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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Postmodernist Validation Techniques in the novel "Del Foulad"; Monirou Ravanipour




Narrative techniques are the techniques of storytelling that have changed in Postmodern literature. In general, Postmodern works seem abnormal and chaotic and cannot be analyzed as traditional works. In this literary style novels, the principles that in fiction literature belong to a specific plot, beginning and ending, coherent linear Narrative, explicit language and systematic Narrative are changed and if the reader of Postmodern works has no knowledge about the way of writing, reading these works becomes boring and their study my be incomplete. The form of such writings also adds to the complexity of the text and provides the basis for multiple readings. This literary type has had an undeniable impact on the flow of Iranian art and literature. Despite being recognized and accepted, due to the lack of complete familiarity with the origins, principles and components of this style, there is still doubt about its presence in Iranian fiction. This skepticism has created enough motivation for case studies to investigate and identify the backgrounds, principles and characteristics of Postmodernism in Persian stories. Among Iranian fiction works, Ravanipour's novel "Del Foolad" is considered as a Postmodernist novel. In this article, the novel has been studied from the perspective of Narrative elements to evaluate the validity of the existing view. For doing so, "Del Foolad" was studied on the basis of Postmodernist theories of reading and Narrative techniques, as well as the role of Narrative in highlighting its style. The result of this analytical-descriptive research showed that components such as time irregularity in the narration of events, vicious circle, special characters, language play and extremes in the use of imaginary forms, contradictions and intertextuality and polyphony are highlighted in this novel. Therefore, the validity of the perspectives on the influence of Postmodern literary school on this novel can be considered as a proof of the influence of western Postmodern literature on Persian fiction literature.


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    APA: Copy

    Khodadoost, Sadegh, DEHGHAN, ALI, & FARZI, HAMIDREZA. (2021). Postmodernist Validation Techniques in the novel "Del Foulad"; Monirou Ravanipour. JOURNAL OF LITERARY CRITICISM AND RHETORIC, 9(4 ), 39-62. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/389267/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Khodadoost Sadegh, DEHGHAN ALI, FARZI HAMIDREZA. Postmodernist Validation Techniques in the novel "Del Foulad"; Monirou Ravanipour. JOURNAL OF LITERARY CRITICISM AND RHETORIC[Internet]. 2021;9(4 ):39-62. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/389267/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Sadegh Khodadoost, ALI DEHGHAN, and HAMIDREZA FARZI, “Postmodernist Validation Techniques in the novel "Del Foulad"; Monirou Ravanipour,” JOURNAL OF LITERARY CRITICISM AND RHETORIC, vol. 9, no. 4 , pp. 39–62, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/389267/en

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