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Aim and Introduction. The aim’ s paper is to critique the book "Pure Culture in Higher Education Towards Continuous Improvement" based on the Islamic approach of merit-based organizational culture. However, the concept of decentralized organizational culture has been studied with many ambiguities, which we will discuss in this study. The nature of this book is both conceptual and practical. In this way, it is possible to predict the expectations of the institutions that are in the process of implementing lean management today or want to make a binding decision in this regard. This book is addressed to theorists and specialists in the practical field of management of higher education institutions. According to the issues raised in the critique of the forthcoming book, the following goals are pursued: Content critique with an Islamic approach to a worthy organizational culture; Critique of methodology with Islamic approach to merit-based organizational culture. Methodology. This qualitative research answered two questions with an analytical-critical method and an interpretive-Islamic approach. How can a decent-oriented organizational culture be criticized in terms of content with an Islamic approach? Moreover, what is the critique of a worthy organizational culture based on an Islamic approach from a methodological point of view? The validity of the present study also confirmed by Islamic citations. The layer of artifacts formed. Scientific critique is the product of a model based on which it deals with a selected problem, but this model is also derived from a special method that is defined and designed based on a special methodology, and when we go further, the effect of assumptions can be constructed with general, fundamental and basic views. The Foundation also considered methodologies. Based on this, five successive stages, including: scientific criticism, model, method, methodology, and governing and a priori philosophy distinguished. Our approach in this study is scientific critique. Critical view with a scientific approach is a comparative view, and if we consider the nature of comparative studies as comparative research, then such studies considered as a branch of critical view that compares commonalities or similarities and others compare the strengths and weaknesses or weaknesses of the subject under study or analyze the relationship between them. This article is of a qualitative type that reviews the book "Pure Culture in Higher Education towards Continuous Improvement" with an Islamic approach based on merit-based organizational culture. Findings. The culture of realization and promotion of the results of this research achieved in the direction of indigenous-Islamic culture. In addition, this study emphasized with an approach and in the light of Islamic culture. As a result, by exploiting this issue in the light of Islamic epistemology, concepts, models, and tools for implementing changes in academic management models based on lean management and other concepts of process-oriented management obtained for theorists and experts in the field of management of Iranian higher education institutions. Are beneficial. In the section on beliefs, the discussion of science and knowledge is a branch of reason, in other words, rationality. In those armies of intellect and ignorance that Imam Sadegh (as) says, one of these armies of intellect is science. Rationality is an essential element in both culture and science. Rationality means that the way a person looks and deals with all phenomena based on the gift that God has placed in him and he must identify the relations, the rules, and the regions. Identify things that are true and not without rules and discovering relationships. Rationality is the meant by individuals and all aspects of human life. It extracted from this divine treasure, as the prophets said. If man eliminated, neither living nor training makes any sense. Therefore, the main subject of the Islamic approach is man and its main axis is monotheism. This is the main difference in the organizational culture of a pure university. Therefore, monotheistic vision must be current and valid in all the pillars of a worthy organizational culture. Discussion and conclusion. A review of this book shows that the framework based on Edgar Schein's three layers. If the deepest layer of the university organization, as the core of "beliefs and assumptions", placed according to the principle of monotheism, monotheistic vision and belief. In the second layer to observe pure values ​ ​ and concepts of value and loss that form the core of pure thinking, " "Cohesion" maintained and by relying on the principles and laws that are in line with the implementation and realization of the goals of Islam. The main purpose of this book is to define the concept of pure culture maturity in higher education institutions and to explain its descriptive factors and key dimensions in the light of the ontological and epistemological assumptions and assumptions of this research. Help their organizational goals. However, the pure culture used in this book is a new approach that completed by adding a humanistic view based on the explanatory-symbolic intellectual framework, the functionalist intellectual framework governing previous researches. In this approach, the researcher pays more attention to the human being-the university employee-assuming that organizational culture formed in networks consisting of meanings, perceptions, and two-way relationships.

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Aim and Introduction: Knowledge based economic can be known as an important factor in the progress of the country. This discovery has the potential for employment in addition with economic development, thus one of the main considerable issues is to conduct such a research in order to handle all the activities in Knowledge-based companies.، The goal of this research is to present a model for strategies based on Grounded theory in Knowledge-based companies Methodology: the method present research was done by Grounded theory and qualitative-quantitative combined. The tools of gathering data in the qualitative section is deep interviews and in the quantitative is questioner. Findings: the gathered data form about 15 deep interviews is evaluated due to presented method by Ashteras and Courbin (1998) and the qualitative model was extracted. In this research the effect of content based factors and the process of strategical execution was evaluated on the performance of Knowledge-based companies by the structural equations (by SPSS 18, SmartPLS). Discussion and Conclusion: the “ strategic execution of Knowledge-based companies” theory is the major issue due to the evaluation of data which is created from the minor issues such as “ strategic fit” , “ strategic translation” and “ confidence of best and on time decisions” . The evaluation of different methods was represented in order to successful execution of strategy and also some methods were introduced in that way.

