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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Path analysis of occupational injuries based on the structural equation modeling approach: a retrospective study in the construction industry




 Background and aims: The Construction industry, sites, and projects are the most dangerous industries in terms of the risk of occupational accidents and injuries. Important factors that have led the industry as a health, safety, environment (HSE) high-risk industry in the world can be cited such as continuous changes in Construction projects, using a lot of resources, poor working conditions, non-continuous employment, cross-seasonal work, and harsh environment. Risk of a variety of occupational accidents (e. g., fall, throwing objects, slipping, collision and crash, chemicals, electrical shock, abrasion, and manual material handling, etc. ), inherently exist in all Construction projects. Given the existence of such risks, Construction sites often fail to achieve their goals, such as the completion of the project, the estimated budget, project quality and expected extent of accidents and damages. Modeling and analysis of the indicators of the Construction HSE risk management system to reduce the incidents and consequences of accidents, as well as its relationship with accidents, can be a very good self-monitoring approach. Occupational safety and health challenges are tied largely to the Construction industry. In developed countries, the rate of occupational accidents in the Construction industry is 17%. This rate is 45% in Iran which is 2. 6 times the global rate. Although Construction workers make up less than 12% of Iran’ s workforce, the rate of injuries caused by accidents in this industry is high. Identifying the factors affecting occupational injuries is a retrospective approach to analyze, prevent and reduce these injuries. One of the most effective accident analysis techniques developed to understand and explain the causes of events and analyze the path leading to accidents and their consequences is Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze the path of causes resulting in occupational injuries involved in Construction work by using Structural equation Modeling. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional retrospective analysis of occupational injuries that occurred in 82 small and medium-sized Construction projects during the 11 years (2007-2017). The statistical population included all occupational injuries that occurred in Construction projects. The main variables in this study were different types of injuries caused by occupational accidents. The initial size of the statistical population was 1328 accidents. Therefore, 1232 accidents were selected as the study sample based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It should be noted that the minimum sample size for analysis of a structural model should not be less than 200. The main tool for collecting data in this study was a checklist for reporting occupational accidents in Construction projects. Interviews and records were also used to complete the data. The implementation of the study included "five steps". Step 1: Of 1328 accidents, based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 1232 accidents leading to injuries were selected. Step 2: Occupational injuries were analyzed based on Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Step 3: Different dimensions of various factors affecting occupational injuries in the Construction projects were identified, evaluated and classified. Step 4: A conceptual model for analyzing the causes of Construction injuries was drawn following the chain of events and Path analysis. Step 5: Finally, the associations, interactions, and effects of all factors and variables were analyzed using the Structural equation Modeling. Applying IBM SPSS AMOS version 0. 22, the Structural equation Modeling was used for data analysis. Results: Generally, occupational injuries were reversely related to individual factors, organizational factors, safety training, and risk management, whereas they are positively related to unsafe conditions and actions and the type of accident. Approximately, two-thirds of the accidents had occurred during Construction activities and more than 70% of the accidents occurred for small contractors. The desirability degrees of two key safety program parameters i. e. duration and content of the programs (quantity and quality) were estimated to be 23. 5% and 12. 0%, respectively. The highest degree of the desirability of risk management variables belonged to safety checklist (28. 7%) and usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) (22. 1%). Workplace hazards (63. 6%) and dangerous work methods (56. 1%) caused the highest share of accidents. The majority of unsafe actions were linked to inadequate knowledge and awareness (65. 5%) and non-usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (57. 9%). The most common accidents fell from height (31. 2%) and falling objects (27%). The analysis of occupational injuries showed that 1. 5% of the accidents had resulted in death and 10. 4% had led to physical limb deformation. Path analysis of Construction injuries based on SEM revealed that occupational injuries had a significant inverse relationship with individual and organizational factors, safety education and risk management (p<0. 05). The values of the goodness of fit, χ 2/df, RMSEA, CFI, and NNFI (TLI) were calculated to be 2. 79, 0. 059, 0. 894, and 912 /, respectively. Therefore, based on these results and comparing them with the desired criteria, this model seemed acceptable. Conclusion: Modeling based on Path analysis can support the multiple causation theory of occupational accidents. Different causative factors and related indicative variables including individual and organizational factors, safety education, risk management, unsafe conditions, and unsafe acts and the type of accident as a set of causes, have been involved in the chain and process leading to injuries caused by Construction accidents. Regarding the type of accident, fall from height is considered as the most important indicative variable, so this variable is important for Construction injury analysis. Imperfect and weak risk management and organizational factors can contribute to the creation of these unsafe conditions. Also, unsafe acts can be influenced by other variables and factors such as individual and demographic factors and safety education. Inadequate and inefficient education can lead to imprecision, dangerous behaviors and various types of human error and affect the type and degree of injuries in Construction activities. Occupational injuries had significant correlations with hazard identification in Construction, various types of risk assessment, accident analysis and effective event reporting, as well as implementing a variety of control measures such as personal protective equipment, practicing and supervising discipline on the Construction site and holding safety-related meetings on the Construction site. Considering that environmental Construction projects are always accompanied by high risks, a systematic and efficient approach to identify, assess, control and reduce risks can be useful for optimal safety system performance and reduction of Construction injuries. Up to current study promoting safety in the Construction sector requires a comprehensive planning. This planning should be based on an intelligent model using all variables and factors affecting occupational injuries. This study showed that inter and intra-factor relationships are always effective in occupational injuries in the Construction or any other industrial environment.



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    APA: Copy

    SOLTANZADEH, AHMAD, HEIDARI, HAMIDREZA, MAHDINIA, MOHSEN, MOHAMMADI, HEIDAR, MOHAMMADBEIGI, ABOLFAZL, & MOHAMMADFAM, IRAJ. (2019). Path analysis of occupational injuries based on the structural equation modeling approach: a retrospective study in the construction industry. IRAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL, 16(3 ), 47-57. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/397405/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SOLTANZADEH AHMAD, HEIDARI HAMIDREZA, MAHDINIA MOHSEN, MOHAMMADI HEIDAR, MOHAMMADBEIGI ABOLFAZL, MOHAMMADFAM IRAJ. Path analysis of occupational injuries based on the structural equation modeling approach: a retrospective study in the construction industry. IRAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL[Internet]. 2019;16(3 ):47-57. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/397405/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AHMAD SOLTANZADEH, HAMIDREZA HEIDARI, MOHSEN MAHDINIA, HEIDAR MOHAMMADI, ABOLFAZL MOHAMMADBEIGI, and IRAJ MOHAMMADFAM, “Path analysis of occupational injuries based on the structural equation modeling approach: a retrospective study in the construction industry,” IRAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL, vol. 16, no. 3 , pp. 47–57, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/397405/en

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