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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Qualitative and systematic study of the causes of quitting addiction in sleeping carton men in Tehran




 Background and Aims: Addiction and substance abuse is one of the most serious human problems in recent years and one of the most complex human phenomena that as a non-adaptive pattern of substance use leads to frequent occupational, social and legal problems. Today, drug use is one of the major medical, social, economic and cultural problems that despite the social unacceptability of opium use, different classes of people are seriously involved in this issue. The World Health Organization has described it as a worrying event in the world, and governments are incurring huge costs to combat it. From the perspective of psychology today, addiction or substance abuse is a mental disorder. This term, which is defined in psychiatric classifications as substance abuse disorders, is the second most common mental disorder. Substance dependence is a pattern of repeated substance use that usually results in tolerance, withdrawal, and compulsive drug behaviors. Also, the most important characteristic of substance dependence is the pattern of maladaptive substance use, which is characterized by significant adverse and recurrent consequences associated with repeated substance use. One of the problems caused by addiction that finds a social profile is the phenomenon of homeless people. The homeless people are to reach the end of the path of poverty and misery in which the injured person loses everything he had gained in his social life. Research shows that addiction, delinquency, family problems, and the like trigger the onset of sleep deprivation, and the concentration of sleep deprivation in certain areas of the city reduces social security in that area. The phenomenon of homeless people, which has been growing in Tehran in recent years, has attracted many people in Tehran, both immigrants and residents of Tehran, for various reasons; It is these consequences that make Sleeping cartons a social issue. Addiction is one of the problems in the world today. To deal with this problem, an effective treatment approach is very important. One of the most important issues in addiction treatment and withdrawal is the factors affecting addiction withdrawal. The aim of this study was to identify the most important factors affecting quitting addiction of homeless people in the city of Tehran. Methods: This research was conducted by qualitative method with data foundation approach. Data were collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed using open, axial and selective coding methods. The study population consisted of all homeless people that succeeded in quitting addiction in Tehran in 1397, which were selected using purposive sampling method. After 12 interviews and analysis of interviews, it was found that informants provide duplicate information. In this way, theoretical saturation was achieved and the interviews were stopped. To ensure the validity of the research, the criterion of scientific accuracy and reliability of the open test method was used. Also, all the sample people are male in terms of gender. The age of the sample was divided into two groups of 20 to 40 years and 41 to 60 years. Most of the sample people are over 40 years old. Regarding the education status component, 50% of the sample people are illiterate, which includes the largest number. 33. 3% have less than a diploma and 16. 7% have a diploma. Also, regarding the marital status component, 67% of the samples are single and 33% are married. So there are more singles. Results: A total of 4 selected codes and 7 central codes were formed through a combination of 31 open codes that are the causes of quitting addiction in sleep addicts. At this stage, the concepts have been edited in terms of naming, and an attempt has been made to distance the concepts of business operating space and bring them closer to the scientific space. The categories are named in the same way. In the meantime, an attempt has been made to observe the maximum apparent and essential similarity between the concepts introduced by the interviewees with the selected words that have a more scientific aspect. The results of the coding showed seven categories of helplessness and desire for change, independence in voting and rejection of coercion in individual choices, non-pharmacological interventions with pain, real knowledge and understanding of addiction and methods of quitting addiction, security, perception of spiritual issues in personal life and motivating factors are effective in quitting addiction of homeless people in Tehran. Finally, data analysis 4 selected codes (research theory): fatigue of the current situation and voluntary willingness to quit and change the existing situation, use of cognitive therapy methods and deep understanding of the problem of addiction, trying to receive social support and family support to cope With the problem of addiction, the use of motivational and spiritual factors to deal with the problem of addiction has been achieved. Conclusion: The most important factors influencing the decision to leave addicts in the eyes of participants were fatigue from the status quo, lifestyle changes such as changes in nutrition and sleep and physical weakness, as well as fear of complications due to withdrawal due to previous experiences of failure to quit. . According to the participants, one of the effective solutions in this case is to use the experiences of successful people in quitting addiction. Other factors in the decision to leave the family readmission were the spouse's attention and love, which with the family's awareness of the decision to leave their support and companionship can improve and accelerate the treatment process. Non-pharmacological treatments, counseling and cognitive therapies were also mentioned as factors affecting addiction withdrawal by participants. Feeling lonely along the way to recovery, guilt, mistrust, carrying labels such as delinquent, thief, and lack of family support, and the consequences of such behaviors that sever healthy ties to support networks such as family and community should be addressed by the mass media. To be trained to accompany the family and community during the treatment process and to become facilitators of the treatment process and not as deterrents. Attention to spirituality was also mentioned by the participants. Spirituality improves the guilt and shame caused by addiction and coping strategies to solve problems using spirituality was one of the factors influencing the decision to quit addiction. Other influential factors were motivation and envisioning a better future and returning to the family center and community acceptance mentioned by the participants. Educating families during the treatment process for their spiritual support during and after the treatment process has been one of the factors facilitating the treatment process for addicts. Therefore, in the recovery process, addressing the factors influencing the decision to quit is of particular importance, and by identifying these factors, we can help lead homeless addicts to take action to quit and stay on the path to recovery.


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    APA: Copy

    Asemani Kenari, Mojtaba, Shafiabady, Abdullah, NAEIMI, EBRAHIM, & Farshi Radvar, Fardin. (2020). Qualitative and systematic study of the causes of quitting addiction in sleeping carton men in Tehran. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), 27(8 ), 78-95. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/390208/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Asemani Kenari Mojtaba, Shafiabady Abdullah, NAEIMI EBRAHIM, Farshi Radvar Fardin. Qualitative and systematic study of the causes of quitting addiction in sleeping carton men in Tehran. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2020;27(8 ):78-95. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/390208/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mojtaba Asemani Kenari, Abdullah Shafiabady, EBRAHIM NAEIMI, and Fardin Farshi Radvar, “Qualitative and systematic study of the causes of quitting addiction in sleeping carton men in Tehran,” RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), vol. 27, no. 8 , pp. 78–95, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/390208/en

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