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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Effect of Content marketing use on Intent to Revisit the Website in Emerged Internet Businesses (Case Study: Yekta Ketab Website)




 Nowadays, in competitive online environment, content creators of websites are having trouble attracting visitors to their websites. The need to increase traffic to websites or increase the number of visits to the site is because it reflects the visitors' interest in the content of the site and thereby increases the site's sales potential. In fact, this indicates that the content of the site is changing the customer's buying pattern. So, in light of what has been said, one can boldly claim that one of the most effective and optimal ways is to use content marketing techniques in terms of low cost, efficiency and attraction of users. Content marketing refers to activities related to creating and updating website content to attract and retain internet users on websites. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of how content marketing is applied to website re-visit intention in emerging businesses with moderating role of website quality. That is to say, the research concern of the researcher in addressing the aforementioned studies is increasing the number of website visitors and attracting users and customers as one of the most important concerns of Internet businesses, especially emerging businesses, of course, to solve this problem. And there have been a variety of marketing practices, including content marketing, so it can be concluded that the shift from traditional marketing strategy to content marketing and digitization to the requirements of today's emerging Internet businesses to increase site visits and engagement. Users and retain customers. But the important point is to look at how content marketing can impact website re-visitation. Therefore, the issue raised in this study is how content marketing impacts the intention of website visits to emerging Internet businesses. Also the main question of this study is: "Does the use of content marketing have a positive and significant effect on the intention of website visits to emerging internet businesses? " So in the next article, we first examine the concept of content marketing and its importance in helping customers make informed decisions and then study backgrounds around the research topic to clarify what research has been done so far. What dimensions are considered then the theoretical basis for the research on the institutional and value-based nature of research? After explaining the research methodology used, the hypotheses were tested as follows: 1-Content marketing has an impact on the intention of re-visiting the site. 2-Content marketing has an impact on the intention of re-visiting the site with the moderating role of website quality. 3-The quantity of content on the site affects the intention to re-visiting the site. 4-The quality of the content of the site affects the intention to re-visiting the site. This research is descriptive-survey in nature and method and it is applied in terms of purpose. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Because of the unrestricted population, the sample size was determined by Cochran formula and 100 were obtained. In order to ensure the collection of questionnaires, 110 questionnaires were distributed among individuals through simple random sampling. 100 questionnaires were approved and reviewed. Given that the sample population is 100 and the minimum number of respondents in the Likert scale is 100, a 5-point Likert spectrum was used to respond to the audience, including: Very low, low, medium, high and very high. Subjects were provided to measure their reliability. For this purpose, Cronbach's alpha method was used. The calculated alpha value for each criterion was as follows: Content marketing with 12 questions in the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha 0. 904, site visit with 6 questions in the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha value. 0. 833, Website quality with 11 questions in the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha value 0. 914, Content quality of the site with 5 questions in the questionnaire and Cronbach's alpha 0. 869, Content quality of the site with 7 questions in the questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha value of 0. 856. Since the Cronbach's alpha values are higher than 0. 7, the reliability of the questionnaire is confirmed. Then, in the discussion of data analysis, two sections of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were conducted. In the descriptive analysis of information, firstly, the demographic and demographic characteristics of the respondents were discussed and then analyzed and analyzed. Demographic characteristics were analyzed using central tendency indices and their dispersion, which were facial or fashion. Based on the calculated sample size, the descriptive statistics of the survey participants show that 27% of the visitors visit the site once a week, 33% of the visitors visit the site once a month and 40% of users visit the site once a month. Sixty-one members were female and 39 were male, 51% of them are married. Also, the number of people older than 30 years has the highest frequency (52%) and most of the Persons have a master's degree and higher (64%). Also 40% of the Persons are employees with the highest percentage. The results show that the number of people referring to the site had the highest frequency (58%) and that of the total number of people who visited the site to use educational content comprised 42% of the total sample size and should be noted. Of the 42% of visitors to the site to use educational content, this indicates the production of valuable content needed by users. So using site content to attract visitors or in other words, content marketing is a feature of this Internet business; on the other hand, 58 percent of visitors visit the site to buy, according to the site's statistics system, 56 percent of these visitors visit their engines daily. Search engines are coming to this site, which also indicates that there is strong and useful content on the website that has boosted the site's ranking in search engines. Then, in the inferential statistics section, first, using Pearson correlation test, to determine the correlation between the research variables and the meaningfulness of the relationship between them, because all coefficients are higher than 0. 5, the assumption of the independence of the variables is not confirmed and the correlations at the level 95% confidence makes sense. Then, the research hypotheses were analyzed using structural equation modeling technique. After analyzing the data using Structural Equation Modeling technique, due to the larger value of “ t” , the value of 1. 96 for the variables: content marketing with moderating role of website quality, quantity as well as site content quality; significance of all three variables was significant. Confirmation of intention to re-visit the site at 95% confidence level and based on standardized coefficients of path between variables: content marketing and re-visit intention, quantity of site content and intention to re-visit the site and ultimately quality of site content and intention Re-visiting the site reveals that the content marketing variable is important 46%, site content quality 19% and site content quantity 60%, explain the changes in intention to visit the site and have a positive and significant impact.


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    APA: Copy

    REZVANI, MEHRAN, Mirtaheri, Sayyedeh Fatemeh, & Rezaee, Marzieh. (2019). The Effect of Content marketing use on Intent to Revisit the Website in Emerged Internet Businesses (Case Study: Yekta Ketab Website). CONSUMER BEHAVIOR STUDIES, 6(1 ), 21-39. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/268097/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    REZVANI MEHRAN, Mirtaheri Sayyedeh Fatemeh, Rezaee Marzieh. The Effect of Content marketing use on Intent to Revisit the Website in Emerged Internet Businesses (Case Study: Yekta Ketab Website). CONSUMER BEHAVIOR STUDIES[Internet]. 2019;6(1 ):21-39. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/268097/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MEHRAN REZVANI, Sayyedeh Fatemeh Mirtaheri, and Marzieh Rezaee, “The Effect of Content marketing use on Intent to Revisit the Website in Emerged Internet Businesses (Case Study: Yekta Ketab Website),” CONSUMER BEHAVIOR STUDIES, vol. 6, no. 1 , pp. 21–39, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/268097/en

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