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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Realizing the characteristics of school organizational structure in the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in the Islamic Republic of Iran




Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in the Islamic Republic of IranQ1


 The main purpose of the study is to determine the features of organizational structure of School based on the Fundamental Reform Document of Education in Iran. To this end, the study was carried out as a documentary research and content analysis technique. Research population included 6 documents which were the Philosophy of Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Philosophy of formal and public Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran, doctrine of formal and public Education system in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Strategic evolution Document in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Fundamental Reform Document of Education in the Islamic Republic of Iran were analyzed. To analyze the data, data coding method was used at open and axial phases and interviews with 6 document formulators to achieve reliability. Based on the categories, the main features of organizational structure of School were classified in three main themes: Antecedents (religious value system and social factors), main Components (hierarchy, decentralization, networking, rule orientation, responsibility and authority, teamwork and education process formation) and consequences (professionalism, organizational justice and School orientation). Organizing education processes is one of the features pulled out by content analysis technique during this research. Organizing education processes considers as a facilitator of the process of transforming School into a learning organization. Organizing education processes and all other features of School organizational structure are surrounded by religious value system. The change in management style towards value-based management has begun since 1986 and has resulted from the emergence of four organizational processes in recent decades and The extent of the influence of the religious values governing the School in the fundamental reform document of education in Iran is very wide and can be seen in other features of the organizational structure of the School, such as teamwork, education process formation, educational guidance, responsibility and authority, human relations and organizational justice. The results of this research showed that Fundamental Reform Document doesn't only emphasizes on internal elements of School and School performance affects by social systems of the community too because Schools do not operate in a vacuum. They interact with other institutions and systems of society and the proper functioning of a system depends on establishing healthy and principled relationships with other social institutions and systems (family, government, media, and NGOs). Several features of the School organizational structure based on Fundamental Reform Document of Education represent enabling bureaucracy concept. Enabling bureaucracy is a hierarchy that helps rather than hinders and a system of rules and regulations that guides problem solving rather than punishes failure. Procedures and hierarchical structure in Saleh School which Considers as the best type of School in Fundamental Reform Document of Education facilitate teaching and learning. In this regard, other feature of the reform Document is School-centered approach which can be pointed out by delegating more authority to the School and the components of the School. The realization of a School-centered approach to decentralization is dependent on the provision of the infrastructure needed to strengthen inter-School communication and networking. Network structures designed to enrich the School environment and create a network of learning environments to move from traditional hierarchical organizations to Network Form of organizational structure. This form of structure Facilitates and accelerates the flow of information and communication between members of the School. In the fundamental reform document, this is also recommended in various forms, including the School principals communication network, the learning environment network and the active and comprehensive research network within the structure of the formal education system. Based on the content analysis, all features of organizational structure in fundamental reform document is pivotal in achieving goals and one of the most important components are teachers. Teachers play an important role in the righteous School Based on Fundamental Reform Document of Education. High levels of organizational structure will make high teacher performance so the authorities have to manage this variable that might increase teacher performance. developing human resource has become a pivotal strategy of Fundamental Reform Document as it is not only teachers that influence the goals of righteous School but all human resources are important in achieving School goals. One of the most basic concepts in human resources is justice. Justice is the most fundamental, moral and social value in the Islamic criteria system, and in the organization of the process of education. Justice is a virtue exhibiting in relationships of individuals, groups of people and groups in Schools and it is Sensitive to movement of social divides. Another important concept which is related to groups of peoples in Schools is teamwork. Fundamental reform document encourages teamwork in Schools. Teamwork is something that every administrator, teacher, and student should know how to do it. For Schools to achieve their goals, integrated teamwork on several fronts is vital. The more teamwork fundamentals exhibited, the more opportunity exists for students to learn the vital skills of compromise and collaboration. Collaboration or Participation is an important component of the broad concept of enabling structure. This feature emphasizes in the fundamental reform document. Development and strengthening of participation among School members based on Islamic brotherhood in the form of a working group as a public responsibility is mentioned in fundamental reform document a lot. One of the benefits of School communication with the environment is to enhance professionalism in School. In all of documents which analyzed during this research, much emphasis has been placed on the wisdom of intellectuals, the views of the educated people, the views of contemporary educational philosophers, and the scientific and specialized support of the seminaries, higher education institutes, technical and vocational education centers, especially the Quranic science faculties, Science Education and psychology and of course the reflection of the main agents of the process of education is essential in the collection developed by these valuable resources. In other words, professionalism was considered as a source for strengthening organizational structure in fundamental reform document. The findings of this research, not only help School board to gain more insight and knowledge about the important factors affecting their School structure, but also help decision makers and planners of the education system to improve the effectiveness of education system planning by paying more attention to the organizational structure dimensions.


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    APA: Copy

    Boutorabi, Seyedeh bahareh, HOSSEINGHOLIZADEH, REZVAN, & MAHRAM, BEHROOZ. (2019). Realizing the characteristics of school organizational structure in the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in the Islamic Republic of Iran. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 7(2 ), 273-303. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/380620/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Boutorabi Seyedeh bahareh, HOSSEINGHOLIZADEH REZVAN, MAHRAM BEHROOZ. Realizing the characteristics of school organizational structure in the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in the Islamic Republic of Iran. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2019;7(2 ):273-303. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/380620/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyedeh bahareh Boutorabi, REZVAN HOSSEINGHOLIZADEH, and BEHROOZ MAHRAM, “Realizing the characteristics of school organizational structure in the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 7, no. 2 , pp. 273–303, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/380620/en

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