Information Journal Paper
CopyGhasemipour, Raheleh, JALILVAND KARIMI, LEYLA, MOHAMMADKHANI, GHASSEM, RASOULIFARD, PARISA, & AKBARZADEH BAGHBAN, ALIREZA. (2019). Relationship between the Double Corrected Consonant-Vowel Responses Score in Dichotic Consonant-Vowel Test and Amplitude and Latency of P300 Wave in Adults with Normal Hearing. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, 8(3 ), 241-249. SID.
CopyGhasemipour Raheleh, JALILVAND KARIMI LEYLA, MOHAMMADKHANI GHASSEM, RASOULIFARD PARISA, AKBARZADEH BAGHBAN ALIREZA. Relationship between the Double Corrected Consonant-Vowel Responses Score in Dichotic Consonant-Vowel Test and Amplitude and Latency of P300 Wave in Adults with Normal Hearing. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE[Internet]. 2019;8(3 ):241-249. Available from:
CopyRaheleh Ghasemipour, LEYLA JALILVAND KARIMI, GHASSEM MOHAMMADKHANI, PARISA RASOULIFARD, and ALIREZA AKBARZADEH BAGHBAN, “Relationship between the Double Corrected Consonant-Vowel Responses Score in Dichotic Consonant-Vowel Test and Amplitude and Latency of P300 Wave in Adults with Normal Hearing,” SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, vol. 8, no. 3 , pp. 241–249, 2019, [Online]. Available: