Information Journal Paper
CopyREZAEE SERAJI, BATOOL, AGHA ALINEJAD, HAMID, Gharakhanloo, Reza, Ebtekar, Masoomeh, Fashi, Mohamad, Pakrad, Behzad, & Karimi Asl, Akram. (2018). Effects of aerobic training and black carbon particles exposure on gene expression of NF-κ B and TNF-α of hippocampus brain tissue of male rats. PHYSIOLOGY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, 11(1 ), 73-84. SID.
CopyREZAEE SERAJI BATOOL, AGHA ALINEJAD HAMID, Gharakhanloo Reza, Ebtekar Masoomeh, Fashi Mohamad, Pakrad Behzad, Karimi Asl Akram. Effects of aerobic training and black carbon particles exposure on gene expression of NF-κ B and TNF-α of hippocampus brain tissue of male rats. PHYSIOLOGY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY[Internet]. 2018;11(1 ):73-84. Available from:
CopyBATOOL REZAEE SERAJI, HAMID AGHA ALINEJAD, Reza Gharakhanloo, Masoomeh Ebtekar, Mohamad Fashi, Behzad Pakrad, and Akram Karimi Asl, “Effects of aerobic training and black carbon particles exposure on gene expression of NF-κ B and TNF-α of hippocampus brain tissue of male rats,” PHYSIOLOGY OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, vol. 11, no. 1 , pp. 73–84, 2018, [Online]. Available: