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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Marital Satisfaction in Married Nurses in Tehran Hospitals: The Predictive Role of Mindfulness, Family of Origin, and Dyadic Coping Skills




 Introduction: The study of the relational patterns obtained from the Family Of Origin, the awareness and acceptance of personal emotions and the quality of the Dyadic Coping to external stress in married nurses who are under the pressure of family life and workload, are necessary that were investigated with the aim of focus on the effect of background, personal and interactive factors on Marital Satisfaction of married nurses. Methods: The research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of the study was all married nurses working in governmental and non-governmental hospitals in Tehran during the winter period until the spring of 2017-2018. So 255 married nurses included 162 employed in the public hospital and 93 in the nongovernmental hospital were participated by voluntary in the research. For assessing the variables Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS), Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI) and Family Of Origin Scale (FOS) were used. Results: The results showed that there was positive correlation between the increase of nurses' scores in the dimensions of independence with emotional expression, responsibility, respect for others, openness, creating a warm atmosphere at home, conflict resolution without stress, sensitivity to communication and empathy, and trust as components of Family Of Origin with Marital Satisfaction (P < 0. 001), there was significant association between dimensions of Mindfulness and Marital Satisfaction (P< 0. 001) and there was significant association between Dyadic Coping and Marital Satisfaction (P< 0. 001). The results also showed that in first step of regression analysis Dyadic Coping alone 72% and in the second step Mindfulness with Dyadic Coping explained 77% of the variance of Marital Satisfaction in married nurses. Conclusions: Awareness of the personal, interactional and background factors affecting Marital Satisfaction as a protective factor against family-work-related stresses can increase the quality of life in nurses.


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    APA: Copy

    Mousavi, Seyyedeh Fatemeh. (2019). Marital Satisfaction in Married Nurses in Tehran Hospitals: The Predictive Role of Mindfulness, Family of Origin, and Dyadic Coping Skills. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING (IJPN), 7(4 ), 51-56. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/368406/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Mousavi Seyyedeh Fatemeh. Marital Satisfaction in Married Nurses in Tehran Hospitals: The Predictive Role of Mindfulness, Family of Origin, and Dyadic Coping Skills. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING (IJPN)[Internet]. 2019;7(4 ):51-56. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/368406/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyyedeh Fatemeh Mousavi, “Marital Satisfaction in Married Nurses in Tehran Hospitals: The Predictive Role of Mindfulness, Family of Origin, and Dyadic Coping Skills,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING (IJPN), vol. 7, no. 4 , pp. 51–56, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/368406/en

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