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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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IN FRENCH: L’ imaginaire face à l’ angoisse: É tude de l’ imaginaire de l’ hé roï ne de Poisson d’ or selon la mé thode critique de Gilbert Durand (IN ENGLISH:Imagination as a Defense Mechanism against Anxiety: Examining the Imagination of the Female Protagonist in Poisson d'or Novel According to Gilbert Durand’ s Method of Criticism)




rêveries (IN ENGLISH: Le ClézioQ1


 IN FRENCH: Le Clé zio dont son oeuvre Poisson d’ or est analysé e dans cet article est un é crivain franç ais les plus importants de sa gé né ration qui a reç u le prix Renaudot et le prix Nobel de litté rature. L’ é tude des images symboliques dans les rê veries de Laï la, son hé roï ne, nous montre comment l’ imagination de l’ auteur essaie de maî triser son angoisse devant le passage du temps. Cette recherche propose donc l’ é tude de l’ imagination de l’ é crivain, en analysant des pulsions inconscientes, les forces oniriques qui s’ é panchent dans la vie consciente de l’ auteur. Nous suivons le combat de l’ imaginaire de l’ é crivain contre le temps, à travers l’ é tude des images symboliques qui apparaissent comme une ré action devant l’ angoisse de la mort. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous recourrons à la mé thode d’ analyse des images proposé es par Gilbert Durand et nous é tudierons l’ imaginaire de l’ é crivain à travers les images en les classifiant dans les deux ré gimes de l’ imaginaire (diurne et nocturne) ainsi nous dé finirons le ré gime dominant de l’ imagination de l’ é crivain. Nous analyserons les images montrant l’ angoisse et la peur au moment de la cré ation litté raire chez cet é crivain. Nous essaierons de ré pondre à cette question: le romancier permet-il à son personnage principal, Laila, de projeter son angoisse dans l’ imaginaire et de surmonter son anxié té face à la mort? IN ENGLISH: The Fish of Gold novel, written by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clé zio, is examined in this study. Le Clé zio is a well-known French writer who has been awarded with Prix Renaudot as well as the Nobel Prize in literature. Studying the symbolic images in the dreams of Laila, the female protagonist of the novel, will demonstrate how the writer uses his power of imagination to confront his feelings of anxiety regarding the passage of time. The present inquiry attempts to study the unconscious desires and daydreaming that constantly appear in the writer’ s consciousness. By studying the symbolic images emerging as a response to the fear of death, the battle of the writer’ s imagination against the passage of time could be followed; furthermore, a classification of the literary images within imaginary poems (daily, nightly) using Gilbert Durand’ s method of criticism, the imagination of the writer could be examined and we will determine the imaginative tendency of the author. It is attempted to analyze images that demonstrate the writer’ s anxiety and senses of concern about death during literary creativity. This study will be the key to understanding does the novelist allow his main character, Leila, to project his anxiety into the imaginary and overcome his anxiety regarding the fear of death?


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    APA: Copy

    MAZARI, NEGAR, & SOROUSH, SARA. (2018). IN FRENCH: L’ imaginaire face à l’ angoisse: É tude de l’ imaginaire de l’ hé roï ne de Poisson d’ or selon la mé thode critique de Gilbert Durand (IN ENGLISH:Imagination as a Defense Mechanism against Anxiety: Examining the Imagination of the Female Protagonist in Poisson d'or Novel According to Gilbert Durand’ s Method of Criticism). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, 10(2 (19) ), 67-82. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/223137/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MAZARI NEGAR, SOROUSH SARA. IN FRENCH: L’ imaginaire face à l’ angoisse: É tude de l’ imaginaire de l’ hé roï ne de Poisson d’ or selon la mé thode critique de Gilbert Durand (IN ENGLISH:Imagination as a Defense Mechanism against Anxiety: Examining the Imagination of the Female Protagonist in Poisson d'or Novel According to Gilbert Durand’ s Method of Criticism). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE[Internet]. 2018;10(2 (19) ):67-82. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/223137/en

    IEEE: Copy

    NEGAR MAZARI, and SARA SOROUSH, “IN FRENCH: L’ imaginaire face à l’ angoisse: É tude de l’ imaginaire de l’ hé roï ne de Poisson d’ or selon la mé thode critique de Gilbert Durand (IN ENGLISH:Imagination as a Defense Mechanism against Anxiety: Examining the Imagination of the Female Protagonist in Poisson d'or Novel According to Gilbert Durand’ s Method of Criticism),” REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, vol. 10, no. 2 (19) , pp. 67–82, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/223137/en

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