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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of quality of work life on the psychological well-being of school principals in Khorramabad city by mediation of management counseling. The research method is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study included all school principals in Khorramabad city in the academic year of 96-97, which number was 347, Regarding the type of research and the number of variables studied, the population under study, according to the sample of Karjetsi and Morgan sample tables, was 181 school principals (elementary school: 76, first high school, 37, and 68 secondary school) in Khorramabad city by sampling method. Stratified randomized ones were selected. Measurement tools in this research are: a) Reef Psychological Well-Being Questionnaire (1995) consisting of 54 items that the reliability of this questionnaire is α =. /82. B) The Quality of Work Life Questionnaire (Walton, 1973) consisting of 32 items And the reliability of this questionnaire is α =. / 91. C) A researcher-made management consulting questionnaire consisting of 29 items whose validity was confirmed by the content validity and also its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient of. / 95. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression. The total number of participants in the study was 181, of which %45. 3 were male and% 54/7 were female. The mean age of the subjects was 11. 44 and 48. 4 ± SD respectively. In terms of education, %6 had a diploma, 6% had a college degree, %72. 4 had undergraduate degrees, % 24. 9 had graduated and %1. 7 Carrying a doctoral degree, % 48. 6 of respondents were in district one and %51. 4 in district two, % 42 of respondents were in the primary school, % 20. 4 in the first grade and 37. 6 in junior high school, and the average management experience Among the samples, 10/88 years were estimated. The assumption of normalization is a prominent indicator before applying parametric tests such as coefficient Pearson Correlation, Path Analysis and Regression Analysis by Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test α =. / 05 To make. Therefore, because the significance level obtained for all variables is higher than α =. / 05, all variables are normal. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between all dimensions of the quality of work life variable with the dimensions of the psychological well-being variable. Also, between the variables themselves are the quality of working life. And the psychological well-being variable had a positive and significant relationship of. /69. There is evidence that the higher the quality of work life, the higher the psychological well-being of individuals. Also, based on the correlation coefficients obtained in the correlation matrix, there was a significant relationship between the dimensions of the management consulting variable and the dimensions of the psychological well-being variable. Morever there is a variable between management consultancy and More over psychological well-being variable has a positive and significant relationship with the amount of. /52 that indicates that Management consulting has a direct, positive and significant relationship with psychological well-being of individuals. Based on the obtained results, each of the components of the quality of working life, i. e. fair payment, safe working conditions, capacity development, Social integration, security and continuous growth, the overall atmosphere of life, legal regulation in the organization and social affiliation have an effect (. /24), (. /21), (. /15), (. /18), (. /18. ), (. /13), (12/0) and (. /20) on the quality of work life of individuals. Also, the components of psychological well-being, namely self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental domination, purposeful life, and individual growth, respectively, have an effect on (. /19), (. /19), (. /20) (. /16), (. /22) and (. /17), and the variable components of managerial counseling, namely, educational program, human resources, learners' affairs, school and community relations, administrative and financial affairs, and equipment and facilities respectively The effect is on the rate (. /31), (. /42), (. /30), (. /17), (. /23), and (. /10). The results also showed that standard t values for the impact of quality work life components such as fair pay, safe working conditions, capacity development, social integrity, sustainability and continuity, overall living space, legal regulation in organization and social dependence on this variable were respectively equal to (57/7), (46/5), (30/2), (33/2), (42/5), (18/7), (19/3) and. (36/3 ) And the standard t values for psychological well-being components, namely self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, environmental domination, purposeful life, and individual growth are respectively (7. 9), (7. 6), (9. 7), (6. 3), (9. 4) and (8. 6), and the standard t values for variable components of management counseling, namely, educational program, human resources, learners' affairs, school and community relations, administrative affairs and financial equipment and facilities were respectively (14/1), (15/9), (11/6), (6/34), (8/46) and (4/62) respectively. Based on the obtained results, the coefficient of influence obtained on the quality of working life on the psychological well-being (. /69) at the alpha level is α =. / 01 and with the standard t standard (12. 7) is significant (sig & lt; / 01). Therefore, with %99 confidence, it can be said that the quality of work life of individuals has a direct effect on their psychological well-being. Also, the coefficient of effect of the quality of work life on managerial counseling (. /51) is significant at α =. / 05 level with the standard t standard (7. 9) (sig & lt; /. / 01). Therefore, with %99 confidence, we can say that the quality of work life has a direct and significant effect on managerial counseling. In addition, the effect of managerial counseling on psychological well-being is equal to (. /52) at the alpha level of α =. / 01 and with the standard t standard (8. 2) is significant (sig & lt; / 01). Therefore, with% 99confidence, it can be said that management consulting has a direct direct effect on managerial counseling. Investigating the indirect effect of quality of work life on psychosocial bias with the role of mediation. Management advice The results of the multiplication of the effect of quality of work life on managerial counseling (. /51) in the coefficient of management counseling on psychological well-being (. /52) is 26. 5 Which is a significant coefficient and the effect of quality of working life on psychological well-being Equal to (. /67) increase to (. /27). Hence, the role of mediation in managerial counseling in relationships and its impact on the quality of work life and psychological well-being is confirmed. Considering these results, it is recommended This importaint point in to account.

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The vital role of management in the educational system and particularly at schools to qualitatively promote and desirably change this institution has been the reason why the educational managers’ duties and performance in terms of their skills and competencies are among the most basic things attended to by managers and management experts since a long time. The results of the research have showed that the effective realization of direction and change duties requires a manifold set of managers’ competencies. Successful managers are those who draw on competencies in their proper place to accompany and help people in different stages of change. Therefore, if managers’ skills and competencies are emphasized in the selection process, and sufficient expertise and competencies are taken into account, and sufficient effort are made to create, develop and evaluate these competencies, there will be a more effective educational system in the long term. Competency shows a picture of a grown-up human being who is in all dimensions ready for a job and it is actually the umbrella term that includes everything affecting the jib performance directly or indirectly. The study of the present condition at schools in our country shows that one of the most common problems in the operation level, is the inappropriateness of decision-making quality and proper measure by the managers so that many of the managers lack the basic professional competencies. This is due to the lack of updated knowledge and required skills. Such a situation has led managers to do nothing for the fundamental school improvement and their work has been limited to the performance of the regulations and registers. On the other hand, the lack of important components like expertise and technical dimensions, modeling competency, missions and vision depicting are evident among the school managers which have afflicted today the daily activities of the schools and their development. Given the importance of the school managers’ professional competencies in their designing selection, assignment, instruction, and performance evaluation, it seems that the study of managers’ professional managers in the educational system requires more attention and much deeper studies. In this respect, according to the researchers, what provides the discussion on the basic changes in the establishment and development of school managers’ professional competencies is the study and identification of responsible institutions and organizations, their duties and functions in the establishment, development, and evaluation of the school managers’ professional competencies. To explore this problem and to respond to the existing challenges in this area, comparative studies that are characterized by their consideration of different dimensions of educational phenomena and are universally acceptable were used in this study. In fact, the comparative approach in the educational management aims at the school level as the basic unit for comparison so as to ensure the significant progress in knowledge construction and perception. Therefore, it might be said that the comparison of educational management in different cultures has an intrinsic value as an intellectual activity to improve the perceptions of educational activities in different regions. The present study was conducted to investigate comparatively the committed institutions and evaluation systems for school principals’ professional competencies in Iran, Malaysia, and the United States, providing a context where Iranian relevant authorities can find some more reliant solutions to improve the principals’ professional competencies development programs. . The research method was based on Bereday’ s method in comparative education studies included the stages of description, interpretation, proximity, and comparison. In the description level, the researcher must describe the phenomena based on the evidence and data collected through different resources, whether through direct observation or the study of others’ documents and reports. According to Bereday, the description stage is the stage of note-taking and provision of sufficient findings to be criticized in the next step. The interpretation stage involves the study of data described in the first stage by the researcher so as to find components and indices for each of the research questions. In the proximity stage, the data gathered in previous stages are classified and put together. In the comparison stage, the research problem is exactly investigated and compared given the details related to the similarities and differences. In this stage, the research questions are possible to be studied. Data was collected from library-relied resources including documents, reports, and published comparative studies on the issue. Study indices in Iran was compared to those of Malaysia and U. S that are both among the progressive countries in the studies and reformations of educational management. The most important references to be used and selected by the researcher were the documents and reports provided by valid organizations and institutes like UNESCO. The results showed that there are some ideas and lessons in the field of research in Malaysia and the state of California which would be used to improve the system of professional competencies of school principals in Iran. Based on the findings, there are duties and functions which are taken place by the overseas’ institutions for describing, developing, and evaluating the programs for principals’ professional competencies. Therefore, a revision of duties and functions by institutions responsible for describing, developing, and evaluating school managers’ professional competencies and also the evaluation system of school managers’ professional competencies in the country are recognized as necessary. Finally some suggestions were made for reforming and learning the relevant policies in Iran. Among those are the establishment of the center for evaluation of school managers’ professional competencies in Iran, the delegation of more authorities to provinces and regions in the area of planning for the establishment, development, and evaluation of managers’ professional competencies, the provision of the national system for ranked certificates in the area of school management professional competencies, using a supervisor manager in a coaching role in the evaluation system of school managers’ professional competencies, the provision of educational programs according to the results of the regular evaluations of school managers’ professional competencies, using international supervisory and advisory organizations and institutes in the process of establishment and development of managers’ professional competencies, using independent and international universities and evaluation and accreditation organizations in the area of managers’ professional competencies. In the end, other studies are recommended in the area of efficient programs for evaluating professional competencies before the assignment of the school managers as well as school managers’ professional competencies certificates, given the interaction and relationship of the researchers with the research topic and the exploration of problems and needs in the respective area.

