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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Methodology of Interpreting Mutashā bih Verses of Qur’ ā n According to Imam Riḍ ā (as) Narrations




 The existing of (as)h x101/fa?page=1&sort=1&ftyp=all&fgrp=all&fyrs=all" target="_blank">Mut(as)hā; bih verses which is a fact acknowledged by the Qur’ ā n itself, because of its substantial allegorical referents, provides a context for incorrect interpretations and intellectual and behavioral ambiguity which from the Qur’ ā nic (as)pect by referring them to the Muḥ kam verses (decisive verses) (as) well (as) referring to Ahl al-Bayt ((as)), authentic interpretation can be obtained. On the other hand, some interpretative narratives of Imam Riḍ; ā h(as) been devoted to the subject of interpretation of allegorical verses, which by surveying this narration we can extract eight method for obtaining an authentic interpretation, following (as): 1. Using rational theorem; 2. Utilizing the procedure of verses; 3. Utilizing from the implications of other verses; 4. Emph(as)is on the principle of «ایاک اعنی و اسمعی یا جاره» (The speaker says something, but his real meaning is something else); 5. Citation to recitative revelation; 6. Applicating Naba; and Wala; narrations; 7. Using correct history; 8. The use of Qur’ ā nic literature. The author of this article after providing literal and idiomatic concept of the two words “ Ta’; ; l” and “ (as)h x101/fa?page=1&sort=1&ftyp=all&fgrp=all&fyrs=all" target="_blank">Mut(as)hā; bih” , presents samples for the eight methods, driven from Imam Riḍ; ā ((as)) narrations and discusses about them.


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    APA: Copy

    NASIRI, ALI, NASIRI, MOHAMAD HOSEIN, KARIMI, HAMID, & Maleki Dizini, Mohammad Reza. (2020). Methodology of Interpreting Mutashā bih Verses of Qur’ ā n According to Imam Riḍ ā (as) Narrations. JOURNAL OF RAZAVI CULTURE, 7(4 (28) ), 111-134. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/253786/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NASIRI ALI, NASIRI MOHAMAD HOSEIN, KARIMI HAMID, Maleki Dizini Mohammad Reza. Methodology of Interpreting Mutashā bih Verses of Qur’ ā n According to Imam Riḍ ā (as) Narrations. JOURNAL OF RAZAVI CULTURE[Internet]. 2020;7(4 (28) ):111-134. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/253786/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ALI NASIRI, MOHAMAD HOSEIN NASIRI, HAMID KARIMI, and Mohammad Reza Maleki Dizini, “Methodology of Interpreting Mutashā bih Verses of Qur’ ā n According to Imam Riḍ ā (as) Narrations,” JOURNAL OF RAZAVI CULTURE, vol. 7, no. 4 (28) , pp. 111–134, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/253786/en

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