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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Role of NADPH Oxidase 2 in Regulating IL-15 and PGC-1 Gene Expressions Following a Period of High Intensity Interval Training




 Introduction: Following trainging, Reactive oxygen spices (ROS) play a crucial role in the regulation of signaling pathways and adaptions in skeletal muscle, including mitochondrial biogenesis and improvement in insulin sensitivity a ROS-induced physical activity can also stimulate myokine production in skeletal muscle. The aim of this work was hence to investigate the role of NADPH Oxidase-2 (NOX2), the main source of ROS generation, in contracting muscle in IL-15 gene expression, as well as anychanges in PGC-1 , as a key regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, following a period of High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Materials and Methods: Mice were divided into four groups: Wild type (WT) control (WTc) and training (WTt), NOX-2 deficient (ND) control (NDc) and training (NDt). Training groups performed 6-week HIIT, including 2-min running intervals with 100% of their maximum running speed and 2-min rest with 30% of this speed for a total of 60 min; speed was increased 1m/min each week. IL-15, PGC-1 and NOX2 mRNA levels in gastrocnemius muscle were analyzed using Real time. Results: Basal levels of IL-15 mRNA in NDc group were significantly lower than the other groups. Relative gene expression in WTc, WTt, NDc and NDt changed for IL-15 1, 1. 15, 0. 49 and 0. 99 and for PGC-1 1, 1. 73. 0. 76 and 1. 4 times, respectively in WTt. Post-training muscle PGC-1 mRNA levels increased significantly. Conclusion: Results indicate that IL-15 gene expression in mouse skeletal muscle is dependent on NOX2. And apparently NOX2 deficiency may result in impaired PGC-1 expression and subsequently diminished mitochondrial biogenesis.


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    APA: Copy

    Baghersad Renani, L., RAVASI, A.A., SHABKHIZ, F., & Jensen, T.E.. (2018). The Role of NADPH Oxidase 2 in Regulating IL-15 and PGC-1 Gene Expressions Following a Period of High Intensity Interval Training. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM (IJEM), 20(5 ), 263-272. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/360961/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Baghersad Renani L., RAVASI A.A., SHABKHIZ F., Jensen T.E.. The Role of NADPH Oxidase 2 in Regulating IL-15 and PGC-1 Gene Expressions Following a Period of High Intensity Interval Training. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM (IJEM)[Internet]. 2018;20(5 ):263-272. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/360961/en

    IEEE: Copy

    L. Baghersad Renani, A.A. RAVASI, F. SHABKHIZ, and T.E. Jensen, “The Role of NADPH Oxidase 2 in Regulating IL-15 and PGC-1 Gene Expressions Following a Period of High Intensity Interval Training,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM (IJEM), vol. 20, no. 5 , pp. 263–272, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/360961/en

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