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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Position of Women in Khawaja Nizam al-Molk's Siyasatnameh Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Theory




 Women have been more or less influential in the history of human civilization in various ways, politically, socially, or positively or negatively. One of the most prominent and influential works in which women can be found is Khawaja Nizam al-Molk's policy paper, which reflects the ideas of the most prominent and politicians of the Islamic era. In this book, Khawaja Nizam al-Molk has targeted women with sharp words. The purpose of the present study is to answer the question of why Khawaja has criticized women in the Nizam al-Mulk regime and whether all women are in the midst of her harsh words, as previous researches have suggested, and the ejaculation in this regard is minor. have taken. To answer this question, we have used Critical Discourse Analysis Theory at three levels of vocabulary, interpretation, and explanation. Because this theory focuses on the category of gender as a social issue and a generative one. The findings of the present study show that only women courtiers were in the throes of Khwaja's crushing criticism, and Khwaja refuses to include some of the court women in opposition to her continued power and dominance, and that she is not fundamentally speaking to all women. In order to legitimize his political dominance, both he and his followers, including some of his contemporaries, are marginalizing some of the court women. .


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    APA: Copy

    shahriyari, mansoureh, JAMSHIDIHA, GHOLAMREZA, & joudy, Akram. (2021). The Position of Women in Khawaja Nizam al-Molk's Siyasatnameh Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Theory. WOMAN IN DEVELOPMENT AND POLITICS (WOMEN'S RESEARCH), 18(4 ), 579-599. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/382530/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    shahriyari mansoureh, JAMSHIDIHA GHOLAMREZA, joudy Akram. The Position of Women in Khawaja Nizam al-Molk's Siyasatnameh Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Theory. WOMAN IN DEVELOPMENT AND POLITICS (WOMEN'S RESEARCH)[Internet]. 2021;18(4 ):579-599. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/382530/en

    IEEE: Copy

    mansoureh shahriyari, GHOLAMREZA JAMSHIDIHA, and Akram joudy, “The Position of Women in Khawaja Nizam al-Molk's Siyasatnameh Based on Critical Discourse Analysis Theory,” WOMAN IN DEVELOPMENT AND POLITICS (WOMEN'S RESEARCH), vol. 18, no. 4 , pp. 579–599, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/382530/en

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