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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Strategic Pattern of Mobilization Discourse in Preservation and Continuation of Islamic Awakening with an Emphasize on the views of Two Imams of the Islamic Revolution




 Mobilization discourse means a set of categories, concepts and themes that as a model and in a logical and complex relationship are placed under the macro-discourse of the Islamic Revolution. A discourse that, although based on religious principles and infallible Imams' conducts and some part of Shi'i history, was especially experienced in the Islamic Revolution of Iran as a social mobilization model. Using a mixed method design, this research has been done to explain and re-examine the dimensions, requirements and components of the mobilization discourse and its role in preserving and continuing the Islamic awakening (qualitative: post-structuralist discourse analysis; and quantitative: experts' questionnaire). Based on the analysis of the views of two Imams of the Islamic Revolution (Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei) on mobilization, this pattern includes interconnected concepts and themes that can be represented in the form of 8 nodes or macro dimensions (with 67 components and 785 themes) and 9 requirements (with 660 themes). Based on the results of the analysis of the views of 105 experts and authorities in this field, the experienced model of the mobilization discourse with the mobilizing priority in the "religious and Islamic, cultural and moral, defense and military, political and managerial, and economic and constructivist" dimensions respectively regarding their priority are influential in realization of the five (socio-cultural, religious-defense-security, religious, political-managerial, and ultimately economic-development) dimensions of Islamic awakening. It also influences the achievement of the six-fold Islamic awakening processes (strategic goals, strategic actions, macro strategies, strategic requirements, strategic principles and values, and strategic plans).


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    APA: Copy

    NEZAMIPOUR, GHADIR, PARCHAMI, DAVOOD, Zarei, Sadollah, & ABDOLMALEKI, HADI. (2018). Strategic Pattern of Mobilization Discourse in Preservation and Continuation of Islamic Awakening with an Emphasize on the views of Two Imams of the Islamic Revolution. DEFENSE STRATEGY, 16(62 ), 73-113. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/371976/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NEZAMIPOUR GHADIR, PARCHAMI DAVOOD, Zarei Sadollah, ABDOLMALEKI HADI. Strategic Pattern of Mobilization Discourse in Preservation and Continuation of Islamic Awakening with an Emphasize on the views of Two Imams of the Islamic Revolution. DEFENSE STRATEGY[Internet]. 2018;16(62 ):73-113. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/371976/en

    IEEE: Copy

    GHADIR NEZAMIPOUR, DAVOOD PARCHAMI, Sadollah Zarei, and HADI ABDOLMALEKI, “Strategic Pattern of Mobilization Discourse in Preservation and Continuation of Islamic Awakening with an Emphasize on the views of Two Imams of the Islamic Revolution,” DEFENSE STRATEGY, vol. 16, no. 62 , pp. 73–113, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/371976/en

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