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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The role of tropospheric vertical anomalies in rainfall solid Case study: the hazard of hail in Kermanshah




 The role of tropospheric vertical anomalies in rainfall solid Case study: the hazard of hail in Kermanshah Climate risks is one of the Types of hazards that damages human communities such as the phenomenon of hail, in the micro-scale, it causes financial losses and casualties. Hail is associated to the atmospheric elements and geo-location factors. Whenever weather conditions and appropriate physical processes are combined with geo-location creates and intensifies this phenomenon. Losses resulted from hail has been more effective in the agricultural sector and in the effect of damaging the crops When growth and budding. However, it disorders in other sectors such as, blemishing residential buildings, Losing large and small animals also, damaging to the aircraft flight and its components. Hail considerable damage in Kermanshah Province every year so that Farmers insure their crops against this Phenomenon and the government will incur heavy costs for damage that is inflicted on the sector of activity. Research methodology The current weather data has been used with 3-hour intervals in the statistical period of 65 years (1951 to 2016) from synoptic stations of Kermanshah Province that includes the stations of Kermanshah, West Islamabad, Ravansar, Kangavar, West Gilan, and Sar-e-Pole-Zahab. Among the 100 present weather code, Codes 99, 96, 91, 90, 89, 87 and 27 have been considered that including hail phenomenon by varying intensities and includes any appearance of this phenomenon in Hours scout and three hours earlier. Then, based on the above code, Were coded in Excel to identifies Codes 96, 91, 90, 89, 87 and 27 When entering from the Meteorological Data To the desired program among Group VII of the data, And when the written code, were identified, Hail days were marked. Given that in this study Hail is studied regarding the synoptic conditions and temperature anomalies. Therefore, for the synoptic situation, Pressure data, Vorticity, Special moisture, Components U and V, Omega transverse profile And outgoing longwave radiation, And for the temperature anomaly, Temperature and isothermal anomalies components Were getting from esrl. noaa. gov/psd site And using the software Grads were drawn maps for a selected day To determine the formation of hail. Commentaries Results The frequency of occurrence of hail has reached 187 in the period 65 years in Kermanshah Province. This phenomenon generally occurs from mid-September to mid-June. The most number has been in Kermanshah station and the Least in Sar-Pol-Zahab station. April has had the highest number of hail frequencies in Kermanshah Province and the greatest losses in the month related to the agricultural sector. Therefore, Select System hail seems essential to examine how the temperature anomalies and the formation of hail in the month. On the day of the event, trough hail has been formed in the East Mediterranean. Wrying the trough axis From North East to South West resulted in cold air from high latitudes to the East of the Mediterranean. The establishment of trough in the middle and low pressure level in sea level and its following Convergence in the balance has created positive omega until balance of 200 hPa and most serious it is at the level of 400 hPa. Negative omega has maintained its association from ground surface until High levels in the study area. The airflow of Vorticity balance 1000 and 500 Hpa Suggests Vorticity positive settlement area on the case study. Establishment of short wave in the vicinity of the study area and intensifying ascending conditions also Prolong Positive trough conditions from surface of Earth until 500hpa balance have been The necessary dynamic conditions for Hail in this day. Special moisture and wind Vector with 700hpa balance of Moisture transfer has been done by two opposite Vorticity system. Trough rotary motion Based on the Mediterranean and along the Red Sea on the one hand and Moving anticyclone over the Arabian Sea And the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea on the other, have conveyed Moisture of all moisture sources from The seas around to The study area. Also OLR anomalies for the hail event day indicates being Negative in the study area and the sharp decline of Outgoing longwave in this day Compared to its long-term average And hence the conditions of cloudiness and the formation and intensification of convection has been provided. 1000 hpa positive anomaly 2 ° is representative the Higher than the average temperature conditions and in the 500hpa anomaly balance Minus 2 degrees Celsius is representative Lower than normal temperatures in the balance. These factors aggravate the vertical temperature gradient in the study area these days. 20+ degrees Celsius the Isothermal curve and-20 ° C. Respectively, the levels of 1000 and 500 Drawn to the area of study And has created a large temperature difference Between the upper and lower levels.


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    APA: Copy

    Shayesteh, Faryad, ALIJANI, BOHLOOL, & SALIGHEH, MOHAMMAD. (2018). The role of tropospheric vertical anomalies in rainfall solid Case study: the hazard of hail in Kermanshah. JOURNAL OF SPATIAL ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARTS, 5(1 ), 113-126. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/407807/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Shayesteh Faryad, ALIJANI BOHLOOL, SALIGHEH MOHAMMAD. The role of tropospheric vertical anomalies in rainfall solid Case study: the hazard of hail in Kermanshah. JOURNAL OF SPATIAL ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARTS[Internet]. 2018;5(1 ):113-126. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/407807/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Faryad Shayesteh, BOHLOOL ALIJANI, and MOHAMMAD SALIGHEH, “The role of tropospheric vertical anomalies in rainfall solid Case study: the hazard of hail in Kermanshah,” JOURNAL OF SPATIAL ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARTS, vol. 5, no. 1 , pp. 113–126, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/407807/en

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