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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Model of the selection KPI for assessing the performance of the urban HSE management system




 Background and aims: Performance assessment and performance indicators have a great importance in all aspects of life. These indicators can determine appropriate responses for improvement. In the past, the safety and health performance of organizations was measured using some indicators from the USA Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) such as the Rate of Recorded Injuries, the Rate of Lost Days, the Rate of Workers' Complaints, etc. Although safety and health improvements or weaknesses are cleared by the OSHA indicators, improvement procedures are a missing part. An organization is conducting safety and health measures to control health and safety risks. Safety performance indicators are divided into two main categories: the leading and the lagging indicators. The leading indicators are the organization's actions for predicting and preventing incidents and accidents before they occur, while the lagging indicators measure the organization's performance after the occurrence of the accidents to reduce its consequences. Sustainable Urban development is a high-profile goal, and its realization in metropolitan areas requires the use of efficient management practices and extensive planning. The extent and complexity of Urban issues and the Urban ever-increasing development have made Urban management a difficult task. In addition to issues such as transportation, Urban planning and management is one of the important factors that has a main influence on Urban constructive factors. The Integrated Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE-MS), by providing the appropriate structure and model, manages all these policies and plans, and, in addition to creating a specific order in the implementation of these programs, it helps to centralize costs and improve the economic status of the organization and the achievement of sustainable Urban development. Measuring the performance of an organization in the HSE field is a precondition for continuous improvement. Different organizations and industries need to design performance measurement indicators to assess and monitor the performance of the HSE management system. Determining the Performance assessment indicators of HSE in addition to measuring the management system performance can lead to systematic identification of improvement points and reduction of HSE related risk factors and ultimately lead to increased organizational productivity. Although there are some retrospective and prospective HSE Performance assessment indicators, but these indicators are almost result-oriented and cannot measure the creation and institutionalization of processes related to the seven components of the health, safety and environmental management system. What matters here is to create an appropriate method with sufficient accuracy to determine the effectiveness of the system. This research, while introducing an innovative model for quantitative ranking of different municipal areas of metropolitans according to the HSE performance assessment using AHP technique, is to determine the key indicators of Urban HSE performance assessment. Methods: This descriptive-applied study was conducted in four steps. Step 1: Selecting HSE Performance Measurement Indicators and Urban Management. In the first step, a variety of safety and health management systems (HSE-MS, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001, etc. ), a variety of existing national and international health and safety assessment methods, guidelines, and requirements for safety and health management systems for determining the performance measurement indicators were studied. At this step, through the field visits of the different areas of the municipality and observing work processes, interviewing and organizing various meetings with HSE managers and experts, and studying documents, the HSE Performance assessment indicators were categorized to three areas including process-oriented, result-oriented and Urban management. Step 2: Selecting the components of the performance monitoring system: The findings suggest that the use of a systematic approach in different domains, in addition to integrating activities, has improved efficiency and effectiveness and increased operational efficiency. Accordingly, many organizations have set up various health, safety and environmental management systems as the basis of operations. The use of the main components of an integrated management system to identify weaknesses or strengths of the system is one of the effective measures of performance. At this step, after determining the assessment axes, the performance assessment components were identified for each of the performance monitoring axes. Step 3: Development of Urban HSE Performance assessment indicators: At this step, the indicators for assessing the performance of the Urban HSE management system were determined based on the components of each of the performance monitoring axes. According to the main components, the HSE management system included 18 components such as commitment and leadership, policy, resources, etc. Also, in the Urban management part 6 components including economic sustainability, social sustainability, architecture and Urbanization, demographics, political, legal, and industrial were considered. Indicators related to the result performance were also developed based on the components of the HSE performance output monitoring system in the six areas including safety, health, environment, education, culture and HSE of citizenship. Step 4: Select Key Performance Indicators: To create an effective HSE-MS performance measurement method, it is necessary to reduce the number of LPIs to fewer or the most important KPIs. This means that among the existing indicators, the best and most important indicators are selected based on the considered criteria. At this step, key performance indicators were selected from all the extracted indicators based on the elements of the HSE management system using the AHP method. All indicators were compared in pairs and each of them was prioritized as a number between 1-9, 1 as the lowest priority and 9 as the most. Couple comparisons were conducted based on SMART criteria and expert’ s opinion. In this study, the paired comparison of axes and performance indicators and determining the weight vector of the indicators was performed using Expert Choice11 software. Results: In addition to examining the HSE management systems deployed in the municipalities, as well as using previous studies, the axes and indicators for assessing the performance of the Urban HSE management system were determined. Of the 30 components and 155 indicators of performance assessment, 18 components and 98 indicators were related to monitoring of management system of HSE based on the seven elements and sub elements of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE-MS). Performance output and Urban management axes with 40 and 17 indicators, respectively, had a smaller share of the total indicators developed. Among the process-oriented performance axes, the commitment and leadership axes (0. 198) and the HSE records of occupations (0. 016) had the highest and lowest weight, respectively. The safety components (0. 247) and training (0. 150) had the highest and lowest weight in the result-oriented performance axes respectively and economic sustainability (0. 301) and architecture and Urban planning (0. 122) had the highest and lowest weight among the Urban management functional axes, respectively. After weighting the indicators for measuring performance, 70 indicators that had the highest weight were selected as key performance indicators. Of the 70 indicators, 47, 16 and 7 indicators are related to the HSE process, the result and Urban management, respectively. Among the functional sub-axes of the HSE process, accident management, inspection, and audit each with five key performance indicators, had the highest measurement index compared to other HSE process sub axes. In the functional axis of the HSE result, the sub-axes of ecology with 4 key performance indicators and the sub-axes of safety and health, each with 3 indicators, had the highest number of indicators. In the Urban management axis, sub-axes of socio-cultural and architecture and Urbanism, each with two key performance indicators, had 4 indicators of the total 70 selected key performance indicators. Conclusion: The determination of HSE performance indicators in addition to the components of the HSE management system should be performed based on the type of macro-management structure and other influential parameters of the organization. The study of the municipal management structure shows that the extracted indicators based on the components of the HSE management system alone cannot cover the Urban HSE performance because of factors such as economic sustainability, socio-cultural, demographic, architectural, Urban, and industrial-industrial criteria that can significantly affect the performance status of the HSE management system of a city. Therefore, it is essential to design and codify indicators and all aspects of the management system in order to achieve the most possible accuracy and reliability.


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    APA: Copy

    Falahati, Mohsen, ZOKAEI, MOJTABA, ASADY, HADI, Najafi Mojre, Mohammad, BIABANI, AZAM, & Faghihnia Torshizi, Yoosef. (2019). Model of the selection KPI for assessing the performance of the urban HSE management system. IRAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL, 16(1 ), 60-71. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/408862/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Falahati Mohsen, ZOKAEI MOJTABA, ASADY HADI, Najafi Mojre Mohammad, BIABANI AZAM, Faghihnia Torshizi Yoosef. Model of the selection KPI for assessing the performance of the urban HSE management system. IRAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL[Internet]. 2019;16(1 ):60-71. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/408862/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohsen Falahati, MOJTABA ZOKAEI, HADI ASADY, Mohammad Najafi Mojre, AZAM BIABANI, and Yoosef Faghihnia Torshizi, “Model of the selection KPI for assessing the performance of the urban HSE management system,” IRAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL, vol. 16, no. 1 , pp. 60–71, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/408862/en

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