Information Journal Paper
CopyTahmasebi, Fereydoun, Hatampoor, Shabnam, Sorkhi, Farzaneh, & Bigdeli, Nasrin. (2021). The Psychological Manifestations of Myths in the Poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and Amal Abul-Qassem Donqol; An Analysis Based on Jung's Principle of Opposites. MYTHO-MYSTIC LITERATURE JOURNAL (PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL), 17(63 ), 185-214. SID.
CopyTahmasebi Fereydoun, Hatampoor Shabnam, Sorkhi Farzaneh, Bigdeli Nasrin. The Psychological Manifestations of Myths in the Poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and Amal Abul-Qassem Donqol; An Analysis Based on Jung's Principle of Opposites. MYTHO-MYSTIC LITERATURE JOURNAL (PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL)[Internet]. 2021;17(63 ):185-214. Available from:
CopyFereydoun Tahmasebi, Shabnam Hatampoor, Farzaneh Sorkhi, and Nasrin Bigdeli, “The Psychological Manifestations of Myths in the Poetry of Ahmad Shamloo and Amal Abul-Qassem Donqol; An Analysis Based on Jung's Principle of Opposites,” MYTHO-MYSTIC LITERATURE JOURNAL (PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL), vol. 17, no. 63 , pp. 185–214, 2021, [Online]. Available: