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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Extent and Method of Application of Taboo in Contemporary Fiction Literature (1320-1380 SH)




 One of the best approaches in identifying the indications of folklore and anthropology of individuals of community, is the study of Fiction Literature. Taboo as a sacred ban, is of most important indications appears in fictional texts. These are very first human rules which became the basis of moral and religious prohibitions. Fiction Literature is based on multiple factors including personal experiences, personal thoughts and social facts, and Taboos of a community are originating from these factors and affecting them at the same time. In this article, we firs expanded the theoretical concepts of Taboo in Iranian Community and contemporary Fiction Literature, and then tried to investigate and recognize the prominent and latent features of Iranian Community. Then we interpreted some objective examples in fictional texts (1320-1380 SH). The results show that Taboos of Iranian society have the highest frequency in three groups, including power, sexual issues, and language. Also authors have had a boad atterntion to Taboos related to mother, father, being a woman, and Hijab. The language of stories and the Taboos they contain, both have a close relationship with the gender and social class of the writers and the heros of stories. The time of the creation of a story also influences the birth or death of Taboos, due to social, cultural and political events.


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    APA: Copy

    Rahmanian, Zeynab, ADELZADEH, PARVANEH, & Pashai Fakhri, Kamran. (2019). The Extent and Method of Application of Taboo in Contemporary Fiction Literature (1320-1380 SH). JOURNAL OF STYLISTIC OF PERSIAN POEM AND PROSE (BAHAR-E-ADAB), 12(3 (45) ), 263-284. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/170756/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Rahmanian Zeynab, ADELZADEH PARVANEH, Pashai Fakhri Kamran. The Extent and Method of Application of Taboo in Contemporary Fiction Literature (1320-1380 SH). JOURNAL OF STYLISTIC OF PERSIAN POEM AND PROSE (BAHAR-E-ADAB)[Internet]. 2019;12(3 (45) ):263-284. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/170756/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Zeynab Rahmanian, PARVANEH ADELZADEH, and Kamran Pashai Fakhri, “The Extent and Method of Application of Taboo in Contemporary Fiction Literature (1320-1380 SH),” JOURNAL OF STYLISTIC OF PERSIAN POEM AND PROSE (BAHAR-E-ADAB), vol. 12, no. 3 (45) , pp. 263–284, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/170756/en

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