /were not + "L" (ل) +future verb followed by "that" ( (ان that is not present in sentence " used in 19verses of Quran and discussed in syntactic sources, Quran`s vowel point books and interpretations. Emphatic "L" (ل) comes before future verb while "was /were not" is precede and marks end of the verb with vowel point "a", for example: "وَ مَا کاَنَ اللَّهُ لِیُضِیعَ إِیمَانَکُمْ" (Al_Baqara, 143). There are many disputes among two Basra and Kufa schools and syntactic scientists following each of the two schools over the factor which marks the end of the future verb with vowel point "a" and " predicate" of this structure. Basra school thinks that this factor is "that" which return to infinitive and with preposition "L" (ل) which precede it, governed by a preposition and it is owned to the omitted " was /were" predicate and structure of that is so:" ماکان قاصداً للفعل" because the negation of intention is more eloquent than negation of verb because negation of the verb is not entails negation of the will, but negation the will entails negate a verb. But Kufa school believes that vowel point "a" at the end of the future verb is because of "L" (ل) itself and "L" (ل) is unnecessary and for emphasis so predicate of (was /were) is future verb + "L" (ل) that is present in sentence.Hesitate to this verse and other verses confirms point of view of both the Basra and Kufa schools, that is precede by "L" (ل) is because of "that" ( (انthat is not present in sentence, but not "L" (ل) itself because in many verses of Quran vowel point of future verb that is precede by (was /were not) become "a" because of "that" (ان) such as:" وَ مَا کاَنَ لِنَبیِ‏ أَن یَغُلَّ" (al_Emran 161), "وَ مَا کاَنَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ أَن یَقْتُلَ مُؤْمِنًا إِلَّا خَطَا"(nesa 92), "مَا کاَنَ لِنَبیِ‏ أَن یَکُونَ لَهُ أَسْرَی‏ حَتیَ‏ یُثْخِنَ فیِ الْأَرْض‏"( anfal 67), and other 17 verses cab be confirmation for the structure of "L" (ل) that the factor which marks the end of the future verb with vowel point "a" is "that" ((ان that is not present in sentence. In the syntactic books: among the factors that mark the vowel point of future verb to "a" only "that"((ان can function while it is hidden or appear and should be hidden when it precede by (was /were not), moreover "L" (ل) can not mark the vowel point of future verb to "a" because it is one of the factors that assigning to the nouns so it is not correct that what is allocate to noun, act on verb, then it is necessary to a factor to change the future verb to noun, so that "L" (ل) can act on it as preposition and only "that"(ان) can do this. Most of the vowel point scientists and interpreters believe that predicate in this verses is not appear in sentence, but some of them think so in some verses and in others believe that the factor which marks the end of the future verb with vowel point "a" is "that" (ان) that is not present in sentence. Mohiedin Darvish in 6 verses can not accept the omitted predicate and say: " "L" (ل) and preposition is in place of predicate". Studding the context and meaning of other 13 verses not only reject hidden predicate, but also show that future verb with vowel point "a" because of "that" (ان) can be predicate itself in these sentences without any problem.Due to differences of opinion of syntactic scientists, the context and meaning of the verses and the rule of non omission in any of these 19 verses, it is not necessary to omitted predicate and "L" (ل) emphasis on negation (Ibne- Hosham: 1,228/1386). For translation of this structure "never" adverb and continuous past or predicative future/present regarding to the context should be used. While the parallel structure of "L" (ل) in Persian is: a confirmation adverb such as "certainly", but due to meaning of these verses "never" adverb should be used in for translation of "L" (ل).


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    APA: Copy

    SHOKRANI, R., & KEYANI, Z.. (2013). THE STUDY OF EMPHATIC L. LITERARY ARTS, 5(1 (8)), 141-154. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/156953/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SHOKRANI R., KEYANI Z.. THE STUDY OF EMPHATIC L. LITERARY ARTS[Internet]. 2013;5(1 (8)):141-154. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/156953/en

    IEEE: Copy

    R. SHOKRANI, and Z. KEYANI, “THE STUDY OF EMPHATIC L,” LITERARY ARTS, vol. 5, no. 1 (8), pp. 141–154, 2013, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/156953/en

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