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The purpose of this research is to provide a suitable model for knowledge management in order to improve the quality of students' learning in technical and administrative circles of the country. The statistical population of this research was in the qualitative section, faculty members and faculty members of Kharazmi University, Islamic Azad University, Alzahra University, Farhangian University and Ministry of Education. All of the managers of technical and vocational schools in the cities of Tehran province who work in the field of skills training in the academic year 98-97, representing a total of 105 individuals. Using the Cochran equation, the number of subjects was 82, which were randomly selected from among the statistical population, were selected as statistical samples. For data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire was used in a five-choice scale containing 153 items. Its formal and qualitative analysis approved for 10 tons Of the experts and its reliability in a preliminary test with 30 subjects for all variables examined was higher than 0. 7, which is acceptable. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical methods of structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software and test Kolmogrov-Smirnov was used the SPSS software. The findings showed that the main variables of KM model were to improve the quality of learning including human resources management, culture and structure, KM processes, and teaching skills, and sub variables including coaching and knowledge leadership, knowledge innovation, intellectual capital management, organizational learning and learner organization, measurement, evaluation Reengineering, education, education and staff information, motivational system, rewards and employee development system, trust, support, commitment and knowledge of senior staff and managers, knowledge management strategies, team and expert network, organizational structure, knowledge management system and IT infrastructure, the budget And resources, knowledge management tools, knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge storage, dissemination and sharing of knowledge, Application of knowledge, education and learning pattern, apprenticeship and internship, training time, workshop space and equipment, educational technology, curriculum planning and educational content. The purpose of this research is to provide a suitable model for knowledge management in order to improve the quality of students' learning in technical and administrative circles of the country. The statistical population of this research was in the qualitative section, faculty members and faculty members of Kharazmi University, Islamic Azad University, Alzahra University, Farhangian University and Ministry of Education. All of the managers of technical and vocational schools in the cities of Tehran province who work in the field of skills training in the academic year 98-97, representing a total of 105 individuals. Using the Cochran equation, the number of subjects was 82, which were randomly selected from among the statistical population, were selected as statistical samples. For data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire was used in a five-choice scale containing 153 items. Its formal and qualitative analysis approved for 10 tons Of the experts and its reliability in a preliminary test with 30 subjects for all variables examined was higher than 0. 7, which is acceptable. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical methods of structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software and test Kolmogrov-Smirnov was used the SPSS software. The findings showed that the main variables of KM model were to improve the quality of learning including human resources management, culture and structure, KM processes, and teaching skills, and sub variables including coaching and knowledge leadership, knowledge innovation, intellectual capital management, organizational learning and learner organization, measurement, evaluation Reengineering, education, education and staff information, motivational system, rewards and employee development system, trust, support, commitment and knowledge of senior staff and managers, knowledge management strategies, team and expert network, organizational structure, knowledge management system and IT infrastructure, the budget And resources, knowledge management tools, knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge storage, dissemination and sharing of knowledge, Application of knowledge, education and learning pattern, apprenticeship and internship, training time, workshop space and equipment, educational technology, curriculum planning and educational content. The purpose of this research is to provide a suitable model for knowledge management in order to improve the quality of students' learning in technical and administrative circles of the country. The statistical population of this research was in the qualitative section, faculty members and faculty members of Kharazmi University, Islamic Azad University, Alzahra University, Farhangian University and Ministry of Education. All of the managers of technical and vocational schools in the cities of Tehran province who work in the field of skills training in the academic year 98-97, representing a total of 105 individuals. Using the Cochran equation, the number of subjects was 82, which were randomly selected from among the statistical population, were selected as statistical samples. For data collection, a researcher-made questionnaire was used in a five-choice scale containing 153 items. Its formal and qualitative analysis approved for 10 tons Of the experts and its reliability in a preliminary test with 30 subjects for all variables examined was higher than 0. 7, which is acceptable. For data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical methods of structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software and test Kolmogrov-Smirnov was used the SPSS software. The findings showed that the main variables of KM model were to improve the quality of learning including human resources management, culture and structure, KM processes, and teaching skills, and sub variables including coaching and knowledge leadership, knowledge innovation, intellectual capital management, organizational learning and learner organization, measurement, evaluation Reengineering, education, education and staff information, motivational system, rewards and employee development system, trust, support, commitment and knowledge of senior staff and managers, knowledge management strategies, team and expert network, organizational structure, knowledge management system and IT infrastructure, the budget And resources, knowledge management tools, knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge storage, dissemination and sharing of knowledge, Application of knowledge, education and learning pattern, apprenticeship and internship, training time, workshop space and equipment, educational technology, curriculum planning and educational content. management tools, knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge storage, dissemination and sharing of knowledge, Application of knowledge, education and learning pattern, apprenticeship and internship, training time, workshop space and equipment, educational technology, curriculum planning and educational content.

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The present study was conducted to identify the areas of cooperation and educational interaction between high schools and the faculties of Psychology and Education in Tehran using the qualitative data base method. The statistical population of the study consists of all academic and educational stakeholders who have some kind of executive or scientific background on the subject of educational interaction between schools and universities. From the statistical population, 26 individuals were selected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. In order to check the validity and reliability of the research, the interviewers' approval was used to control the validity of the research. The coefficient of agreement was 0. 85 indicating high agreement and good reliability coefficient. The research findings showed that high schools and faculties of psychology and education in Tehran can collaborate and interact in three general areas: student support, student preparation for university, and support and support for teachers and school staff and 31 minor areas The present study was conducted to identify the areas of cooperation and educational interaction between high schools and the faculties of Psychology and Education in Tehran using the qualitative data base method. The statistical population of the study consists of all academic and educational stakeholders who have some kind of executive or scientific background on the subject of educational interaction between schools and universities. From the statistical population, 26 individuals were selected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. In order to check the validity and reliability of the research, the interviewers' approval was used to control the validity of the research. The coefficient of agreement was 0. 85 indicating high agreement and good reliability coefficient. The research findings showed that high schools and faculties of psychology and education in Tehran can collaborate and interact in three general areas: student support, student preparation for university, and support and support for teachers and school staff and 31 minor areas The present study was conducted to identify the areas of cooperation and educational interaction between high schools and the faculties of Psychology and Education in Tehran using the qualitative data base method. The statistical population of the study consists of all academic and educational stakeholders who have some kind of executive or scientific background on the subject of educational interaction between schools and universities. From the statistical population, 26 individuals were selected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. In order to check the validity and reliability of the research, the interviewers' approval was used to control the validity of the research. The coefficient of agreement was 0. 85 indicating high agreement and good reliability coefficient. The research findings showed that high schools and faculties of psychology and education in Tehran can collaborate and interact in three general areas: student support, student preparation for university, and support and support for teachers and school staff and 31 minor areas The present study was conducted to identify the areas of cooperation and educational interaction between high schools and the faculties of Psychology and Education in Tehran using the qualitative data base method. The statistical population of the study consists of all academic and educational stakeholders who have some kind of executive or scientific background on the subject of educational interaction between schools and universities. From the statistical population, 26 individuals were selected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. In order to check the validity and reliability of the research, the interviewers' approval was used to control the validity of the research. The coefficient of agreement was 0. 85 indicating high agreement and good reliability coefficient. The research findings showed that high schools and faculties of psychology and education in Tehran can collaborate and interact in three general areas: student support, student preparation for university, and support and support for teachers and school staff and 31 minor areas The present study was conducted to identify the areas of cooperation and educational interaction between high schools and the faculties of Psychology and Education in Tehran using the qualitative data base method. The statistical population of the study consists of all academic and educational stakeholders who have some kind of executive or scientific background on the subject of educational interaction between schools and universities. From the statistical population, 26 individuals were selected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. In order to check the validity and reliability of the research, the interviewers' approval was used to control the validity of the research. The coefficient of agreement was 0. 85 indicating high agreement and good reliability coefficient. The research findings showed that high schools and faculties of psychology and education in Tehran can collaborate and interact in three general areas: student support, student preparation for university, and support and support for teachers and school staff and 31 minor areas The present study was conducted to identify the areas of cooperation and educational interaction between high schools and the faculties of Psychology and Education in Tehran using the qualitative data base method. The statistical population of the study consists of all academic and educational stakeholders who have some kind of executive or scientific background on the subject of educational interaction between schools and universities. From the statistical population, 26 individuals were selected through purposive sampling to reach theoretical saturation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Coding was used to analyze the interview data. In order to check the validity and reliability of the research, the interviewers' approval was used to control the validity of the research. The coefficient of agreement was 0. 85 indicating high agreement and good reliability coefficient. The research findings showed that high schools and faculties of psychology and education in Tehran can collaborate and interact in three general areas: student support, student preparation for university, and support and support for teachers and school staff and 31 minor areas.

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Implementing the Fundamental Reform Document of Education (FRDE) requires using transformational leadership style towards promoting employees performance and especially teachers' performance. This research aimed to examine the effect of transformational leadership on job performance with the moderating role of public service motivation in secondary schools teachers. The methodology is descriptive and correlative and statistical population is teachers of secondary schools in Sirjan city to number of 726 that by using Morgan table, 251 teachers were selected through stratified random method. For gathering data used 3 standard questionnaires including Bass and Avolio(2000) for transformational leadership, Paterson(1992) for job performance, and Alonso and Lewis(2001) for public service motivation. To ensure of questionnaires reliability was used Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and composite reliability (CR) index and their reliability was confirmed. Also for ensuring about questionnaires validity was used convergent and divergent validity and average variance extracted (AVE) index and confirmative factor analysis. For analyzing data, were used structural equation modelling by Amos software. The results showed that public service motivation moderates the effect of transformational leadership on teachers' job performance. Also the positive effect of transformational leadership on job performance, the positive effect of transformational leadership on public service motivation, and the positive effect of public service motivation on job performance are significant.

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Education has the most important task in developing knowledge and informing people by providing an appropriate educational environment. This can only be achieved when the education system has the most competent and deserving people to fulfill its mission. Therefore this study has been done by the purpose of evaluating the professional competences of elementary teachers "from the perspective of administrators" in Markazi province. The research method base on the purpose is applied and base on the data collection is quantitative in descriptive type which has been done as a survey method. The statistical population consisted of elementary school administrators of Markazi province. Stratified random sampling method with appropriate (relative) assignment was used for sampling. School districts of Arak, Komijan and Mahalat were selected as the sample. According to the Jersey and Morgan table of 141 school administrators, 103 administrators were considered as the sample of the study. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire of teachers' professional competences under the supervision of three professors in four areas: personal (14 items), interpersonal (6 items), specialized (29 items) and professional ethics (17 items). The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a number of respondents and the content validity was confirmed after examining by four professional professors. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient using SPSS software. The coefficient alpha of the total questionnaire was 0. 98, personal dimension 0. 96, interpersonal dimension 0. 95, professional dimension 0. 97 and professional ethics dimension 0. 96. Questionnaires were distributed to 60 percent of the teachers in each school. In order to be random and non-interfering with the teacher's taste in teacher selection and on the other hand to keep the name of the teacher confidential, the researcher selected the number of teachers from the school staff's absence note book as a code and placed these codes on the questionnaires. In this case, the school administrator by visiting the attendance notebook knew which teacher completed the questionnaire, while the researcher had only the code in question. After distributing all questionnaires and receiving them, 405 questionnaires were finally received, out of which 50 administrators in one district (244 questionnaires), 27 administrators in Komijan city (101 questionnaires) and 13 administrators in Mahallat city (60 questionnaires) were completed and delivered. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics including binomial and Friedman tests. The results showed that the status of teachers' professional competences were above average. Distribution of scores on the continuum of professional competences showed that 96% of teachers were in the range of competent teachers and 04% of teachers were in the range of incompetent teachers. Teachers who are not qualified as a result of assessments are considered as incompetent teachers. In fact the mean score of the questionnaire that is less than 3. 5 shows that that teacher does not have a minimum acceptable level of professional competence for teaching. Although the professional competences of elementary teachers in Markazi province are at a desirable level, should not neglect the 04% incompetent teachers. It may seem that 04% is not significant, but it has been carefully realized that this is a significant number and requires seriousness and diligence in managing incompetent teachers. According to the latest statistics from the Ministry of Education's Communication and Information Technology Statistics Center in 1398, 358, 000 elementary teachers are teaching students in the education system. According to the Director General of Primary Education, the average student density in primary school classrooms was 28 in 1398. Now, if we multiply the percentage of incompetent teachers by the number of elementary teachers, we get 14, 320 incompetent teachers. The 14, 320 teachers who are responsible for the education of an average of 28 students every year. That means 400, 690 students just in one year. Ignorance of this subject causes educational injustice and overcrowding to thousands of students. Therefore, it is necessary to intelligently design a planned and long-term approach to this important and effective issue. The results of ranking the dimensions of teachers' professional competences showed that the professional ethics, personal dimension, interpersonal dimension and specialized dimension were ranked first to fourth respectively. However, no matter how much the teachers have the necessary personal competences, but they are poor scientifically and professionally, they will not be effective. The most important suggestions and strategies for improving the status of teachers' professional competences are: 1: It is suggested that teachers' professional competences be determined in a comprehensive and accurate methods and employment of teacher-student be done based on specified indicators. 2: In addition, careful consideration is needed in employing and training school principals. Given the key and important role of school administrators, it is imperative that individuals with high-level skills and abilities be in charge of this task. Therefore, in this regard, competent and highly qualified persons should be responsible for school administration. 3: It is suggested that the education system design a system of evaluation of teachers' performance based on professional competences and based on this accurately evaluate and assess the degree of competence. 4: The education system needs serious attention to the issue of teachers' professional competence at all levels of education and society, and there is a strong resolve in all management disciplines to improve the competences of teachers. 5: To coordinate teachers with scientific advances in various fields of education, to adapt to new students' needs, to develop their knowledge, attitudes and skills, and ultimately to adapt to changing conditions, they must provide the basis for their professional development. Education is one of the tools of teachers' professional development. Teachers who fail to meet the minimum professional standards of teachers need to be educated in the areas of their weaknesses and shortcomings. It is recommended that specialized training courses, based on the educational needs of teachers be provided with rich content and practical and attractive ways for teachers to develop and empower teachers. 6: It is recommended to empower teachers with careful planning. In this regard, it is suggested that empowerment programs be put on the agenda through educational professionals, colleagues, administrators, and teachers themselves.

