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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Study of the complication of exercise in schools in deprived areas of Iran




 Education, as the highest authority and organization governing school sports in the country, is responsible for its development and promotion. The success of education in this field is tied to the diffusion of sport in schools. Sport not only benefits health, but also contributes to the economic, cultural and social characteristics of a region and country. Attention to physical education and vitality of students is one of the most important issues in education and every year there are various programs aimed at emphasizing the importance of sport and sport activities for the general public. The development of equity in sports planning in schools enables institutionalized sport in all areas. While there are no sports facilities and equipment in many schools today, this has led to the growth of injustice on the path of physical education development in schools. Many problems have arisen due to the lack of attention to school sports, especially in deprived areas of the country. The loss of talent and the lack of cultural programs in these areas have led to some form of poverty in these areas. With this in mind, the need for comprehensive research to strengthen the status of school sports, especially in deprived areas of the country, is well understood. The lack of research in this area has led to major ambiguities in the planning and development of school sports in deprived areas of the country. Therefore, the present study was designed and implemented to determine the incidence of exercise in deprived areas. The method of this research is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of the present study in the qualitative section consisted of elites and people with knowledge of school sports in deprived areas in Kermanshah province. These included some physical education teachers and physical education managers who worked in deprived areas of Kermanshah province during their service. The statistical population of this research includes all the teachers of sport in the deprived areas of Kermanshah province. When the statistical population is uncertain, Cochran's sample size formula will be used in the case of statistical uncertainty. According to this formula, under these conditions, the sample number will be 384 (Sarani and Elahee, 1395, 57; Drunk and Fakhraei, 2014, 117). Accordingly, 384 sports secretaries were identified as the research sample. In order to study these areas, first a list of deprived areas in Kermanshah province, according to the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in 2009, was determined and based on random cluster selection, 3 cities were selected as target cities and then 384 secretaries. Exercises were identified from these areas. According to government approval in Kermanshah province in 2009, there are eight deprived cities including Qasr Shirin, Javanrood, Sarpol Zahab, Gilan Gharb, Paveh, Thales Babajani, Dalahoo and Ravansar. The target areas were identified and the questionnaires were distributed among the sports teachers present in these towns and villages around the cities and after they were completed. Finally, 361 completed questionnaires were collected from sports teachers in these areas. The data collection tools in this study included semi-structured interviews in the qualitative section and in the quantitative section a researcher-made questionnaire based on the Wisbord model with 2 demographic sections and 22 questions. The main questions of this research were identified after reviewing the research background and reviewing the opinions of a number of experts using an open questionnaire. The questions in this section were designed on a five-point Likert scale. The face and content validity of this questionnaire was evaluated using the opinion of academic experts and exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity of this questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0. 81. Statistical methods used in the present study include Smirnov clomograph test to determine the normality of research data, exploratory factor analysis test to check the construct validity of the questionnaire and sample t-test to check the status of each component. Research findings. Data analysis was performed in SPSS software version 22 and PLS. Open, axial, and selective coding was also used in the qualitative part of the research. The qualitative results of the research showed that 22 Complications were extracted from the interviews that were classified into 6 categories including goals, structure, rewards, useful mechanisms, communication and leadership. The results showed that among the sporting events in schools in deprived areas of the country, the goals with the impact rate of 0. 969 were the most important. To evaluate the model performance of the present research, the fit indices of the Structural Equation Approach (PALAS) approach were used. Sample Tatech test results showed that the rate of Complications identified in the study included the Weisbord model in all dimensions and domains below the mean level of 3. Given the significance level of less than 0. 05, it can be stated that these conditions are in undesirable conditions. Meanwhile, the state of play related to sports goals in schools in disadvantaged areas is in a disadvantage compared to other conditions. It seems that the lack of clear goals as well as the lack of clarity in some aspects of the school sports structure have led to the lowest level of importance of sports in schools in disadvantaged areas. This is due to the lack of appropriate culture for the performance of sports among students. This has led to the focus of school principals and education officials on addressing problems and shortcomings in the non-sporting areas of schools, and on the other hand, even in some cases, channeling many of the budgets and privileges related to sports. Lead the non-sport areas of schools.


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    APA: Copy

    Bahrami, Shahab, Ghobadi, Bita, & MOHAMMADI, SHIRIN. (2019). Study of the complication of exercise in schools in deprived areas of Iran. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 7(3 ), 87-102. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/401463/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Bahrami Shahab, Ghobadi Bita, MOHAMMADI SHIRIN. Study of the complication of exercise in schools in deprived areas of Iran. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2019;7(3 ):87-102. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/401463/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Shahab Bahrami, Bita Ghobadi, and SHIRIN MOHAMMADI, “Study of the complication of exercise in schools in deprived areas of Iran,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 7, no. 3 , pp. 87–102, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/401463/en

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