CopyALIAKBARI, ESMAEIL, Marsousi, Nafese, & jalalabadi, Leila. (2020). Compilation and Priority Assessment of Scenarios Affecting the Future of Sustainable Tourism in Kerman with the Futures studies Approach. TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES), 15(50 ), 35-60. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/408045/en
CopyALIAKBARI ESMAEIL, Marsousi Nafese, jalalabadi Leila. Compilation and Priority Assessment of Scenarios Affecting the Future of Sustainable Tourism in Kerman with the Futures studies Approach. TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES)[Internet]. 2020;15(50 ):35-60. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/408045/en
CopyESMAEIL ALIAKBARI, Nafese Marsousi, and Leila jalalabadi, “Compilation and Priority Assessment of Scenarios Affecting the Future of Sustainable Tourism in Kerman with the Futures studies Approach,” TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES), vol. 15, no. 50 , pp. 35–60, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/408045/en