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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


IN FRENCH: Dé construction des frontiè res gé né riques: Le Vol d’ Icare de Queneau (IN ENGLISH: Deconstructing the genre of novel in The Flight of Icarus by Raymond Queneau)




 IN FRENCH: Le Vol d’ Icare (1968) de Raymond Queneau est consi; ré comme la mise en oeuvre de la ; construction ; ; rique et celle de la refonte du genre romanesque. Queneau ; stabilise dans ce roman les frontiè res ; ; riques à de multiples niveaux: formel, langagier et dié ; tique. L’ é tude de ces aspects met en lumiè re les diffé rents types de ; construction pré senté s dans ce roman. On remarque qu’ au niveau macrostructural (le niveau formel), le degré de liberté du romancier est consi; rable, tandis qu’ au niveau microstructurel divisé en langagier et dié ; tique, la liberté de ; construction est limité e en s’ appuyant aux structures strictes et dures. Queneau, dans le processus de la remise en cause des genres traditionnels, ajoute une bonne dose ludique à son oeuvre contre la pratique des auteurs du Nouveau roman qui entament cette ; construction ; ; rique de maniè re sé rieuse. Queneau est devenu un modè le pertinent, non seulement pour les oulipiens ré cents mais pour les autres é crivains hors de l’ Oulipo. IN ENGLISH: The flight of Icarus (1968) by Raymond Queneau realizes the deconstructing genres and in particular the renovation of the literary genre of novel. It seems that the author has attacked the traditional form of novel, because the concept of "literary genre" in this novel has a definite definition for him. Queneau, unlike the authors of the French new novel movement, who have always used this deconstructing in serious and non-comic writings, properly adds the comic element to this deconstructing process of genres. Keno, in this novel, destabilizes the traditional boundaries of the literary genres at various levels: formal, linguistic, and diegetic. The study of these levels reveals different types of deconstruction in the genre of novel. It seems that Keno makes changes at the macro-level, i. e. at the formal level of the novel more conveniently. However, at other levels (linguistic and diegetic), the author is not able to destabilize this genre, due to the use of strict rules.


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    APA: Copy

    ASSADOLLAHI, ALLAHSHOKR, JAVARI, MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, & SADAGHIAN, ZEINAB. (2019). IN FRENCH: Dé construction des frontiè res gé né riques: Le Vol d’ Icare de Queneau (IN ENGLISH: Deconstructing the genre of novel in The Flight of Icarus by Raymond Queneau). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, 11(1 (20) ), 101-114. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/223191/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ASSADOLLAHI ALLAHSHOKR, JAVARI MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, SADAGHIAN ZEINAB. IN FRENCH: Dé construction des frontiè res gé né riques: Le Vol d’ Icare de Queneau (IN ENGLISH: Deconstructing the genre of novel in The Flight of Icarus by Raymond Queneau). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE[Internet]. 2019;11(1 (20) ):101-114. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/223191/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ALLAHSHOKR ASSADOLLAHI, MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN JAVARI, and ZEINAB SADAGHIAN, “IN FRENCH: Dé construction des frontiè res gé né riques: Le Vol d’ Icare de Queneau (IN ENGLISH: Deconstructing the genre of novel in The Flight of Icarus by Raymond Queneau),” REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, vol. 11, no. 1 (20) , pp. 101–114, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/223191/en

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