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Aim and introduction: One of the effective factors in the economic growth of countries is addressing the development dimensions of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which nowadays are exist in a wide range of industries and manufacturing and service activities. Value creation of these businesses in the development of the industrial economy of the country and some critical factors such as the SME’ s role in job creation and currency has led to a special look at improving the SMEs situation and providing various models consider to greater productivity and profitability. Regarding to creating synergy through cooperation is a new perspective that can be used in this field. Strategic alliance is a common type of cooperation in various dimensions of businesses aims to maximize the interests of all parties to provide a new synergy capacity between factories and companies in different industries. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of the accomplishment of this issue / problem among the range of Meybod tile companies. Methodology: This study in terms of typology is developmentally and qualitatively and descriptive in nature. The method of data collection of this research is through library studies, lived experience of researchers, direct contact and interviews with government officials as well as managers and staff of Meybod tile factories. To analyze the research data, a focus group consisting of management experts who have lived experience in active collections of the tile industry has been used, the output of which has been the main research model. Also, to validate the model, the opinions of expert groups consisting of experts in the field of strategic management were used and finally the necessary approval was obtained. Then, a questionnaire containing the dimensions and elements of the model and the corresponding explanations of each was designed and presented to Meybod tile industry activists to assess the situation of this industry based on the designed model from their point of view. Findings: This research model includes three dimensions including "strategic depth of alliance", "degree of alliance in terms of operational value" and "necessary infrastructure for alliance", which are effective components in forming or strengthening each of these dimensions of strategic alliance. Some Factors that affect the degree of alliance in operational value aspect include agreeing on product pricing, sharing each company''s production volume, product and market sharing among members, and joint technology transfer and development. Factors such as intellectual alignment, strategic vision, mutual trust, technological similarities and production methods, relationship and conflict management, senior management cooperation, structural and capital affinities, and the experience of cooperation were also factors that overshadowed the necessary infrastructure for cooperation in Meybod tile industry. Finally, with according to quantity and quality of the components mentioned in the previous two dimensions, the strategic depth of alliance between Kashi Meybod companies is step by step, including identification of alliance opportunities, analysis of strategic alliance bottlenecks, partial alliance formation, comprehensive alliance formation and sustainable alliance. Discussion and Conclusion: The data Analysis shows the most fundamentally infrastructure weakness in or threshold competencies to enter the alliance among ceramic & tile companies is to consider to the field of strategy among these companies and then, the categories of relationship management, conflict management and trust between these companies. In terms of the degree of alliance, agreement on product pricing and action to conduct joint research and development in Meybod tile companies were identified as one of the most groundbreaking operational dimensions. In the third dimension of the model, which examines the depth of strategic alliance, according to the research results, along with the experimental observations of authors and interviews with industry activists, there is not much strategic alliance and therefore no specific depth can be considered. Also, environmental bottlenecks in organizational and managerial dimensions is the biggest challenge that has been placed on the formation of strategic alliances in Meybod tile companies, and then the economic and cultural bottlenecks deserve attention from Meybod tile companies, respectively. Also, scientific studies and field observations indicate that the managers of Meybod ceramic & tile companies are seriously concerned about the atmosphere of ambiguity and generally uncontrollable components in the alliance, which can also be found in the use of partner management mechanisms in the alliance.

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Aim and Introduction. The issue of coordination identified as a key management issue in the supply chain. Service supply chain due to its different characteristics, and the products in the service supply chain are service-oriented, complex and more information-based, the coordination models in it are completely different from the coordination models in the supply chain of physical goods. In this research, the main aim of the research is to develop a model for coordination based service supply chain. Despite the well-known barriers to modeling for service business supply chains, there is process coordination as an existing and emerging component that motivates the development of service supply chain models. A large number of stakeholders may be involved in designing and delivering services, and their processes should be coordinated. Many service businesses have to serve a large number of different customers or users within the organization. This complicates the delivery of services rather than the delivery of industrial goods. In the service sector, since a large number of human resources are affected, but the participation of the end user is a necessity in the process of providing services. Methodology. The main research question is what is the appropriate model for coordination based on service supply chain? In this research, to identify the concepts of coordination in the service supply chain, in the framework of the supply chain coordination, which examines and analyzes the dimensions of this phenomenon at this level. In this research, the qualitative method of grounded theory and Strauss and Corbin model used to design the model [16]. Applying the research strategy based on the paradigm chosen by the researcher. The research method is the theory-based method of data. The development of a theoretical structure for service supply chain is the adoption of an integrated approach based on inductive techniques. In the meantime, data-driven theory offers an inductive method for creating integrated theories by in-depth study of internal and external. In addition, its community are faculty members and senior industry executives, who selected using purposive judgmental sampling. The objectives of the research were determined and explained using qualitative research tools. In addition, using open, axial and selective coding, a paradigm model formed based, on which the conceptual structure of service supply chain synchronization designed and presented. Validation of the research based on the data methodology of the foundation, the criteria of adaptability, comprehensibility, generalizability and control used. Findings. Finally, the underlying factors of coordination divided into two categories: infrastructure and capabilities. Interfering conditions include behavioral factors and characteristics of cooperation. Coordination mechanisms studied in the form of three characteristics of sharing, stable relationships and technical and technological mechanisms. The reasons for coordination examined in the form of four characteristics of uncertainty, customer dissatisfaction, risk and non-integrated system, and synergy, sustainable profitability and brand improvement identified as the consequences of coordination. Findings. After identifying and assigning the code, the resulting codes analyzed related and a common meaning grouped and then described. The relationship between the customer and the service provider did not analyzed in a vacuum. Rather, looked at in a broader context that includes a set of contextual elements. Based on the designed model, the underlying factors of coordination that, when coordinated by the supply chain company, influence the selection and formation of coordination mechanisms between themselves and other components of the chain, fall into two categories: infrastructure, capabilities and capabilities. Infrastructure factors include IT infrastructure, transportation, distribution center management, customer information access, and management dashboards. Based on the model, the interventionist conditions include behavioral factors and characteristics of cooperation. Behavioral factors include variables such as culture, trust, commitment, attitude, collective learning, collaborative work teams, adaptability, and openness and honesty. Coordination mechanisms considered as the focus of the focus company on the conditions and events that occurred during the coordination. Discussion and conclusion. In today's world where competition is rapidly intensifying, providing services at the right time and place with the right quality can lead to customer satisfaction, otherwise companies will inevitably fail. One of the main reasons for service failure is inconsistencies between components. Achieving coordination requires basic actions that must be well identified and implemented. Service chains are inherently two-way, so coordination and integration among the various players involved in the network is crucial. This research conducted in order to identify the necessary factors in achieving coordination in the service supply chain. To achieve the objectives of this research, the data theory approach of the foundation used, which ultimately led to the design of a paradigm coordination model of service supply chain. In this study, the main and sub-categories of the model in terms of coordination mechanisms, contextual conditions, causal conditions and coordination consequences of the service supply chain identified and suggestions made for relevant experts in each department. The main categories in this research as follow: infrastructure, capabilities and capabilities, behavioral factors, coordination characteristics, sharing, sustainable relationships, technical and technological, uncertainty, risk, non-integrated systems, customer relationship management, Synergy, credibility and profitability are stable. Identifying these key categories in the model because it considers all the criteria together can increase the awareness and understanding of researchers and managers about the implementation of supply chain coordination.

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Aims and Introduction. In the period of communication, future's communication, communication policies and planning have a special necessity; Because they are necessary to achieve and maintain a competitive advantages. In practice, an organization's communication with a particular product can occur in four general ways: in-house communication, ex-organizational communication with suppliers, ex-organizational communication with customers, and ex-organizational communication with other stakeholders. These connections must be planned and implemented in a way that strengthens the image and brand of the organization and the product. Insufficient ability of companies to communicate seamlessly with the internal and external environment leads to loss of opportunities and loss of competitiveness. With the advent of e-commerce, the fourth wave created the motivation to move from accessing customer summary information (to clarify the basic patterns in the second wave) to acquiring and working with customer information. This strategy developed relationships with individual customers and raised the need to pay more attention to marketing integration. Thus, the term IMC was extended to integrated marketing. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to identify and design a basic integrated marketing pattern. Methodology. This study, with a pragmatic philosophical approach, surveyes the evolution of integrated marketing through a gradual process and seeks to know what integrated marketing patterns are and what practical effects and results these patterns can have. Considering Hunt's three-pronged pattern, integrated marketing and its basic concepts, namely marketing communications and integrated marketing communications (both at the micro levels of the marketing domain and the sum of the elements of the marketing mix and at the macro levels of the organization), even occasionally, recommended in the for-profit sector of small companies, market corners, and service organizations, as well as in the non-profit sector. In terms of the nature of research data, the need to study the definitions and descriptions in the disciplines and scientific concepts of communication, marketing, organizational communication, managerial communication, marketing communication, management of marketing communication tools, integrated communication, integrated marketing communication, integrated brand communication, communication and public relations management so that it can achieve a common language of integration approach. This research tends more towards qualitative exploratory research. Regarding the degree of coordination between the content of the measurement tool and the purpose of the research, the validity of the content was also examined using the opinion of experts. To evaluate the content validity of the obtained codes quantitatively, two relative content validity coefficients (CVR) of Lawshe and content validity index (CVI) of Waltz and Basel are used. Findings. Content analysis of 46 integrated marketing definitions and similar concepts performed using content analysis method. In order to examine the validity of codings, the opinions and suggestions of five experts familiar with the concepts of coding and marketing communications used. The relative validity coefficient of the core and selective content codes was 0. 99, which indicates sufficient validity of the codes. Content validity index of core and selective codes were 0. 93 and 0. 88, respectively. The consensus of experts on the validity of pivotal and selective codings and the lack of code changes in revisions performed over a period of one month indicates the stability, representation, and accuracy of the codes and thus the reliability of the results. One of the research findings is the identification of three basic patterns of integrated marketing: thinking, speech and behavior. These three basic patterns used to design the core of an integrated marketing model. Identifying and designing an integrated marketing model can provide the necessary basis for presenting an integrated marketing theory. Discussion and results. Integrated marketing has emerged as a natural evolutionary process in marketing communications that has undergone fundamental changes in at least three main areas: markets, media and communications, and consumers. These changes have taken place primarily with advances in information technology and have led to a major shift from product-centric mass marketing theories in the 1950s and 1960s to more customer-oriented, interactive, and measurable databases. Is. But integrated marketing shows that there is a need for more accurate identification of patterns associated with this phenomenon. The basic model of integrated marketing can combine the concept and process of integrated marketing with more coherence and form the basis of theorizing in this field in different frameworks. As marketing enters a new era in which consumers determine when, where, and how to use media, marketing needs to adapt and change. In the new marketing renaissance, when and where do customers and stakeholders want to hear it? Therefore, marketers must first understand the customer and then develop interdisciplinary plans to get the best customers at the time and place where the brands and messages are most appropriate to build long-term profitable relationships and build customer trust. Get and keep. The organization with long-term and strategic planning of its communications and by integrating the communications process in the environment inside and outside its borders must create and transfer values, production and innovation in any type of products, speech and behavior before performing any communication activities. Coordinate and make a sound to increase the level of trust and confidence in the organization in the business environment through interaction with stakeholders. The core of integrated marketing lies in the principles of developing customer-oriented and data-driven communication programs. The strategic advantage of transferring consumer data to customer applied knowledge requires an understanding of what the data represents and how the database managed as a strategic communication tool. Using the proposed model (thinking, speech, and behavior), the organization expected to be able to solve these problems by adopting a knowledge-based market-based approach: 1) know itself well, 2) identify all its communication channels 3) Identify the reasons for its relationship and its levels (who and why? ), 4) identify its audience and stakeholders (for whom); 5) Specify its direct and clear content and message (what); 6) Define his / her communication tools accurately (how); And finally 7) follow up and analyze the message sent and the results obtained (feedback).

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Aim and Introduction: The nature of competition between organizations has changed in recent years, and companies must have competitive advantages to improve performance and compete with competitors; Because they have shifted their focus from investing on tangible resources to investing on intangible resources. One of the intangible resources in the organization is intellectual capital. One of the components of intangible assets is intellectual capital, which has an important impact on the performance and implementation of strategic goals of organizations. Intellectual capital is the main factor in creating value in companies, and organizations with effective control over these assets in addition to dynamic and active management within the organization can have successful external organizational relationships with society, stakeholders, and people. On the other hand, organizations are entering a knowledge-based economy, an economy in which knowledge and intangible assets are recognized as the most important competitive advantages of organizations. Creativity, organizational reputation, organizational capacity, relationships with customers, suppliers, information technology, etc. Knowledge-based companies play an important role in the economic growth and development of the country by emphasizing intangible assets and providing innovative products and services based on high technologies. Supporting knowledge-based companies as the rulers of science and technology in the country is the most important solution that can achieve this lofty goal. Intellectual capital is one of the most important and instructive capitals in knowledge-based companies, which also achieves good results in the long term. Therefore, the implementation of intellectual capital in knowledge-based companies is very important. So, the main purpose of this study is to provide a model for the implementation of intellectual capital in knowledge-based companies. Methodology: This research is an applied research in terms of purpose. And is considered as survey and descriptive research. In this study, a questionnaire was used to collect data. The different parts and criteria of the questionnaire are obtained from library studies. Interview and panel format, metrics and indicators were finalized. Therefore, the main tools of this research include two researcher-made questionnaires, one of which is designed by interpretive structural equations and the other questionnaire with hourly and fuzzy spectrum is designed that the validity of these questionnaires was reviewed and confirmed by experts. Findings: In this study, the opinions of 15 experts from knowledge-based companies and academic experts were used using the Delphi method in 3 panels to saturate the opinions of experts, and the components, indicators and criteria were finalized. The agent of knowledge-based companies was tested. And through interpretive structural analysis, levels and relationships between variables were identified and examined, and for better interpretation of variables and its sub-components in this section, the fuzzy AHP method has been used to determine the importance of the components well and correctly. Discussion and Conclusion: The proposed model consists of five levels. At the fifth level of the model, which is the lowest level available, the proposal of the present model for the implementation of intellectual capital in knowledge-based companies is to create an appropriate attitude and as followed formulate effective goals and strategies. Also, the required infrastructure and structure must be created and specified in this step, which is the first step. Therefore, knowledge-based companies in order to implement intellectual capital in their companies on the first step, must create the infrastructure in accordance with the goals and strategies, and by formulating the structure, the required items must be identified. In the second stage, according to the defined structure and goals, the processes must be identified and the organizational culture must be formed in its format. In the third stage, by using the considered infrastructure and the existing structure and processes, with focusing on creativity, innovation and knowledge, and by taking steps to attract qualified and specialized personnel, with a research and development approach, proceed to implement intellectual capital in knowledge-based companies. In the fourth stage, information systems for better knowledge management in the organization should be implemented and with the aim of supporting innovation, communication with government and business organizations and suppliers. In the last stage, by communicating with customers and supervising competitors, increase the quality and thus, inspired by innovations and creativity, to increase the intellectual capital in knowledge-based companies. The results indicate that infrastructure factors and having long-term goals and plans are the starting point for the implementation of intellectual capital in knowledge-based companies.

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Aim and Introduction: Rapid population growth and subsequent increase in demand for food in recent years have led to a dramatic change in traditional agriculture. In this regard, the use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides and planting high-yielding cultivars of agricultural and horticultural species has increased agricultural production. However, this increase in production has been associated with several environmental problems, such as pollution of soil and water resources, the emergence of new plant pests and diseases, and the emergence of malnutrition and disease in humans. (Sumner, 2008). In response to these problems, and with increasing public awareness of health-related issues, the demand for organic products has grown exponentially in the last two decades. Its annual growth rate is much higher than in the conventional food market. (Cushman & Wakefield, 2017; Sebastian et al., 2020; Lang et al., 2014). In this regard, the problems of industrial foods are being reported in such a way that many people now believe that organic foods are superior and healthier than modern industrial foods. (Bezawada & Pauwels, 2013; Thø gersen, 2015; Olson et al., 2017). However, studies show that despite such profitable growth, the organic food market can expand much further. These studies show that the main obstacle in this regard is the scepticism of consumers about the claims made in organic food (Bray et al. 2011; D'Souza et al. 2007; MacKenzie, 1991; Peattie, 1995; Schlegelmilch et al. 1996). The reason for this lack of trust is that organic food and its production process are not known to the people and are still new and unknown products to many people. On the other hand, people have been using conventional food, which is industrial, for many years, and that is why they trust it, and changing their consumption orientation towards other types of food products requires gaining new trust. This fact shows that trust plays an essential role in the success of organic food in the market (Sobhanifard & Eshtiaghi, 2020). Therefore, increasing trust in organic foods in any way possible can improve the consumption of these foods. This trust can benefit both related industries and improve people's health more than before. In this regard, one of the things that can strengthen trust in a product, including organic food, is how these products are packaged. The packaging is the customer's first direct contact with the product and is the first thing the customer sees of the product. In a way, the packaging is responsible for most of the desired or undesirable mental image of the product. The role of packaging design is instrumental in advertising marketing and sales. For each product, including food, it is a certificate to introduce the product. Food packaging focuses mainly on product safety. However, if the packaging itself is not reliable, food safety is a concern (Abreu, Cruz, & Losada, 2012). Therefore, packaging has an undeniable effect on any product, including products. It is organic. In general, considering the growth of organic foods on the one hand and the need to build trust in these products and the effectiveness of packaging on product trust on the other hand, it is necessary to answer the question of how to increase consumer trust through packaging. This important as a review of the relevant research literature shows that although much research has been done on organic food trust so far (Vega et al., 2018; Thorsoe, 2015; Anisimova, 2016; Ayyub et al., 2018; Khare & Pandey, 2017). Although there has been much research on packaging (Coles et al., 2019; Favier et al., 2019; Thomas & Capelli, 2018; Holmes & Paswan, 2012; Kenneth & McMillin, 2017) so far no research has been done on how to improve trust in organic foods through their packaging. Therefore, for the first time, the present study seeks to identify factors in the design of organic food packaging that can improve consumer trust in organic food. From a practical point of view, the results of this research can improve the situation of trust in organic food. These results can show what manufacturers of organic food products should do to design the packaging of these products, despite all their efforts, to strengthen trust in these products. The results can lead to the development of their bases and bring them good profits. Socially, the results of the research increase the peace and trust in food consumption, and as a result, increasing the consumption of these foods, which are healthier than industrial foods, causes the general public and society to benefit from the results of this research. Methodology: This research has been done in five stages. As mentioned before, in the first stage, using research literature, an attempt was made to search for research concepts. As a result of this step, although information was found on packaging and trust in organic food, research has shown that no study has been done on the effects of design indicators on strengthening consumer trust in organic food. This shortcoming led the research to identify indicators using field research. For this purpose, in the second step, the theoretical saturation approach was used. In this approach, potential and actual consumers of organic food were randomly selected and asked the question, What factors in the packaging make you more trust in organic food? . Respondents, up to 35 people, we can introduce 17 of these factors. Then from 35 to 70, which was twice as useful as the sample, no one could add anything to the 17. Therefore, after 70 people, the announcement was saturated theoretically. The selection of new samples can no longer lead to the discovery of a new factor. Table 1 shows these 17 factors. Then, in the third step, the goal was to determine whether all consumers approve of these 17 factors of organic food. Using a random selection approach, 505 of these people now live in Iran were selected. They asked, To what extent does each of these packaging indicators boost your trust in organic food? . The respondents give their response with a number between 1 and 5. The demographic characteristics of these 505 people are shown in Table 2. In the fourth step of the research, using exploratory factor analysis, we sought to confirm these 17 factors and explore a model using these factors, which the data analysis section has addressed. Finally, in the fifth step, the question was raised that if these 17 factors, which have also been approved for modelling, are to strengthen the trust of consumers of organic foods, which factor should start? For this purpose, using the Friedman test, these 17 factors were ranked according to their importance in building trust in organic food. Finding: The explored model includes four factors of packaging that have a positive effect on trust in organic foods. These are suitable materials, perfect appearance, information and qualitative credit. Results from the use of the Friedman test indicate that the main variables in packaging design that affect the trust of organic food are: comparative information, nutritional information and health certificate. Discussion and Conclusion: While most research on building trust for organic food has focused on providing knowledge and information (Samia et al., 2018, Sobhanifard & Eshtiaghi, 2020, Daugbjerg et al. 2014; Vieira et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2010), This research also emphasizes the issue of information and knowledge with a unique packaging case. It considers it as one of the main concepts needed to build trust through packaging. This central concept in this research consists of four variables as four solutions. Also, Sobhanifard and Eshtiaghi in one of the closest studies to the present study concluded that to build trust in organic food in social networks; it should focus on useful six concepts. They are: experiences, generation of useful content, valid guarantees and certificates, valid information on product benefits, emphasis on naturalness, communication with previous buyers (Sobhanifard & Eshtiaghi, 2020), The present study also concludes that to build trust in organic food through packaging should be focused on suitable material, perfect appearance, information, qualitative credit. A comparison between the two conclusions shows that both studies share a common emphasis on concepts such as credibility, information delivery, and assurance. This subscription is because packaging, in many cases, plays the same role as messages on social networks. The difference between the results of these two studies is due to the difference in the physical space related to packaging and the virtual and non-physical space of social networks. Comparing this study with other related studies, it is clear that this research has been able to introduce cases specific to packaging and physical space about the factors that create a trust for organic food. Therefore, from this point of view, this research can be valuable. Uniquely known.

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Aim and introduction: Organizational pessimism has a diminishing effect on thinking, attitude, behavior, and performance of the individual in the organization, and the continuation of this category in the individual causes it to spread to other individuals and organizational groups, which is certainly a much larger and more costly dimension of pessimism at the group level. Due to the necessity of the subject and also addressing newer topics in the field of organizational studies that affect the efficiency of employees as much as possible, successful organizations have paid special attention to this important issue and instead of emphasizing quantitative goals, emphasize capacity building and quality improvement of human resources at all levels. . To achieve this goal, it is necessary to pay attention to various factors affecting employees' attitudes and their consequences, one of which is to study the factors affecting pessimism and its consequences to reduce pessimism. . Pessimism among academics and the amount of research done is very low and also that many academic members of the university due to their high level of education and abilities consider themselves free from occupational and organizational injuries and the ability to manage personal, professional and they see the organization as pessimism. This article has been considered by the author, so the study of factors affecting pessimism and its consequences and awareness of employees' reactions to organizational pessimism can understand its importance and reduce pessimism and destructive organizational effects. And its job helps a lot. According to the main purpose of this research, the main focus of the questions that will be discussed in this research is as follows and the main purpose: Designing a model of organizational pessimism at the level of universities in Kashan and determining the fit of the designed conceptual model and sub-objectives are as follows: Identify the conditions for organizational pessimism Identify the main phenomenon of organizational pessimism Identify the context and context of organizational pessimism Identify the intervening factors of organizational pessimism Identify organizational pessimism strategies Identify the consequences of organizational pessimism Methodology: Research type The research method is of the purpose type. The present research is an applied purpose and the research has a combined method in nature and is considered qualitative-quantitative research. Qualitative research method (contextual theory) The research method in the qualitative part is the underlying theory. Data collection method The data in a quantitative part is based on a researcher-made questionnaire that includes 6 dimensions of questionnaires of factors affecting organizational pessimism (causal conditions), the structure of organizational pessimism (central phenomenon), areas affecting organizational pessimism (underlying conditions), intervening factors affecting Organizational pessimism (intervening conditions), strategies for dealing with organizational pessimism (strategies and strategies) and consequences of organizational pessimism (consequences) have been prepared. In the quantitative analysis section, several different tests are used in the descriptive and inferential statistics section. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used to check the normality of the data. To evaluate the construct validity of the questionnaire, the measurement model was used, and to examine the relationships between the variables, structural equation modeling was used. It should be noted that the software used in this study are: Spss and pls software Findings: The first research question: What is the appropriate model for organizational pessimism in Kashan universities? Summary of the results of research propositions Result Standard coefficient Direction Statement Meaningful 0. 70 Causal conditions-a central phenomenon 1 Meaningful 0. 74 Background conditions-strategies and strategies 2 Meaningful 0. 75 Stakeholders-Strategies 3 Meaningful 0. 70 Central Phenomenon-Strategies and Strategies 4 Meaningful 0. 67 Strategies and Strategies-Consequences 5 The second research question: Is the designed model suitable for organizational pessimism in Kashan universities? Based on the data of this question, to test the model designed for organizational pessimism obtained in Kashan universities, first, the measurement model for each of the 6 sections of qualitative findings was examined. The results of measurement models indicate that the models are suitable for measuring variables. Then, a structural model has been fitted, and the results indicate the appropriate design of the model for organizational pessimism in Kashan universities. The first research hypothesis Confirmed by t-value of 7. 721 and impact factor of 0. 712 with 95% confidence The second research hypothesis Confirmed by t-value of 8. 163 and impact factor of 0. 753 with 95% confidence The third research hypothesis Confirmed by t-value of 8. 272 and impact factor of 0. 762 with 95% confidence. The fourth research hypothesis Confirmed by t-value of 8. 272 and impact factor of 0. 761 with 95% confidence Fifth research hypothesis: With an at-value of 7. 063 and an impact factor of 0. 664, it is confirmed with 95% confidence. The practical suggestions were presented as follows. Discussion and Conclusion: This study was conducted to design an organizational pessimism model based on a contextual data approach in Kashan universities. The research method was qualitative and quantitative. The data of the present study were obtained through interviews with 16 professors and specialists of Kashan universities and the researcher's observations in the field of research. Data were analyzed using the grounded theory method. To achieve this goal, the data collected from the interviews were first coded. Coding included free coding, selective coding, and axial coding, which eventually formed the core of the theory and organizational model of pessimism in Kashan universities? Using these categories and components, causal conditions, intervention conditions, contexts, outcomes, and strategies and their relationships with the main group were identified. In other words, based on qualitative analysis and data-based methods, 287 concepts were identified. These concepts created the conceptual model of the research concerning each other and then in the quantitative part, based on the collected data, the model was examined using the structural equation model. The results showed that at the 95% confidence level, the relationships between the variables were confirmed; Therefore, the research model was adopted. In other words, causal and conditional conditions affect the central phenomenon (organizational pessimism). In addition, the central phenomenon (organizational pessimism) affects strategies. Stakeholders and contextual factors also influence strategies, and ultimately strategies influence outcomes.

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Aim and Introduction. Business has taken on a new form in modern times. The diminishing role of geographical borders in the production and delivery of products and services along with the development of the Internet considered as the most important factors that distinguish the current business from traditional businesses. To know. By examining the trends, a comprehensive view of past studies obtained and the forthcoming studies made more targeted. Business networks are a field of study that seeks to analyze complex types of repetitive exchanges. Discussion on how to analyze networks can prepare Iranian businesses to enter into systematic collaborations within business networks. Methodology. The main question of the research is what categories of research in the field of business networks have? What is the process of changing the focus of studies in this field? This study has used systematic mapping and phonological analysis method by thematically classifying the researches in the field of business networks. The research of this study based on Scopus and Web of Science databases in February 2016. Based on the systematic mapping method, between 1990 and 2021, 431 articles selected for abstract and keyword analysis and 56 articles selected for full text analysis. Vocabulary analysis through Vosviewer software clustered three main groups of studies: structural approach, cultural approach and relational approach. These three main approaches to business network analysis include 11 sub-categories. Most studies have focused on the structural approach. Findings. The new trends show the change in the approach of business network analysis to the relational approach, which has become the dominant approach in business network analysis since 2017. Based on the keyword analysis used in these 431 articles, the most recent keywords used in business studies as follow: emerging markets, social networks, competitiveness, network processes, internationalization, values, dynamic capabilities, and interaction, respectively. In the next step of the study, a layer added to the analysis in order to take a closer look at the field of business network studies. As mentioned, three approaches to business network analysis identified in the next step, which included the relational approach, the structural approach, and the cultural approach. In this step, three repetitive keywords used in each approach selected as criteria to reduce the number of articles and increase their focus. The selected keywords for each cluster were as follows: Structural approach: competition, hierarchy, cooperation and small and medium enterprises; Cultural approach: internationalization, co-competitive and case study; Relationship approach: trust, commitment and change. By including these nine keywords in Vosviewer software, 56 articles obtained which were the basis of the final study reviews. Discussion and conclusion. Reviews of previous articles based on titles, keywords and, if necessary, abstracts. At this stage, however, the entire text added to the reviews. The results of the analysis of these 56 articles have led to the categorization of the three main approaches into 11 sub-research topics. The least researched topic among 11 sub-categories of research is the effect of the number of relationships on the performance of business networks. The trend in the use of keywords, as well as the reference to network analysis approaches, both indicate a significant shift in the analysis of business networks. Since 2017, the dominant approach has changed to a relational approach. Keywords have also emphasized this. Of the top eight keywords in 2020, 5 are in the relational approach. This approach and related studies can be an attractive field for interested researchers. Companies now need to set up specific committees to analyze possible future collaborations, formally or informally. This committee can provide a good platform for the company by examining the suitability between possible options for future cooperation and the conditions required to enter it. One of the important suggestions for future research is the initial focus based on the theme analysis method and review of studies in this field based on the proposed framework. Using coding for the content of articles in this field can make the categories more accurate and the results clearer. Another study could be quantitative and based on the number of keywords used. The relationship between the performance of real networks in business and the approach of their managers to the network (among the three approaches introduced) can be another research suggestion.

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Aim and introduction: The Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics is responsible for the planning, coordination, support, and expansion of the defense power; this ministry is responsible for equipping the defense forces to encounter the possible threats. The ministry has been subject to international sanctions and pressure due to the production of defense industries. It is imperative that the defense industry, following the creation of restrictions that prevent them from carrying out their inherent missions, seeks a change of course in order to maintain the level of its products to meet the needs of its customers. In this regard, it is necessary to know the exact problem and its aspects, to consider a suitable solution in this regard, considering that the defense industry in each country is part of the governing industry, so it is important that this issue is explored centrally. One of the important ways to do this is to use the capabilities and capacities available in networking. This approach is done by creating supply networks, product production, storage, and even timely distribution, outside the organization's borders and is used to use the final product. Network organization is placed between the two ends of the market and the organization. The important issue here is how to get things done in the heart of the network. Based on the findings of this study, this is done by agencies. One of the theories that can explain some of the costs and problems in a variety of financial contracts is agency theory. This theory has been widely used in many fields such as economics, management, finance, accounting, and even politics. This theory is closely related to game theory and deals with issues arising from the conflict of interest in bilateral or multilateral relations. The model seeks to exploit the capabilities of networking to address constraints and crises, taking into account the concepts of supply chain theory and agency theory at the same time as how to use existing capacities and capabilities beyond the organization's boundaries and to organize the network of industrial agencies to supply parts in the final product in accordance with the order of the stakeholders. Methodology: Based on the findings of this study, this will be done by the representatives of the organization using the theory of agency. The method of this research is fundamental and applied, and the model of this research, considering the concepts of supply chain and agency theory simultaneously, intends to use the strategic model of utilizing existing capabilities beyond the organization's borders and organizing the network of industrial agencies. In this approach, the goal is not only to reduce costs but also to increase the willingness of the parties to the relationship between the owner and the customer. The proposed model is a variety of multi-objective decision-making models and the fuzzy multi-objective decision-making method has been used to solve the model. Findings: According to the results obtained from the conducted studies, the average utility of the organization is currently 19% of other different parts. Based on the model’ s result, it can be said that by changing the resource allocation, the owner utility can be increased by 60%. Therefore, it can be claimed that the method of allocation in this model leads to improvement in the organization’ s situation. Discussion and Conclusion: This study is research, considering the concepts of supply chain and agency theory simultaneously, intends to use the strategic model of utilizing organizing the external network. The conclusion of the research show that increasing the financial resources will not essentially result in the increase in the utility of the members of the supply chain and the actors in the relationship between the owner and the agency but the method of optimal allocation of the resources and proper assignment of the tasks to the agency can increase the satisfaction of the parties of the owner-agency relationship. Therefore, it suggested that the mentioned organization execute the model in the research by using the predicted parameters for the next year and accordingly, regulate the budgeting related to the member of the network. Furthermore, the organization is able to change the input parameters in the center of the different scenarios based on the model’ s sensitivity and measure it and make stronger decisions based thereon. In order to conduct the future studies, it is recommended that the researchers who are interested in this topic, measure the effect of the allocation of other resources such as information, knowledge share, equipment and tools and so on in addition to the financial resources and formulate the relationships related to its effectivity on the utility of the members. Also, it is recommended that the future researchers identify the possible scenarios for the future using the integration of the futurism methods and calculate the Pareto solutions by using the proposed model of this research and obtain the final answer of the model.