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Education, as the highest authority and organization governing school sports in the country, is responsible for its development and promotion. The success of education in this field is tied to the diffusion of sport in schools. Sport not only benefits health, but also contributes to the economic, cultural and social characteristics of a region and country. Attention to physical education and vitality of students is one of the most important issues in education and every year there are various programs aimed at emphasizing the importance of sport and sport activities for the general public. The development of equity in sports planning in schools enables institutionalized sport in all areas. While there are no sports facilities and equipment in many schools today, this has led to the growth of injustice on the path of physical education development in schools. Many problems have arisen due to the lack of attention to school sports, especially in deprived areas of the country. The loss of talent and the lack of cultural programs in these areas have led to some form of poverty in these areas. With this in mind, the need for comprehensive research to strengthen the status of school sports, especially in deprived areas of the country, is well understood. The lack of research in this area has led to major ambiguities in the planning and development of school sports in deprived areas of the country. Therefore, the present study was designed and implemented to determine the incidence of exercise in deprived areas. The method of this research is mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The statistical population of the present study in the qualitative section consisted of elites and people with knowledge of school sports in deprived areas in Kermanshah province. These included some physical education teachers and physical education managers who worked in deprived areas of Kermanshah province during their service. The statistical population of this research includes all the teachers of sport in the deprived areas of Kermanshah province. When the statistical population is uncertain, Cochran's sample size formula will be used in the case of statistical uncertainty. According to this formula, under these conditions, the sample number will be 384 (Sarani and Elahee, 1395, 57; Drunk and Fakhraei, 2014, 117). Accordingly, 384 sports secretaries were identified as the research sample. In order to study these areas, first a list of deprived areas in Kermanshah province, according to the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers in 2009, was determined and based on random cluster selection, 3 cities were selected as target cities and then 384 secretaries. Exercises were identified from these areas. According to government approval in Kermanshah province in 2009, there are eight deprived cities including Qasr Shirin, Javanrood, Sarpol Zahab, Gilan Gharb, Paveh, Thales Babajani, Dalahoo and Ravansar. The target areas were identified and the questionnaires were distributed among the sports teachers present in these towns and villages around the cities and after they were completed. Finally, 361 completed questionnaires were collected from sports teachers in these areas. The data collection tools in this study included semi-structured interviews in the qualitative section and in the quantitative section a researcher-made questionnaire based on the Wisbord model with 2 demographic sections and 22 questions. The main questions of this research were identified after reviewing the research background and reviewing the opinions of a number of experts using an open questionnaire. The questions in this section were designed on a five-point Likert scale. The face and content validity of this questionnaire was evaluated using the opinion of academic experts and exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity of this questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0. 81. Statistical methods used in the present study include Smirnov clomograph test to determine the normality of research data, exploratory factor analysis test to check the construct validity of the questionnaire and sample t-test to check the status of each component. Research findings. Data analysis was performed in SPSS software version 22 and PLS. Open, axial, and selective coding was also used in the qualitative part of the research. The qualitative results of the research showed that 22 complications were extracted from the interviews that were classified into 6 categories including goals, structure, rewards, useful mechanisms, communication and leadership. The results showed that among the sporting events in schools in deprived areas of the country, the goals with the impact rate of 0. 969 were the most important. To evaluate the model performance of the present research, the fit indices of the Structural Equation Approach (PALAS) approach were used. Sample Tatech test results showed that the rate of complications identified in the study included the Weisbord model in all dimensions and domains below the mean level of 3. Given the significance level of less than 0. 05, it can be stated that these conditions are in undesirable conditions. Meanwhile, the state of play related to sports goals in schools in disadvantaged areas is in a disadvantage compared to other conditions. It seems that the lack of clear goals as well as the lack of clarity in some aspects of the school sports structure have led to the lowest level of importance of sports in schools in disadvantaged areas. This is due to the lack of appropriate culture for the performance of sports among students. This has led to the focus of school principals and education officials on addressing problems and shortcomings in the non-sporting areas of schools, and on the other hand, even in some cases, channeling many of the budgets and privileges related to sports. Lead the non-sport areas of schools.

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This study aimed to provide a model representation with Grounded Theory approach for Nature Schools Development in Iran. The present research is applied in terms of "purpose" and in terms of the data type, "qualitative" and in terms of the "Grounded Theory"(systematic version) implementation. The data of this study were the result of semi-structured interview with the participation of 15 administrator and facilitator of nature schools and study document of 2 specialists on the subject who are selected through theoretical and purposeful sampling. Interview data were analyzed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The result confirmed the reliability index and reliability between the two coders. The study findingswere first categorized in 78 major categories and then in 23 main categories and then in six components of the proposed paradigm model, proposed by Strauss and Corbin. The central phenomenon of "determining legal place" is the core of the development of nature schools in Iran. The other components and categories include Causal conditions: "cultural and social context” , “ changing society's point of view and policy makers towards children", " Belief and common sense ", " Knowing the importance of nature experience at early ages ", "understanding necessity of Preservation environmental protection ", " Education ministry supportive policies "; Context conditions include: " religious and cultural foundations ", " administrative barrier system "and" life style and urbanization and Intervening factors include: "financial Facilities and funds, " "Material and spiritual support of the people, " "Infrastructure and physical space, " " Human Resources Empowerment "; Action/interaction strategies includes: " Expansion and discovery mechanism ", " Cooperation of media", " Promotion the sense of nature school ", " Learning out of experiences "and" Professional requirement of facilitators", " active societies of the child's sphere ", " setting standards of safety and health "and the component of the consequence: " Individual Consequences ", and " Social & economic Consequences ". Frequent outdoor experiences and contact with nature strengthen children’ s empathic relationship to nature, and are essential for a later connection with and care for the environment. Despite this fact, children in urban environments are frequently kept apart from nature and isolated from the dangers of the outside world: traffic, violence, strangers, rain and cold. There is a decline in outdoor games, in-and out-of-school, and urban spaces rarely have green areas where children can freely experience direct contact with nature. Materials and methods The recent study in the prospect of data type is called quality and the way of operation is named systematic. The founder in this project has used Strauss and Corbin patterns. The tool in which this project is done is semi-organized interview till the elements and symbols totally discovered. Mots the questions are toward organized and followed the trend the discovery was looking for. The founder followed coral quizzes. Participants were selected among Administrator, facilitators and the experts who were master on nature school subject. Because the sampling criterion in this study is rather than the number of individuals and groups nature is the subject and situation in which research is conducted. Theoretical sampling is the process of data collection for generation of theory whereby the researcher jointing collect next and where to find them, in order to develop the theory as it emerges. The process of data collection is controlled by the emerging theory, whether substance or formal. Results The general aim of this project is presenting a model in nature schools and is following 6 main goals: 1. Identification Central phenomenon of nature schools development in Iran 2. Identification causal conditions of nature schools development in Iran 3. Identification expansion context of nature schools development in Iran 4. Identification intervening factors recognition of nature schools development in Iran 5. Identification action/interaction strategies of nature schools development in Iran 6. Possible consequences of nature schools development in Iran. This study has not been linear and is in the process of data analysis and repetitions. Therefore, the overall process has been comprehensive and gradual. The data were being gathered after each stage and recorded consequently and in the way of data analysis a lot of comparisons were made. Furthermore, 3 coding systems were chosen and the frequency in which participants took part in were gradually questioned relatively. These three types open, axial, and selective. Out of 15 interviews and 2 documents revisions, there was 546 data. This data was coded in 78 categories in level one and in conclusion these definitions were summarized in 23 categories. These categories were coded in paradigm, comprehensive, and background and consequences. In the first stage or to better say, open coding, the data of such this analysis were categorized. Such this act gather the data distractions and make them more meaningful. In fact, the researcher has considered 3 elements for total calculations. Discussion In regard with the first aim that we were discussing, the exact role of such these schools in society was found and discussed legally. This aim is achieved because all the elements contributed to the way that they were grown up with. It is needless to say that the growth and expansion in such these schools can only happen if all the organizations cooperate in a sensible way. It is needed to be mentioned that the growth in children must be done from their childhood and if not so they will not learn the exact requirement of a standard life and some negative consequences will be the result. In the recent findings which were done in the year 2013 and opening almost 78 nature schools in Iran. Openers haven’ t got any positive results to receive the legal permissions and it caused that after about a year of work or two, they regret their first decision and receive closure letter to renew their contract. As it was discussed in the first pages, in Denmark, a new course of study was made from the first years of 1980 and set the nature schools subject as the priority and learning from nature in open space was named as one of their subjects. In addition in Germany the principals accepted with the idea and now we can see that more and more people now in Iran are getting more interested in this way and subject due to some positive feedbacks they have received.

