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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The outcome of pregnancy following the cerclage




 Background: Cervix insufficiency is diagnosed based on a previous history of pregnancy loss in the second trimester, followed by painless cervical dilatation or premature rupture of the fetal membranes. Abnormal cervical tissue structural appears to be the cause of this complication. There are no diagnostic methods for cervical insufficiency before pregnancy, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), hysterosalpingography, and ultrasound can detect uterine anomalies that are risk factors for cervical insufficiency. Cerclage is known as a common procedure for prevention of the preterm labor, caused by cervix insufficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of cerclage and it’ s complications and prognosis based on the patient’ s age, history of cervical insufficiency, history of preterm labor, history of miscarriage, curettage, and cervical and vaginal abnormalities. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted, including 65 patients, from March 2012 to March 2018, in Valiasr Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Data including the age, history of cervical insufficiency, history of abortion, history of cervix surgery and curettage, gestational age, presence of vaginal and cervical anomaly as well as complications such as bleeding and severe cervical pain and prognosis of cerclage were extracted. Results: In our study, 65 women who undergone cerclage were evaluated, the mean age of the participants was 28. 4 years. Abortion was present in 27. 7% of cases, 16. 9% once, 7. 7% twice and 3. 1% three times. In 21. 5% of cases, there was a history of curettage and 66. 2% had a history of preterm labor. For 4. 6% of the subjects, the length of cervix was under 10 mm. Gestational age at the end of cerclage was under 26 weeks in 5. 8% of patients. The termination of pregnancy was higher in patients with lower gravida, and the termination of pregnancy was significantly higher in those who were not curetted (P= 0. 001). There were no complications, and the prognosis is considered good, in case the termination is above 32 weeks. The birth weight mean was 3041. 5 grams. According to our study, the failure of the cerclage is associated with previous history of dilation and curettage (D&C) and higher gravidity. Conclusion: Putting all the results together, 80% of the cerclage, performed in our institution were successful, without any complications.


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    APA: Copy

    Ghotbizadeh Vahdani, Fahimeh, PANAHI, ZAHRA, Tahani, Maryam, & Ghiaghi, Roya. (2020). The outcome of pregnancy following the cerclage. TEHRAN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL (TUMJ), 77(11 ), 691-695. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/396696/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ghotbizadeh Vahdani Fahimeh, PANAHI ZAHRA, Tahani Maryam, Ghiaghi Roya. The outcome of pregnancy following the cerclage. TEHRAN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL (TUMJ)[Internet]. 2020;77(11 ):691-695. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/396696/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Fahimeh Ghotbizadeh Vahdani, ZAHRA PANAHI, Maryam Tahani, and Roya Ghiaghi, “The outcome of pregnancy following the cerclage,” TEHRAN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL (TUMJ), vol. 77, no. 11 , pp. 691–695, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/396696/en

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