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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Analysis and Evaluation of Grammar Content in two AZFA Coursebooks of “ Amoozesh-e novin-e Zaban-e Farsi” and “ Amoozesh-e Farsi be Farsi” based on Pedagogical Grammar Approach




 The need for effective and practical instruction of grammar is accepted based on new second language teaching theories and approaches. The present study tries to answer the question that to what extent the coursebooks used in Persian language training centers are in line with the scientific achievements of teaching grammar, and in this regard, it evaluates the content of grammar in two AZFA coursebooks of “ Amoozesh-e novin-e Zaban-e Farsi” and “ Amoozesh-e Farsi be Farsi” . The theoretical framework of the current study is the Pedagogical Grammar approach, in which a forty-nine reviews checklist was designed according to the principles of it. After verifying the content validity of the mentioned checklist, analyzing and evaluating the grammatical content of the two coursebooks was carried out. Examining the grammar content of these books revealed that in Amoozesh-e novin-e Zaban-e Farsi the chain of grammatical contents is not clear and emphasizes the syntactic role of words instead of their use, and the sentences and structures taught do not reflect the real and practical form of the Persian language. In Amoozesh-e Farsi be Farsi, although the move from simple to difficult in teaching grammar is observed, implicit teaching is considered along with explicit teaching, but the situations and functions taught are not practical and communicative tasks are less considered.


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    APA: Copy

    Hadizadeh, Mohammad Javad. (2021). The Analysis and Evaluation of Grammar Content in two AZFA Coursebooks of “ Amoozesh-e novin-e Zaban-e Farsi” and “ Amoozesh-e Farsi be Farsi” based on Pedagogical Grammar Approach. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL LITERATURE AND HUMANITIES, 21(1 ), 375-401. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/388244/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Hadizadeh Mohammad Javad. The Analysis and Evaluation of Grammar Content in two AZFA Coursebooks of “ Amoozesh-e novin-e Zaban-e Farsi” and “ Amoozesh-e Farsi be Farsi” based on Pedagogical Grammar Approach. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL LITERATURE AND HUMANITIES[Internet]. 2021;21(1 ):375-401. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/388244/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohammad Javad Hadizadeh, “The Analysis and Evaluation of Grammar Content in two AZFA Coursebooks of “ Amoozesh-e novin-e Zaban-e Farsi” and “ Amoozesh-e Farsi be Farsi” based on Pedagogical Grammar Approach,” JOURNAL OF CRITICAL LITERATURE AND HUMANITIES, vol. 21, no. 1 , pp. 375–401, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/388244/en

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