CopySHEYKHAN, REYHANE, GHADAMPOUR, EZATOLLAH, & AGHABOZORGI, REZA. (2019). the effect of self compassion training on body image and quality of life in women with breast cancer without metastasis under chemotherapy. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES, 9(35 ), 131-145. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/208545/en
CopySHEYKHAN REYHANE, GHADAMPOUR EZATOLLAH, AGHABOZORGI REZA. the effect of self compassion training on body image and quality of life in women with breast cancer without metastasis under chemotherapy. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES[Internet]. 2019;9(35 ):131-145. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/208545/en
CopyREYHANE SHEYKHAN, EZATOLLAH GHADAMPOUR, and REZA AGHABOZORGI, “the effect of self compassion training on body image and quality of life in women with breast cancer without metastasis under chemotherapy,” CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY STUDIES, vol. 9, no. 35 , pp. 131–145, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/208545/en