Information Journal Paper
CopyTAGHIPOUR ZAHIR, ALI, Zamani maghadam, Afsaneh, & Dadgarpanah, Jila. (2019). Providing a Development Model for Management and Education of the Empowerment of Graduated Students of the Islamic Azad University in Tehran (Case: Media Management). MEDIA STUDIES, 13(4 (43) ), 75-90. SID.
CopyTAGHIPOUR ZAHIR ALI, Zamani maghadam Afsaneh, Dadgarpanah Jila. Providing a Development Model for Management and Education of the Empowerment of Graduated Students of the Islamic Azad University in Tehran (Case: Media Management). MEDIA STUDIES[Internet]. 2019;13(4 (43) ):75-90. Available from:
CopyALI TAGHIPOUR ZAHIR, Afsaneh Zamani maghadam, and Jila Dadgarpanah, “Providing a Development Model for Management and Education of the Empowerment of Graduated Students of the Islamic Azad University in Tehran (Case: Media Management),” MEDIA STUDIES, vol. 13, no. 4 (43) , pp. 75–90, 2019, [Online]. Available: