Information Journal Paper
CopyAskari, Seyed Ehsan, Pourkazemi, Mohammad Husain, & Biabani, Jahanghir. (2019). A Mathematical Analysis for the Effects of Monetary Interest Rate on the Personal Income Distribution in a Macroeconomic Structure. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MODELING (JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS), 10(1 ), 161-186. SID.
CopyAskari Seyed Ehsan, Pourkazemi Mohammad Husain, Biabani Jahanghir. A Mathematical Analysis for the Effects of Monetary Interest Rate on the Personal Income Distribution in a Macroeconomic Structure. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MODELING (JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS)[Internet]. 2019;10(1 ):161-186. Available from:
CopySeyed Ehsan Askari, Mohammad Husain Pourkazemi, and Jahanghir Biabani, “A Mathematical Analysis for the Effects of Monetary Interest Rate on the Personal Income Distribution in a Macroeconomic Structure,” JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MODELING (JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS), vol. 10, no. 1 , pp. 161–186, 2019, [Online]. Available: