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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Strategic scenarios for the Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club




 Aim and Introduction. Today, competitive sports in professional Clubs are the institutional form of the process of promoting the social capital of society. The present study conducted with the aim of discovering the future of Sepahan Club and developing its Scenarios for the next 20 years and presenting a strategy. Considering the importance of Professional Sports in Iran, which has a special place in Sepahan Club in the field of Professional Sports, and living in this unstable and rapidly changing environment, the vacuum study of the Club's futurism is very noticeable. Sepahan Club, which has a very important role in the affairs of Professional Sports in Iran, is no exception to this category. Therefore, it can acknowledge that Sepahan Club has a very high priority in Professional Sports in Iran and has engaged many athletes and fans. Professional Sports foresight can be of great help to Club managers and on a larger scale can be useful for the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran. After conducting this research, its possible results will enable stakeholders to imagine the possible future of Professional Sports and make informed decisions, and finally be able to. Evaluate the positive and negative aspects and create a favorable future for the Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club. Methodology. In the present study, the futuristic method with a Scenario writing approach based on the method of intuitive logic used. To design the Scenarios, the method of trend analysis and uncertainties used. First, the project scope was determined, and then the main development factors and blind spots identified with 360-degree feedback. Two key uncertainties developed for the Scenario design basis. In the next step, a detailed and complete definition of the four possible Scenarios made. Then, a general strategy based on the Scenarios was presented and the last step, including monitoring and controlling the strategies, was performed. The participants of the present study included 20 internal and external stakeholders of Sepahan Club who selected based on purposive sampling. Data collected through interviews and open questionnaires. Findings. Based on the findings, the analysis of the 26 main factors obtained eventually led to the production of two key uncertainties: "sustainable financial allocation" and "emphasis on sustainable Club social responsibility in society. " In general, in building the favorable future of Sepahan Club, strategies with the components of allocating financial resources, integrated management, social status, specialization, highlighting and modeling, and media coverage should considered to build the future of the Club. It was found that the factors of "maximum interaction with the Strategic parts of the plant" and "economic sanctions" were the most effective and least effective in terms of domestic stakeholders, respectively, as well as the factors of "allocation of funds from Mobarakeh Steel" and "legal infrastructure" in terms of internal stakeholders. In addition, have the least impact on the development of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Club. Discussion and conclusion. At first, the Strategic directional pillars of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club formulated. After the meetings of the Strategic Council with the presence of the CEO, deputies and consultants in the Strategic field of the mission, vision, macro policy and the slogan of the Club considered as follows. Mission: Activity in the field of competitive and Professional Sports and social and cultural role-playing in society under the auspices of Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan as the strongest supporter of sports in Iran. Vision: The promotion of Iran-Isfahan name in the national and international level and the promotion of national pride through the development of competitive and Professional Sports considered. Macro-policy: Promoting Iranian-Islamic values ​ ​ by emphasizing the four areas as thought, science, life and spirituality. In the path of comprehensive development of the cultural and sports Club by implementing a program-oriented approach in the processes of competitive sports and professional Club, maximizing the actual and potential capacity of the factory Mobarakeh Steel in order to realize the vision of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club of Isfahan. "and finally the slogan: " The best of the first " would approved. The most important key and Strategic factors of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club include the support of public and private bodies of the Club (economic), excellence of socio-cultural responsibility of the Club (cultural), development of media awareness (social), management of devices and processes in the Club (managerial ). The development of sports infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the Club (environmental), improving the financial situation of the Club (economic) and affecting environmental and security factors in accordance with the sustainable development of the Club (environmental) consider. The overlap of the extracted key indicators, including such factors as bedding factors with components such as the allocation of financial resources from Mobarakeh Steel, the equitable distribution of resources and the construction of sports incentives considered. Social adjustment factors included factors in entering popular sports and the Club's social status among the people. Management excellence factors include; Unified management and specialization considered. Finally, institutionalizing cultural factors such as the involvement of political leaders, highlighting and modeling, and media activity considered.


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    APA: Copy

    NAZARI, RASOOL, SOHRABI, ZAHRA, & MOHARRAMZADEH, MEHRDAD. (2021). Strategic scenarios for the Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 12(47 ), 301-319. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/410019/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NAZARI RASOOL, SOHRABI ZAHRA, MOHARRAMZADEH MEHRDAD. Strategic scenarios for the Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STUDIES[Internet]. 2021;12(47 ):301-319. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/410019/en

    IEEE: Copy

    RASOOL NAZARI, ZAHRA SOHRABI, and MEHRDAD MOHARRAMZADEH, “Strategic scenarios for the Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club,” JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STUDIES, vol. 12, no. 47 , pp. 301–319, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/410019/en

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