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The main objective of this research is to identify the dimensions and behavioral symptoms of visionary educational leaders in primary schools in order to localize and develop its theoretical foundations, using a qualitative phenomenological analysis approach. Visionary leadership is the ability to create a common intellectual framework among all individuals in the organization. Visionary leadership as a key factor in the survival of organizations, its success and its development in today's turbulent environment has emerged and has been considered. The presence of a school perspective also depicts the same picture of what the school wants to achieve in the future. In this regard, the role of educational managers in drawing this insight and vision is of great importance. The quality of education in schools also depends on The type and style of leadership of school administrators. Educational Leaders can successfully turn schools into successful organizations that can clearly outline the school's vision and mission and, as clearly as possible, pass on to other dimensions of the school organization, and make their decisions based on that insight. But continuing employment with current affairs and responsiveness to day-to-day activities has prevented school principals from addressing the future and outlining the vision of the school's future. outstanding leaders have a vision of their schools, a mental picture of a preferred future, which is shared with all in the school community. Leader's insight makes it possible to answer the three essential questions: who are we? What do we do? Where are we going to go? If we do not develop an visionary and upcoming leadership among educational leaders, the future of our educational system will be at serious risk. Without insight Looking at the future of schools, administrators will be the only administrators of the status quo without having to take effective steps towards the growth and improvement of the school. However, despite the importance and undeniable role of insightfully and having vision in the overall development of schools, unfortunately, a comprehensive study of the state of this area of knowledge in our country is not available. Regarding the vacuum of the problem and the need to pay attention to it, the researcher, using a qualitative research approach, has been studying and identifying the dimensions and behavioral symptoms of the behavior of the visionary educational leaders in the schools and seeking to answer this question: What are the most important dimensions and components of the behavior of the educated educational leaders in elementary schools? So, the main objective of this study is identifying dimensions and behavioral symptoms of visionary educational leadership in schools. Research Method: In terms of methodology, this research is a part of qualitative research that uses phenomenological strategy to identify and extract the components of visionary educational leadership in elementary schools. In this way, the goal of the researcher is to create a comprehensive description of the phenomenon experienced by the participants to achieve its structural understanding. The potential contributors were teachers who have had an experience in job interviews. To this end, 14 experienced and prominent managers of primary schools in Mashhad were selected through targeted sampling method to achieve saturation of the category. The researcher also aimed at enriching the results of the views of nineteen faculty members and faculty members in the field of educational management selected by this sampling method. In total, the statistical sample is 23. in the selection of individuals, , in order to obtain a variety of information and a broader understanding of the components of educational leadership, has been tried to use samples from different groups and, of course, related to the subject. Also The validity of the findings was assessed by the method of review by the participants and To determine reliability, agreement between two coders (inter-subject agreement) was used. The data was collected by using semi-structured and in-depth interviews and were analyzed using a combination of seven-step cluster approach and open, axial and selective coding. At the end of each interview, At first, the researcher listened to the recorded statements of the participants several times and carefully, and recorded their remarks on the paper word by word. Then with the goal of deep understanding of the feelings and experiences of participants. These statements have been studied several times. In the next step, underlines the key information and concepts. so the important phrases and sentences are distinguished (Open coding). In the third stage, the researcher has tried to separate a concept related to the meaning and feel of the interviewee of these terms and expressions. At this stage, the scholar has used a great deal of precision to establish a deep semantic relationship between the extracted concepts and the stated sentences. In the next step, by comparing the concepts and understanding the similarities and differences between them, the categorization of concepts in distinct classes was dealt with (Axial coding). In the sixth stage, the researcher has developed a more general category by defining a scenario of grouped concepts and a deep understanding between categories. Then, according to the final selection codes, the researcher will give a comprehensive description of the phenomenon concerned. Findings: By analyzing the content of the interviews, and considering the literature and history of research, and the comparison and matching of data, 184 indicators were obtained that with the elimination of duplicates and the integration of homogeneous and similar indicators, This number fell to 58 markers, which eventually summed up in the form of 22 sub categories and 6 main categories. Finally, Data analysis based on phenomenography method demonstrated that dimensions and behavioral components of visionary educational leaders in elementary Schools are as follows: 1) Personality, 2) value, 3) Professional knowledge, 4) strategic thinking, 5) epistemological features, and 6) relationship management Skills. The results of this study indicate that the visionary educational leaders have a roughly similar approach to long-term goals. Therefore, with the use of proper selection processes and the implementation of appropriate empowerment strategies, the current routine management of schools can be guided to an visionary Educational leadership.

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The organizational change for many employees is a stressful experience, because the change may be uncertain and affect the feelings and abilities of employees. The readiness for change has individual and organizational levels. The individual's level of readiness for change means the extent to which people are emotionally and cognitively inclined to accept a specific plan to disturb the willfulness of the present situation. The preparation for organizational change involves proportionality, management support, change efficiency, and personal gain. Successful organizational change depends on the ability of leaders to recognize the need for change and planning to realize it, so that management, along with the workforce, moves with unity and integrity toward achieving predetermined goals. Therefore, the role of leaders for all companies and organizations to achieve the benefits and achievements of staff readiness for organizational change has been taken into consideration, which emphasizes the development of strengths, virtues and perceptions consistent with intrinsic values. The authentic leaders are those who are self-aware and aware of their thoughts and behaviors, and are sure, hopeful, optimistic, and flexible and have a very moral character. Based on the definition of Walumbwa and the associates, the authentic leadership is characterized as a pattern of leadership behavior that extends both positive psychological capabilities and a positive moral atmosphere. They reinforce self-awareness, internal moral outlook, balanced information processing and transparency in the relationship between leader and follower. Workers led by authentic leaders have a high psychological capital. This psychological source encourages them to be more creative. The psychological capital shows the behavioral features of the original leaders as a positive concept and gives them distinctive moral hypotheses. Focusing on understanding and describing happiness in an organization, strengthening positive psychological capacities, leads executives to better manage their employees. The psychological capital leads to positive emotions in the organization's employees, which are the readiness for change in the direction of organizational growth and development. Considering the above description and the role of school administrators and educators in providing educational services and improving planning in education, the necessity of this research is revealed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of authentic leadership on the readiness for organizational change with the mediating role of psychological capital. The statistical population of this research includes 200 people adopted from all principals of sport schools of Tehran Province. Using Combined Krejcy-Morgan table and Structural Equation Modeling, 187 subjects were selected by simple random sampling method. Authentic Leadership Walumbwa, Luthanz, Avey, & Oke (2011), Readiness for Organizational Change for Holt, Armenakis, Feild, & Harris (2007) and Luthanz, Norman, Avolio, & Avey (2008) Psychological Capital Questionnaires were used for collecting data. The internal consistency of the questionnaires was 0. 95, 0. 82 and 0. 86 by Cronbach's alpha test, respectively. The research data were analyzed by using PLS software and structural equation modeling approach. The results showed that the effect of authentic leadership on psychological capital and readiness for organizational change as well as the effect of psychological capital on the readiness for organizational change is positive and significant. The mediating role of psychological capital is influential in the relationship of authentic leadership with readiness for organizational change. According to the results, if there is authentic leadership in organizations and especially educational organizations and the promotion of psychological capital, we can see a higher degree of employee readiness for organizational change. Therefore, presentation of authentic leadership behaviors by managers and development of psychological capital is proposed to increase the readiness of employees to accept organizational changes. Based on the results of this research, it has been suggested that ethical indicators of managers should be considered to respond to the challenges of organizations and employees to provide the main leadership behaviors and the development of mental capital in order to increase the readiness of employees to accept organizational changes. Managers who have high leadership morale have a positive attitude towards themselves and employee behavior and consider this rule, which is always a principle of integrity, in relation to employees, when choosing to prioritize. Managers will also strive to gain a genuine recognition of themselves, their employees and their needs and the organization they are working in as they are aware of the surrounding environment, which is always improving our readiness to face up to the challenges ahead. The managers try to identify the emotions and feelings of employees. This identification requires the closest of managers to the staff and the establishment of transparent relationships. Managers adhere to the principles and values they express, not in speech but in practice. In fact, what they expect from employees' behavior, by creating strong moral environments, is effective in improving their relationships with employees. Finally, it is suggested that in future studies, all principals of sport schools of the whole country should be selected as a statistical society. As with other researches, the present study was subject to limitations. In this research, we tried to collect the data of the study in a short time period. Also, this research is based on a quantitative approach and due to the limited quantitative methods such as the existence of closed questions and the limitation of the persons to answer the questions asked. Also, the possibility of unrealistic responses by participants, due to inaccurate understanding of questions, can undermine the results. Of course, I tried to reduce this chance by explaining this and devoting enough time to answer the questions. This research in the Education Organization examined the effect of genuine leadership on the readiness for organizational change of employees with the mediating variable of psychological capital; therefore, the specific characteristics of the organization may limit the external validity of the findings and should be cautious about the generalization of the results to other organizations. If this research is carried out in manufacturing, research or private or nongovernmental organizations, it may produce different results. Neither the present scheme nor the use of structural equation modeling proves the causality. According to Anderson and Greenberg, although the use of the structural equation modeling approach provides the ability to generate causal inferences, it is necessary to take caution in this regard.

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Although the role of educational leadership in promoting school and society has been well-documented, the complexity of such leadership in the 21st century presents challenges that are more daunting than ever before. Today’ s school leaders must be capable of preparing thoughtful, productive, literate citizens who contribute individually and collectively to the future well-being of all and who are positioned to succeed in a global environment. So successful managers should try to improve the organization's performance. Perhaps the first concept that has been taken into account since the inception of organizations is the concept of organization's performance. Because all organizations are created to achieve the goals, the goal is realized in a process that can be called the performance of the organization. The performance of organizations is a function of manpower, facilities, equipment, policies, and so on. But today, due to environmental changes and new technologies, it has been determined that other factors also affect the performance of the organization. These include organizational flexibility and information literacy of the organization's executives. In fact, organizational flexibility and organizational literacy can play a significant role in improving performance. Information literacy involves knowing when and why information is needed, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. Information literate person is one who can understand the need for information, the resources available, how to find information, the need to evaluate results, how to work with or exploit results, ethics and responsibility of use, how to communicate or share one’ s findings, and how to manage the findings. Flexibility denotes the organizational capacity to respond to a turbulent environment through innovation development of products, services and processes, based on a culture of learning and renewal. In the sense of managing human resources, flexibility can be defined as the organization adapting to size, composition, responsiveness and the people. Therefore, considering the role of organizational flexibility and organizational literacy, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between these two variables with organizational performance. So, the purpose of this study was to explain the relationship between organizational flexibility and organizational literacy with performance status of school administrators in Gilan-e-Gharb. The research methodology was descriptive-correlation type, and the statistical population of this research was all school administrators and assistants in Gilan-e-Gharb (2017-2018). According to the study, there were 135 directors and assistants in all three courses (50 primary school, 31 middle school and 54 secondary school) and both Gender (61 women and 74 men) was from public and private schools. Finally, 100 people were selected as a statistical sample by stratified random sampling of three educational courses. The research instrument consisted of Gardner's flexible standard questionnaire (1999), Hersey's and Goldsmith's organizational performance questionnaire (2003), and researcher-made information literacy questionnaire. The reliability of each of them was calculated with Cronbach's alpha, which was 0. 88, 0. 93 and 0. 90, respectively Desirable has been reported. The data obtained from these questionnaires were analyzed using the structural equation model using PLS software. Structural Equation Model was used to study the research model. The whole process of analyzing the data of this research is dominant in Statistical Package Of Social Sciences software and Partial least squares regression software were performed using PLS2 software. The results showed that the three components of information literacy, namely, the need for information, the gathering of information and the use of information, have a positive and significant impact on organizational performance. In other words, the sense of the need for information, the collection of information and the use of information will increase, and the level of performance of managers will increase. But it is worth noting that among the four components of information literacy, only the evaluation and analysis of information did not have a significant effect on the performance of managers. In general, we can say that information literacy plays a significant role in improving the performance of school principals. These results coincided with the researches by Elmamoz et al. (2011), Niazazari et al. (2015), Shariatmadari and Bakhtiari (2014), Feng and Ha (2016). The results also showed that organizational flexibility has a positive and significant effect on organizational performance. In other words, as much as organizational flexibility increases, managers' performance increases. So, the results showed that the exogenous variables such as organizational flexibility and organizational literacy can predict changes in the managers’ performance. Therefore, according to the results of this study, it is suggested that policymakers and educational planners organize workshops to strengthen the information literacy and flexibility of school principals. And these workshops will be held according to the needs of managers, and also be used by experienced professors in these courses. It is also suggested that school managers improve their flexibility to improve their performance. And in order to increase the flexibility of the organization, managers must provide flexible processes and structures. They must adapt themselves to the needs of students, teachers, parents, and technological and economic changes. Finally, managers must improve their informational literacy skills to improve their performance. In this context, managers should have in-service training on information-seeking skills and the proper use of information. The most important limitation of this research, which is a characteristic of the social sciences, is the effect of variables whose control is beyond the reach of the researcher. Another limitation of this research is the use of self-reported questionnaires to evaluate variables. Limited access to managers due to the high level of engagement and the skepticism of managers to research and lack of a correct understanding of managerial concepts is another limitation.

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If education is to improve, it must transform education, especially teachers who interact widely with learners. In fact, any meaningful and significant improvement in schools and the education system must start from the teacher, and there is a significant relationship between school improvement and teacher performance, and their knowledge, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices should change. This requires the professionalization of education and, at the top of it, the professionalism of all teachers, as the teacher is one of the key components of the education system, and the shortcomings and deficiencies of this component are affected. Teachers are seen as the "agent of change" in educational practices, and it is by them that the most important effects can occur. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the most important component of the education system and to promote one's knowledge, attitude and skills. Collaboration is the core of teachers' professional growth and school quality improvement. As teachers grow at school through collaboration, their motivation is to reduce workloads, positively impact teachers' morale, increase productivity, improve communication, improve technical skills, reduce personal isolation, along with other benefits such as educational strategies., Are moving toward student-centricity and the balance between real and hidden curriculum has increased. A culture of school collaboration enhances opportunities for career development and enhances educational strategies. Collaborative, real and systematic, focusing on student learning, has resulted in high quality solutions to educational problems, increased teacher confidence and significant achievements in student success. If every student is to have a qualified teacher, then all teachers should be learning full time. While learning happens sometimes in courses and workshops, much of it comes when teachers do their lesson plans in collaboration with other teachers, examining their students' work to find ways to improve it. And to teach each other, and finally, to develop methods based on different information to improve their teaching. There is strong evidence that teachers 'participation in purposeful collaborative activities has had a significant impact on improving the quality of schools' education. Teachers learn good things from interacting with each other as well as from a combination of their own and those of their colleagues. This is what Kennedy (2005) refers to as transformational learning that can make a real difference in the education system. When teachers work together, their work patterns encourage students to do the same. Teachers who practice communication skills often use similar communication skills to communicate with their students in the classroom. Also, teachers who feel comfortable working together can usually easily ask their students to work in the classroom. Collaborative learning encompasses a wide range of perspectives and processes: senior teacher and peer interaction, peer mentoring, friendly critique groups, productive conversation, as well as activities such as observation, teamwork on a specific task, sharing ideas, Study groups, research courses, cohesive groups, and specialized / interdisciplinary groups. Although each of the above may involve different activities and processes, it seems that the core view of shared learning value is integrated. This is based on the assumption that each school has experienced teachers whose knowledge and experience are shared. In sharing this knowledge, teachers can collaborate, reflect, and learn from one another. Collaborative vocational learning is different in small and large schools. In large schools, there are more groups and there will be larger meetings. Teachers will work in more than one group. The role of school administrator, teacher supervisor, or supervisor in coordinating and supporting groups will also be greater. Communication between groups will be more challenging and will require more team effort. In large schools where teachers work less together, it may be challenging to create a sense of community, although this is not necessarily related to the size of the school, but rather to the internal culture of the school. Even larger schools can have successful joint vocational learning groups. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of collaboration between school teachers on improving the quality of teaching and learning process. In terms of purpose, it was practical and in terms of descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population was 6000 primary school teachers in Tehran (N = 6000) and 361 individuals were selected by using Krejcie and Morgan table and were selected by multistage cluster sampling. The city of Tehran was divided into five clusters of north, south, east, west and center and one cluster was selected from each cluster and 73 primary school teachers were selected from each cluster. To investigate the effect of teacher collaboration on improving the quality of the teaching-learning process, the standard questionnaire 41, Safari 1396, was used. The questionnaire measures subscales of experience sharing, interdependence, responsibility, shared values and vision, co-decision making and control, and supportive conditions. In order to measure the quality of teaching and learning, a researcher-made questionnaire with 36 questions assessing the quality of teaching and learning process was used. The questionnaire has five dimensions of teaching design skills, teaching skills, teacher quality, learning assessment skills, and communication skills that receive individual responses through the five-point Likert scale. The validity of both questionnaires was confirmed by experts in the form of face validity. Reliability of both questionnaires was determined by means of Cronbach's alpha coefficients among 30 individuals. In order to use inferential statistics, the hypothesis of normality distribution of each component was analyzed using Kalmogorov-Smirnov test. The results showed that the distribution of scores of all components was normal. The results of the present study and the backgrounds can be explained in such a way that the accelerating changes of the present era have posed some problems and challenges to this system, in particular the quality of education and the teaching and learning process, which has reduced the level of its impact on learners. Has been. Therefore, recognizing the current status of the quality of teaching and learning process and acquiring knowledge about the factors affecting it, is the first and most important component that should be taken into consideration by educational managers in general and educational planners in particular.

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The current study aimed to Structural Analysis of School Administrators Performance Based on Professional Ethics in Health Promoter Schools. The quantity method and descriptive correlation was employed. The study population consisted of all the administrations of school of health promotion schools in East Azerbaijan province and the sample of the study was 291 subjects according to Morgan table. To measure the variables, the Bahagir (2011)'s the administrations of school questionnaire, Hackman & Oldham (1980) job characteristics questionnaire, and the researcher-made questionnaire of the administrations of school performance were used. The content validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated as 0. 953 by Cranach’ s alpha. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the administrations of school performance based on Healthy scholarship was predicted by mediating their job characteristics. (P<0. 01). There is also a significant relationship between the performance of the administrations of school with Healthy scholarship and job characteristics. (P<0. 01). Regarding the role of Healthy scholarship in the performance of health educators, it can be said that promoting Healthy scholarship of the administrations of school can facilitate the achievement of the goals of health promotion schools and promote the health of students. The current study aimed to Structural Analysis of School Administrators Performance Based on Professional Ethics in Health Promoter Schools. The quantity method and descriptive correlation was employed. The study population consisted of all the administrations of school of health promotion schools in East Azerbaijan province and the sample of the study was 291 subjects according to Morgan table. To measure the variables, the Bahagir (2011)'s the administrations of school questionnaire, Hackman & Oldham (1980) job characteristics questionnaire, and the researcher-made questionnaire of the administrations of school performance were used. The content validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated as 0. 953 by Cranach’ s alpha. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the administrations of school performance based on Healthy scholarship was predicted by mediating their job characteristics. (P<0. 01). There is also a significant relationship between the performance of the administrations of school with Healthy scholarship and job characteristics. (P<0. 01). Regarding the role of Healthy scholarship in the performance of health educators, it can be said that promoting Healthy scholarship of the administrations of school can facilitate the achievement of the goals of health promotion schools and promote the health of students. The current study aimed to Structural Analysis of School Administrators Performance Based on Professional Ethics in Health Promoter Schools. The quantity method and descriptive correlation was employed. The study population consisted of all the administrations of school of health promotion schools in East Azerbaijan province and the sample of the study was 291 subjects according to Morgan table. To measure the variables, the Bahagir (2011)'s the administrations of school questionnaire, Hackman & Oldham (1980) job characteristics questionnaire, and the researcher-made questionnaire of the administrations of school performance were used. The content validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated as 0. 953 by Cranach’ s alpha. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the administrations of school performance based on Healthy scholarship was predicted by mediating their job characteristics. (P<0. 01). There is also a significant relationship between the performance of the administrations of school with Healthy scholarship and job characteristics. (P<0. 01). Regarding the role of Healthy scholarship in the performance of health educators, it can be said that promoting Healthy scholarship of the administrations of school can facilitate the achievement of the goals of health promotion schools and promote the health of students. The current study aimed to Structural Analysis of School Administrators Performance Based on Professional Ethics in Health Promoter Schools. The quantity method and descriptive correlation was employed. The study population consisted of all the administrations of school of health promotion schools in East Azerbaijan province and the sample of the study was 291 subjects according to Morgan table. To measure the variables, the Bahagir (2011)'s the administrations of school questionnaire, Hackman & Oldham (1980) job characteristics questionnaire, and the researcher-made questionnaire of the administrations of school performance were used. The content validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated as 0. 953 by Cranach’ s alpha. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the administrations of school performance based on Healthy scholarship was predicted by mediating their job characteristics. (P<0. 01). There is also a significant relationship between the performance of the administrations of school with Healthy scholarship and job characteristics. (P<0. 01). Regarding the role of Healthy scholarship in the performance of health educators, it can be said that promoting Healthy scholarship of the administrations of school can facilitate the achievement of the goals of health promotion schools and promote the health of students. The current study aimed to Structural Analysis of School Administrators Performance Based on Professional Ethics in Health Promoter Schools. The quantity method and descriptive correlation was employed. The study population consisted of all the administrations of school of health promotion schools in East Azerbaijan province and the sample of the study was 291 subjects according to Morgan table. To measure the variables, the Bahagir (2011)'s the administrations of school questionnaire, Hackman & Oldham (1980) job characteristics questionnaire, and the researcher-made questionnaire of the administrations of school performance were used. The content validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability was estimated as 0. 953 by Cranach’ s alpha. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the administrations of school performance based on Healthy scholarship was predicted by mediating their job characteristics. (P<0. 01). There is also a significant relationship between the performance of the administrations of school with Healthy scholarship and job characteristics. (P<0. 01). Regarding the role of Healthy scholarship in the performance of health educators, it can be said that promoting Healthy scholarship of the administrations of school can facilitate the achievement of the goals of health promotion schools and promote the health of students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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YARIGHOLI BEHBOUD | Golmohammadnejad Bahrami Golam Reza | FAZLI MAHDI

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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ethical climate, perceived organizational justice and teachers’ job involvement with the mediation role of professional ethics. The research method is descriptive-correlation based on Structural Equation Modeling. All teachers of the secondery School of Tabriz, (1692) were the population of the study. Cluster sampling was performed. 320 people completed the questionnaire. To collect the data, questionnaires of organizational justice, Niehoff (2001), ethical climate, Fritsch (2000), job involvement, Kanungu (1982), professional ethics Shell and Bateman (2004) were used. Validity was assessed using confirmatory factor analysis, and all of them have good fit. The results show that ethical climate, perceived organizational justice, job involvement and professional ethics are related. Also professional ethics has a mediation role between job involvement and some dimensions of ethical climate and organizational justice. Teachers and senior managers of educational arena, with morals and creating of calm climate and fair distribution of the benefits and reconsideration of distribution procedures would provide teachers job involvement. Results showed that teachers and senior managers in the field of education can provide a moral and calm climate, and fair distribution of benefits and a revision of distribution practices, which will cause teachers' engagement and engagement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of this study was to validate leadership worldview scale for public schools principals. This scale is a short form of leadership worldview scale (Torkzadeh and Jafari, 2012) and consists of 30 items with a Likert spectrum which is developed in accordance with the Wexler Leadership worldview framework (2006), and includes four subscales: entrepreneurial, network, social and regulatory leadership worldview. Furthermore, each of these four types of leadership worldviews has dimensions including the type of rationality, creativity, patterns of time, change, ethics and leadership style. The statistical population included all primary and secondary school teachers in Shiraz which 369 people were selected by random-stratified sampling method and Cochran’ s formula. In order to measure the validity of the questionnaire, two methods of cluster analysis and the first order and second order confirmatory factor analysis were used and Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure its reliability. The results of the item analysis indicated that each subscale had a significant correlation with the type of leadership worldview. The result of the first and second order confirmatory factor showed that each subscale had a high degree of validity for explaining the type of leadership worldview. Also, based on the Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the scale and the corresponding subscales is desirable. Overall, results approved the applicability of the present scale in the subject area. The main purpose of this study was to validate leadership worldview scale for public schools principals. This scale is a short form of leadership worldview scale (Torkzadeh and Jafari, 2012) and consists of 30 items with a Likert spectrum which is developed in accordance with the Wexler Leadership worldview framework (2006), and includes four subscales: entrepreneurial, network, social and regulatory leadership worldview. Furthermore, each of these four types of leadership worldviews has dimensions including the type of rationality, creativity, patterns of time, change, ethics and leadership style. The statistical population included all primary and secondary school teachers in Shiraz which 369 people were selected by random-stratified sampling method and Cochran’ s formula. In order to measure the validity of the questionnaire, two methods of cluster analysis and the first order and second order confirmatory factor analysis were used and Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure its reliability. The results of the item analysis indicated that each subscale had a significant correlation with the type of leadership worldview. The result of the first and second order confirmatory factor showed that each subscale had a high degree of validity for explaining the type of leadership worldview. Also, based on the Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the scale and the corresponding subscales is desirable. Overall, results approved the applicability of the present scale in the subject area. The main purpose of this study was to validate leadership worldview scale for public schools principals. This scale is a short form of leadership worldview scale (Torkzadeh and Jafari, 2012) and consists of 30 items with a Likert spectrum which is developed in accordance with the Wexler Leadership worldview framework (2006), and includes four subscales: entrepreneurial, network, social and regulatory leadership worldview. Furthermore, each of these four types of leadership worldviews has dimensions including the type of rationality, creativity, patterns of time, change, ethics and leadership style. The statistical population included all primary and secondary school teachers in Shiraz which 369 people were selected by random-stratified sampling method and Cochran’ s formula. In order to measure the validity of the questionnaire, two methods of cluster analysis and the first order and second order confirmatory factor analysis were used and Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure its reliability. The results of the item analysis indicated that each subscale had a significant correlation with the type of leadership worldview. The result of the first and second order confirmatory factor showed that each subscale had a high degree of validity for explaining the type of leadership worldview. Also, based on the Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the scale and the corresponding subscales is desirable. Overall, results approved the applicability of the present scale in the subject area. The main purpose of this study was to validate leadership worldview scale for public schools principals. This scale is a short form of leadership worldview scale (Torkzadeh and Jafari, 2012) and consists of 30 items with a Likert spectrum which is developed in accordance with the Wexler Leadership worldview framework (2006), and includes four subscales: entrepreneurial, network, social and regulatory leadership worldview. Furthermore, each of these four types of leadership worldviews has dimensions including the type of rationality, creativity, patterns of time, change, ethics and leadership style. The statistical population included all primary and secondary school teachers in Shiraz which 369 people were selected by random-stratified sampling method and Cochran’ s formula. In order to measure the validity of the questionnaire, two methods of cluster analysis and the first order and second order confirmatory factor analysis were used and Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure its reliability. The results of the item analysis indicated that each subscale had a significant correlation with the type of leadership worldview. The result of the first and second order confirmatory factor showed that each subscale had a high degree of validity for explaining the type of leadership worldview. Also, based on the Cronbach's alpha, the reliability of the scale and the corresponding subscales is desirable. Overall, results approved the applicability of the present scale in the subject area. The main purpose of this study was to validate leadership worldview scale for public schools principals. This scale is a short form of leadership worldview scale (Torkzadeh and Jafari, 2012) and consists of 30 items with a Likert spectrum which is developed in accordance with the Wexler Leadership worldview framework (2006), and includes four subscales: entrepreneurial, network, social and regulatory leadership worldview. Furthermore, each of these four types of leadership worldviews has dimensions including the type of rationality, creativity, patterns of time, change, ethics and leadership style. The statistical population included all primary and secondary school teachers in Shiraz which 369 people were selected by random-stratified sampling method and Cochran’ s formula. In order to measure the validity of the questionnaire, two methods of cluster analysis and the first order and second order confirmatory factor analysis were used and Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure its reliability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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پژوهش حاضر با هدف مطالعه نهادهای مسئول و نظام ارزیابی شایستگی های حرفه ای مدیران مدارس ایران، مالزی و ایالت کالیفرنیا امریکا به منظور فراهم شدن زمینه نقد و مسئله گشایی از برنامه های توسعه شایستگی های حرفه ای مدیران در ایران با بهره گیری از تجارب و آموزه های کشور مالزی و ایالت کالیفرنیا که در حوزه مطالعات و اصلاحات مدیریت آموزشی پیشرو می باشند به انجام رسید. روشی که در این پژوهش مورد استفاده قرار گرفت، روش جرج. زی. اف. بردی در مطالعات آموزش و پرورش تطبیقی مشتمل بر مراحل توصیف، تفسیر، هم جواری و مقایسه بود. برای جمع آوری اطلاعات و داده ها از شیوه مطالعه منابع کتابخانه ای شامل اسناد، گزارش ها، مطالعات تطبیقی انجام گرفته پیرامون موضوع استفاده شد. یافته های پژوهش نشان داد ایده ها و انگاره های نابی در حوزه موضوع مورد پژوهش در کشور مالزی و ایالت کالیفرنیا وجود دارد که می تواند در اصلاح و بهبود نظام توسعه شایستگی های حرفه ای مدیران مدارس در ایران راه گشا باشد. بر اساس یافته ها بازنگری در وظایف و کارکردهای نهادهای متولی توصیف، توسعه و ارزیابی شایستگی های حرفه ای مدیران مدارس و هم چنین نظام ارزیابی شایستگی های حرفه ای مدیران مدارس در کشور به عنوان امر ضروری مشخص شد. در پایان بر مبنای آموزه های برگرفته از این مطالعه پیشنهادهایی جهت اصلاح و یادگیری خط مشی های مربوطه در ایران ارائه گردید.

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This study aimed at development and presentation entall – structure typical action cooperation and innovation synergy in scholarship school at fars province. It was an applied research and its method was exploratory mixed methods. In the qualitative section of the study, in – depth interview was conducted with 8 managers and semi structured interview was conducted with 28 teachers and assistant who were selected through purposeful and snowball sampling method. As a result of the content analysis of interview data and in – depth study of theoretical foundation, a researcher made questionnaire was devised. In the quantitative section of the study, the research questionnaire was completed by 377 managers, assistant and teachers who were selected using stratified sampling method. To analyze the qualitative data, the content analysis technique and to analyze the quantitative data, the Chi Square Test, factor analysis and Fridman Test were used. The results showed that, the important identifying the cooperation at action and innovation synergy: people partnership in decisional, presentation Time thought and attention to idea, resource and patronage of idea, motivation at creation in collective activity and idea presentation new, obtain self – assessment individual and group, purposive admission and attention to innovate by managers.

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هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر کیفیت زندگی کاری بر بهزیستی روانشناختی مدیران مدارس شهر خرم آباد با میانجیگری مشاوره مدیریتی بود. روش پژوهش، توصیفی از نوع همبستگی است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش، شامل کلیه مدیران مدارس شهر خرم آباد در سال تحصیلی 97-96که تعداد آنها 347 نفر بود، با توجه به نوع پژوهش و تعداد متغیرهای مورد مطالعه از جامعه مورد مطالعه منطبق با جدول برآورد نمونه کرجسی و مورگان تعداد 181 نفر از مدیران مدارس) ابتدایی 76 نفر، متوسطه اول 37 نفر و متوسطه دوم 68 نفر(شهر خرم آباد به شیوه نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای انتخاب شدند. ابزار سنجش در این تحقیق عبارت است از الف(پرسشنامه بهزیستی روانشناختی ریف)ریف، (1995 مشتمل بر 54 گویه که پایایی این پرسش نامه α =. / 82محاسبه شده است ب(پرسشنامه کیفیت زندگی کاری) والتون، (1973 مشتمل بر 32 گویه است و پایایی این پرسش نامه α =. / 91 گزارش شده است ج(پرسش نامه مشاوره مدیریتی محقق ساخته مشتمل بر 29 گویه که روایی آن از طریق روایی محتوی تایید و همچنین پایایی آن با استفاده از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ. /95محاسبه شد. داده های به دست آمده با استفاده از آزمون ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون سلسله مراتبی مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.

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