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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Modeling of behavioral factors affecting on development of women's sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting health




 Background and Aims: Women play a very influential role in all aspects of Society as half of the body of Society and the main axis of the family, so the physical and mental Health of women and as a result the Health of the next generation of Society is emphasized. Today, one of the most accessible, inexpensive and determining tools for human Health is physical activity and exercise. Evidence suggests a strong association between physical inactivity and premature death, as well as a large number of non-communicable diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer, and colorectal cancer. Although regular participation in sports is a fundamental human right and an important part of a Healthy life, girls and women participate less in sports than boys and men. Women's Sports are one of the main issues in the field of sports today, and the lack of gender equality in the provision of facilities leads to a reduction in the chances of participating in sports and serious physical injuries. Although the results of research indicate an improvement in public Health, Health outcomes, and women's mental and social Health through participation in sports and physical activity; But one of the most fundamental issues that little has been known about since the formation of the sociology of sport is why women's participation in sport is low and what factors affect it. The Center for Women's Participation has rated the rate of Women's Sports participation as very low. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to model Behavioral Factors affecting the Development of Women's Sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting Health. Methods: This research, considering its objectives, is a descriptive-survey research that has been studied and analyzed with the approach of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The statistical population of this research includes 508 people including Minister, Deputy Minister, General Staff, Deputy General Staff, General Director of the province, Deputy Minister of Women's Affairs in the Physical Education Organization, Presidents of sports federations, Vice Presidents of federations, Technical and Sports deputies in the provinces, The head of the province's women sports Development, consisted of the heads of provincial sports delegations across the country as well as experts in sports management of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to Myers et al. (30), factor analysis requires 10 to 20 respondents per item (since the number of items in the researcher-made questionnaire was 16 items, 320 respondents are required). In the present study, the sample size was considered equal to the population of 508 people by census method (total number). After distributing and collecting the questionnaires, 409 questionnaires could be returned. Was considered. Since there were no standard questionnaires or scales for measuring Behavioral Factor, the researcher reviewed the sources and documents and articles related to the research topic; Also, a survey of professors, experts and managers of physical education and sports in the country prepared a researcher-made questionnaire that included 16 questions on a five-point Likert scale. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and doctoral students in the field of physical education and sports sciences who had passed their comprehensive test. Also, the reliability of the questionnaire was 0. 691 by Cronbach's alpha method. After data collection, frequency, frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation to describe the research data, skewness test to check the normality of the data, exploratory factor analysis test and confirmatory factor analysis for modeling. Behavioral Factors affecting the Development of Women's Sports to promote Health and SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 software were used. Results: In order to model the Behavioral Factors affecting the Development of Women's Sports to promote Health, first exploratory factor analysis was used. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test was used to evaluate the adequacy of sampling and KMO was performed to evaluate the appropriateness of the data of the researcher-made questionnaire, which was satisfactory (KMO: 0. 701). Also, Bartlett sphericity test (ss = 185/985 and 0. 0001) was calculated which was statistically significant. Examination of these two tests showed the accuracy of sampling and the adequacy of the data and that it was appropriate in terms of preparation. Then, using the principal component analysis method (varimax rotation) and eigenvalues higher than one, two factors were obtained. In the following, confirmation factor analysis has been used to confirm the exploratory factor analysis. First, to determine the confirmatory factor analysis and whether the data are suitable for this model or model, model fit indices were used, which showed that the value of χ 2 with the value of 102. 375 and the degree of freedom of 103 is non-significant and shows. Give the data a fit. Also, other indicators show that the data have a good fit with the model. The fitness index χ 2 / df with a value of 0. 994 is less than the value of 3. In addition, fit indices of GFI = 0. 970, AGFI = 0. 961, CFI = 1, 000 and NFI = 0. 974 above 0. 90 indicate that the data model is appropriate. Similarly, the root mean square error (RMSEA) was 0. 000, which emphasizes that the model is acceptable and less than the standard value of 0. 08. In general, the fit indices of the model indicated the fit of the data with the model. Also, descriptive findings and estimation of one-sample t-test showed that the average of respondents to questions related to the Behavioral Factor is 3. 07, which is higher than the theoretical average (3) and this difference is statistically significant. Be (Sig <0. 01). In other words, Behavioral Factors affect the Development of Women's Sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran to promote Health. Also, the average of the respondents to the questions related to the individual behavioral sub-factor is 3. 05, which is higher than the theoretical average (3) and this difference is statistically significant (Sig <0. 05). In other words, individual sub-factors affect the Development of Women's Sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran to promote Health. In addition, the average of the respondents to the questions related to the interpersonal sub-factor is 3. 09, which is higher than the theoretical average (3) and this difference is statistically significant (Sig <0. 01). In other words, interpersonal behavioral sub-factors affect the Development of Women's Sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran to promote Health. Conclusion: In general, the results of this study emphasize the importance of Behavioral Factors and subsequent individual and interpersonal sub-factors on the Development of Women's Sports to institutionalize Health in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the role of officials in using this component. توسعه demands the Development of public Health in the country. In this case, one's beliefs about the benefits of different Health-related behavioral habits form the outcome expectations that are the second factor in Bandura's cognitive-social theory. Outcome expectations are divided into three parts: physical, social, and self-assessment. Arguably, Health outcomes are more clearly linked to participation in sports. It can be said that a person who believes that exercise causes fatigue, sweating and disturbs his relaxation, has negative consequences for exercise and will pay less attention to physical activity. Another consequence is the expectation of self-assessment. This expectation includes the positive and negative standards and evaluations that a person uses to judge their Health behavior. Therefore, expectations of physical outcome and self-assessment expectations are the most important reasons to justify the impact of Behavioral Factors on the Development of Women's Sports to promote Health.


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    APA: Copy

    kazemi, atefeh, ALAM, SHAHRAM, & Hojburnia, Zahra. (2020). Modeling of behavioral factors affecting on development of women's sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting health. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), 27(9 ), 32-43. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/397478/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    kazemi atefeh, ALAM SHAHRAM, Hojburnia Zahra. Modeling of behavioral factors affecting on development of women's sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting health. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2020;27(9 ):32-43. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/397478/en

    IEEE: Copy

    atefeh kazemi, SHAHRAM ALAM, and Zahra Hojburnia, “Modeling of behavioral factors affecting on development of women's sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting health,” RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), vol. 27, no. 9 , pp. 32–43, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/397478/en

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