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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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A Qualitative Study of Reasons of Citizens’ Defiance Against Police Forces’ Orders in North Khorasan Province with a Grounded Theory Approach




 Introduction: Defiance against Police forces’ orders based on article 607 of Islamic Penal Code is crime (Article 607: Any form of attack or resistance carried out knowingly against state agents while they are performing their duties shall be regarded as Defiance … ). So far, the complex of law and disciplines couldn’ t curb the crime of Citizens’ Defiance against Police forces’ orders and this crime is done against Police officials every day. So, the suppositions of status quo haven’ t been in harmony with supposition and the result haven’ t met the considered obligations. Defiance as the topic of this study is the criminal action, so the theories related to Defiance and the theories related to criminal actions have been analyzed. Material & Methods: To identify the existing conditions, this study, with a social interpretivism approach, has studied the reasons of Citizens’ Defiance against Police forces’ orders in North Khorasan province. In this research, Grounded Theory has been used to analyze data gathered from semi-structured interviews. To collect data, theoretical and purposive samplings have been used simultaneously. Purposive sampling was used for selecting individuals for interviewing and theoretical sampling for identifying individuals’ numbers and locating required data and finding the path of research. Ultimately, theoretical saturation achieved by 41 interviews in three groups, including Police officials (17 individuals), Citizenships (14 individuals), and academic elites and experts (10 individuals) and the sampling ended. The interview texts during some stages were encoded. The process of coding in Grounded Theory includes 3 stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding that are needed for touching theoretical model or paradigmatically model. Discussion of Results & Conclusions: In the of 41 interviews, the effective factors on Citizens’ Defiance against Police forces’ orders were identified and encoded at some stages. After extracting basic conceptions (88 ones), subcategories (25 ones), and major categories (10 ones), an integrative and convergent model was extracted which enjoys a more abstract level that indicates the main question of the research and the major categories in some factors (casual, contextual, and intervening conditions). Action strategies and consequences were separated in order to achieve a theory based on induction fitted with the condition of North Khorasan province regarding Citizens’ Defiance against Police forces’ orders. Based on the frame of Grounded Theory, Defiance against Police forces’ orders was considered as the core categories of this research including instrumental, protest, special and dramatic Defiance. Casual condition of Citizens’ Defiance against Police forces’ orders including three major categories, insufficient law and ineffective education (two subcategories: weakness in law and education ineffectiveness), facilitating society of Defiance (two subcategories: acceptance of breaking law in common culture and spreading anger), and erosion of social capital (six subcategories: cynicism for moral sphere of society, the weakness of Police professional morality, weakness of Citizen morality, duplicity of Police, wasting Citizen law, and decreasing social trust); contextual conditions including two major categories of life limbo (tree subcategories: low level of social and economic development, minority anxiety/ authority of majority, and low patience) and insufficiency of infrastructures and equipment (two subcategories: Police equipment weakness, and infrastructures inefficiency); intervening conditions including Managing poor interaction scene (two subcategories: repulsive interaction of Police and Citizens, and the Violations of polite norms) the interaction condition (including verbal and non-verbal Defiance) and the consequences of Citizens’ Defiance against Police forces’ orders including two major categories of decreasing law legitimacy (tree subcategory of decreasing trust to Fairness of the law, decreasing law legitimacy, self-allowance against law jurisdiction) and decreasing Police authority were extracted from the interviews. Since in North Khorasan province different nations of Turk, Kormanji, Kurd, Tat, Turkmen, Persian, along with the minority of Sunni live with Shia, so the cultural context of province is complex and regulating this province needed much effort and special education and training by Police and Citizens. This province should be considered as a less-developed province, and in every design and planning, this complex cultural context and the condition of socioeconomic development of North Khorasan province must be considered.


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    APA: Copy

    RAHMANI, MARYAM. (2018). A Qualitative Study of Reasons of Citizens’ Defiance Against Police Forces’ Orders in North Khorasan Province with a Grounded Theory Approach. STRATEGIC RESEARCH ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN IRAN, 7(3 (22) ), 55-82. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/236808/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RAHMANI MARYAM. A Qualitative Study of Reasons of Citizens’ Defiance Against Police Forces’ Orders in North Khorasan Province with a Grounded Theory Approach. STRATEGIC RESEARCH ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN IRAN[Internet]. 2018;7(3 (22) ):55-82. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/236808/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MARYAM RAHMANI, “A Qualitative Study of Reasons of Citizens’ Defiance Against Police Forces’ Orders in North Khorasan Province with a Grounded Theory Approach,” STRATEGIC RESEARCH ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN IRAN, vol. 7, no. 3 (22) , pp. 55–82, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/236808/en

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