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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Manifestations of Innovation in Law of Financial Proscriptions and Its Influence on Citizenship Rights




 Background and Aim: Financial crimes as one of the important criminal and legal issues constitute a major part of Iranian law insofar as it is taken into account both in the pre-Revolution and post-Revolution laws. Accordingly, goal of present study is the examination of the manifestations of the innovation in the law of the procedure of implementation of the Financial Proscriptions and its influence on the Citizenship Rights. In other words, concern of the present essay is the way that innovation in the law of Financial Proscriptions can influence the Citizenship Rights. Materials and Methods: The method used in this essay is descriptive-analytic. The required data have been collected through library studies. Findings: The law of Financial Proscriptions in addition of implementation of the innovation in some regulations, has taken advantage of methods but imprisonment that can provide the ground for betterment of the conditions for the strengthening of Citizenship Rights through reduction of imprisonment, possibility of arrangement for payment in instalments, delay in payment of debts, possibility of employment of the convicts, necessity of existence of witness in a file, presentation of financial properties of the financial convicts. Particularly, prisonment reduction and attention to the alternative punishments in the law of the procedure of the implementation of the Financial Proscriptions adopted in 2015 are in line with the fundamental Citizenship Rights as stipulated in the constitution, Isalmic penal code and promotion of equality, freedom and human dignity. Conclusion: Law of Financial Proscriptions, given the decisive punishments in the field of financial issues, along with prisonment reduction, reform and rehabilitation of convicts, human treatment of convicts through separation from other convicts, replacement of the imprisonment and change of the process of witnessing, providing the Citizenship Rights, has paved the path for implementation of the Financial Proscriptions. Particularly, since some convicts (whether the cash convict or financial convicts) refuse to pay their fines or are unable to pay, this law allows the arrangements for payment through instalment and delay in payment of the fines, and provides the ground for the convicts for easier payment of debts.


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    APA: Copy

    Siami Tekmehdash, Parisa, Baharloee, Siyamak, & PANJEPOUR, JAVAD. (2020). Manifestations of Innovation in Law of Financial Proscriptions and Its Influence on Citizenship Rights. MEDICAL LAW, 14(Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights ), 273-284. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/372996/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Siami Tekmehdash Parisa, Baharloee Siyamak, PANJEPOUR JAVAD. Manifestations of Innovation in Law of Financial Proscriptions and Its Influence on Citizenship Rights. MEDICAL LAW[Internet]. 2020;14(Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights ):273-284. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/372996/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Parisa Siami Tekmehdash, Siyamak Baharloee, and JAVAD PANJEPOUR, “Manifestations of Innovation in Law of Financial Proscriptions and Its Influence on Citizenship Rights,” MEDICAL LAW, vol. 14, no. Special Issue on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights , pp. 273–284, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/372996/en

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