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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar)




 The use of allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries(Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar)AbstractPoetry is the manifestation of poetic and artistic Images. These Images are created using the rhetorics and its various tools. A mystic poet uses these Images to recreate the mystical experiences and preliminaries. Among the most important devices used in mystic poets' minds to recreate – Including Attar Neyshaburi-are "simile", "metaphor" and "allusion". He has used simile repeatedly in Mantegh-al-teyr – which is the story of a group of birds' spiritual journey-to express the mystical experience and has combined it with allusion. In this paper, with a descriptive, analytical and review method, as we introduce this device, we will show how these tools or techniques have been used to express his mystical experiences and it’ s preliminaries. In mystical poetry, decorating speech is secondary but the main purpose of the poet is to express preliminaries of internal and mystical revelations and experiences, so his poetical Images are driven from his religious and mystical attitudes. Most of Attar's similes and allusions are related to verses and stories of Quran and religious and quranic characters and religious subjects and Hadiths, as well as religious sayings, characters and subjects and that is a sign of the deep impact of religion and mysticism on his speech rhetorics. Key words: Image, allusive simile, allusive Metaphor, mystical experience, Mantegh-al-teyr,


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    APA: Copy

    Golbabaei, Tamanna, GHOLAMREZAEI, MOHAMMAD, KHATAMI, AHMAD, & Sadraie, Roghiyeh. (2020). The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar). PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES (TABRIZ)), 72(240 ), 267-305. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/363082/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Golbabaei Tamanna, GHOLAMREZAEI MOHAMMAD, KHATAMI AHMAD, Sadraie Roghiyeh. The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar). PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES (TABRIZ))[Internet]. 2020;72(240 ):267-305. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/363082/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Tamanna Golbabaei, MOHAMMAD GHOLAMREZAEI, AHMAD KHATAMI, and Roghiyeh Sadraie, “The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar),” PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES (TABRIZ)), vol. 72, no. 240 , pp. 267–305, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/363082/en

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