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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Designing and Explaining A Two-Level Model of Emotional Intelligence Effect on Trust and Its Impact on Collaboration Culture and Individual Creativity (The Case: Trainers and students of Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) in Khuzestan Province)




 Introduction With regard to the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship for the societies’ economic developments through creativity, and since that one of the policies of Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) is enhancing human resource skill to expand employment by empowering individuals to response to ever increasing changes in knowledge and technology, we can state that the social environment, where collaboration culture support personal creativity plays an important part in this context. Objective The objective of this study is to develop a two-level model with the aim of investigating the factors affecting the collaboration culture and individual creativity. Methodology The statistical population of the study is consist of trainers and apprentices of Private and Public Service Centers of the Technical and Vocational Training Organization. In line with this objective, eight centers were identified in this study. A total of 34 teams were selected as sample using random sampling. This study is a applied research, as well as a descriptivecorrelational study in term of data collection. In this study, in order to collect data and measure variables, a questionnaire instrument was used. Finally, 319 usable questionnaires were obtained from trainers and apprentices of Ahvaz private and public centers. The reliability of the questionnaire in this study was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. For this purpose, a pretest using 30 questionnaires were distributed among the apprentices and trainers of Ahwaz technical and vocational training organization and the results obtained from the data showed coefficients as high as 0. 7. The validity of the questionnaire was also evaluated and verified through content and face validity. To analyze the data according to the nature and level of the variables measurements, Pearson correlation test was used by SPSS software, and in order to test the hypotheses, structural equation methods using AMOS software and HLM software in a two-level form. Results at Individual level, research findings indicate that emotional intelligence on cognitive trust, emotional intelligence on emotional trust, cognitive trust on collaboration culture, emotional trust on collaboration culture, collaboration culture on individual creativity, team creativity on collaboration culture and team creativity on individual creativity with regression coefficients of, 0. 733, 0. 771, 0. 650, 0. 198, 0. 560, 0. 298, and 0. 370, have significant and positive effect, respectively. Therefore, higher emotional intelligence will lead to more trust building, and those who have a higher cognitive trust towards their coworker member will contribute more confidently at the time of collaboration, and the higher the level of emotional trust, the more it facilitates interactions during collaboration. Also, the collaborative culture which has been developed as a result of a trustworthy environment will make members to share their own ideas with more motivation in order to enforce individual creativity, and if in one team, the ideas that people have, made published, it will firstly leads to support the ideas by coworkers and, in the second place, leads to strengthen ties, which it encourages members to cooperate. Also, when creativity increases in teams, it will enhance individual creativity. Conclusion The results of the hypothesis test show that at individual level, emotional intelligence affects the trust structures (cognitive and emotional) and trust is effective on the culture of collaboration and individual creativity. At group level, team creativity has a special impact on collaboration culture and individual creativity. In line with the analysis, in order to strengthen collaboration culture and institutionalization of creativity in the members of an educational team, it has been proposed that emotional intelligence as a necessary skill that strengthens the cognitive and emotional trust of individuals and thereby influences collaboration culture and individual creativity, must be paid attention to and to be trained. Also a social environment must be provided in which members are supported and encouraged to share their ideas in order to form creativity.


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    APA: Copy

    NADAF, MAHDI, Rahimi, Farajolah, & GHOLAMI, ZAHRA. (2019). Designing and Explaining A Two-Level Model of Emotional Intelligence Effect on Trust and Its Impact on Collaboration Culture and Individual Creativity (The Case: Trainers and students of Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) in Khuzestan Province). JOURNAL OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY), 6 (26)(1 ), 119-136. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/186714/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NADAF MAHDI, Rahimi Farajolah, GHOLAMI ZAHRA. Designing and Explaining A Two-Level Model of Emotional Intelligence Effect on Trust and Its Impact on Collaboration Culture and Individual Creativity (The Case: Trainers and students of Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) in Khuzestan Province). JOURNAL OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY)[Internet]. 2019;6 (26)(1 ):119-136. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/186714/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MAHDI NADAF, Farajolah Rahimi, and ZAHRA GHOLAMI, “Designing and Explaining A Two-Level Model of Emotional Intelligence Effect on Trust and Its Impact on Collaboration Culture and Individual Creativity (The Case: Trainers and students of Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) in Khuzestan Province),” JOURNAL OF EDUCATION (JOURNAL OF EDUCATION & PSYCHOLOGY), vol. 6 (26), no. 1 , pp. 119–136, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/186714/en

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