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Persian Version

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Preliminary Normative Data of Persian Phonemic and Semantic Verbal Fluency Test




 Objective: Verbal Fluency tests (VFTs) are widely used in clinical practice and research to assess executive functions and are highly sensitive to frontal lobe lesions. However, using VFTs in different cultures and languages needs further considerations. The aim of this study was to provide a Persian (Farsi) version of Verbal Fluency with preliminary Normative Data. Method: In the first phase, 50 healthy native Persian-speaking individuals completed 1-minute VFT for all 32 letters in Persian to find letters with highest frequency. In the second phase, 100 healthy participants (50 females) were recruited into 5 age groups that were matched by gender and education. Participants were instructed to do 1-minute VFT for the 3 selected letters (phonemic VFT) and 3 categories (animal, supermarket, and fruit) (semantic VFT). For data analysis, one-way ANOVA was performed. Results: In the first phase, 3 letters (Pe standing for /P/, Meem for /M/ and Kaaf for /K/) had the highest frequency in word production (12 in average) and had been chosen for Persian phonemic VFT. Participants were assessed with the 3 selected letters (/P/: 12. 28± 3. 607, /M/: 12. 54± 3. 907, and /K/: 12. 48± 3. 708) and 3 semantic categories (animal: 21. 67± 5. 119, supermarket: 21. 19± 4. 907, and fruit: 19. 58± 4. 439) with 1-minute time limitation for each test. The results showed that education was significantly (p<0. 01) associated with the performance in the phonemic but not semantic scores, while age was not correlated with either of the tests. No significant effect of gender was observed. Conclusion: Based on our results, we recommend Persian letters Pe, Meem, and Kaff that have the highest frequency in word production among others to be used for Neuropsychological Assessments and future studies in the Persian language. This is the same logic behind selecting F, A, and S in the English version. Although the norms obtained in this study are preliminary, these results can be useful in clinical evaluation with considerations about age and educational levels. Moreover, the findings of this study can be used as an initial step for more comprehensive normative studies.


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    APA: Copy

    GHASEMIAN SHIRVAN, ENSIYEH, Molavi Shirazi, Saba, Aminikhoo, Masoume, Zareaan, Mostafa, & EKHTIARI, HAMED. (2018). Preliminary Normative Data of Persian Phonemic and Semantic Verbal Fluency Test. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, 13(4), 288-295. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/302443/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GHASEMIAN SHIRVAN ENSIYEH, Molavi Shirazi Saba, Aminikhoo Masoume, Zareaan Mostafa, EKHTIARI HAMED. Preliminary Normative Data of Persian Phonemic and Semantic Verbal Fluency Test. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY[Internet]. 2018;13(4):288-295. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/302443/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ENSIYEH GHASEMIAN SHIRVAN, Saba Molavi Shirazi, Masoume Aminikhoo, Mostafa Zareaan, and HAMED EKHTIARI, “Preliminary Normative Data of Persian Phonemic and Semantic Verbal Fluency Test,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 288–295, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/302443/en

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