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Aim and introduction: The condition for survival in today's turbulent business world is to pay attention to environmental developments with the approach of innovation capability and understanding the various dimensions of innovation in business. In other words, a significant part of economic growth, in addition to the three traditional factors of land, labor and capital, can also rely on another important factor called business innovation. Innovation in companies evolves through several important stages. From innovation depending on collaborative innovation, open innovation and finally joint innovation which is the newest type of innovation. Joint innovation is a platform in which new ideas or approaches from different internal and external sources are applied differently to create new value or experience for all stakeholders, including consumers. Banks are one of the most important service companies and need significant innovations to compete. Also, the participation of stakeholders, especially customers, in the process of joint innovation in the banking industry has important benefits such as service customization, customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as superiority in service quality [52]. One of the most important points that can be mentioned about the importance of joint innovation in the banking industry is the discussion of the impact of joint innovation on the performance of the development of new services in the banking industry. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of joint innovation on the performance of new services development in the banking industry to examine the factors that cause the customer to participate in the joint innovation process and thus the performance of new service development. Methodology: The statistical population of the present study includes customers and employees of some public and private banks in Ardabil, including Export, National, Housing, Agriculture, Commerce, Mellat, Sepah, Pasargad, Parsian, Shahr, Saman and Ayandeh Bank. Due to the fact that the geographical distribution of the statistical population was high and it was not possible for the researcher to refer to all of them, therefore the volume of the statistical population is considered unlimited and according to Cochran's formula, 384 people are available using non-random sampling method. Sample selected. It is necessary to explain that in order to collect information, 420 questionnaires were distributed to the branches in several stages. Of the total questionnaires distributed, 407 were returned to researchers. Finally, considering incomplete questionnaires, 384 questionnaires were analyzed, about 60% of the respondents were customers and 40% of them were employees. The data collection method included library and field. Thus, in order to collect information in the field of research background and theoretical foundations, the library method including review of printed and electronic sources was used and then according to the research method, which is descriptive and correlation, a questionnaire as the most important data collection tool. Used in field research. Findings: According to the results and since the significance level of the variables is more than 0. 05, so the assumption of normal distribution of all variables is accepted and parametric tests are used to test the hypotheses. In this research, the standard value for the factor load is equal to 0. 5. The results showed that for all items, the values of factor loads were greater than the standard level of 0. 5 and the values of T-Student statistics were 95% greater than the level of 1. 96, so according to the reported values, it can be claimed that the questions in Questionnaires have construct validity. Also, according to the standard values for the desired indicators, it was concluded that there is diagnostic validity, convergent validity and reliability for all variables, and in general, the research measurement models are in a good condition. According to t-statistic and level of significance, it was found that among the personal factors, all four motivations, namely internal, knowledge, social and financial, have a significant effect on attitude. The obtained coefficients show that this effect is positive. Among the organizational factors, the effect of all four factors including organizational culture, organizational communication, organizational resources and organizational structure on attitude was confirmed. The obtained coefficients indicate that this effect is also positive. Also, according to the results obtained from the coefficients, it can be seen that the customer's attitude towards joint innovation has a significant positive effect on the performance of new service development. Previous experience of joint innovation modulates the relationship between personal factors and attitudes toward joint innovation, and therefore the fourth hypothesis of the study was confirmed. Previous experience of joint innovation also modulates the relationship between organizational factors and attitudes toward joint innovation, and therefore the fifth hypothesis of the research is confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the results based on the importance of social factors in attracting customer participation in joint innovation, bank managers and employees should try to raise issues related to joint innovation in online communities as well as other places where customers are present and try To provide good social relationships between themselves and customers. In order to strengthen financial motivation among customers, bank managers are also advised to consider rewards and incentives to attract customer participation in innovative activities and to award prizes to the owners of top ideas. Considering the importance of internal motivation in attracting customers' cooperation in joint innovation, it is suggested that the officials and employees of banks in designing joint innovation mechanisms implement this activity along with creating joy and happiness among customers and in the form of exciting activities for them. In order to strengthen the knowledge motivation among customers, it is suggested that during their participation in joint innovation activities, some of the suggestions made in the direction of innovation be provided to customers so that in addition to increasing customer knowledge, the community to a reservoir of Become individual and collective interactions.

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Aim and Introduction. Planning is one of the most essential tools for accelerating the growth and development of developing countries, accepted by most experts. Because for various reasons, these countries will be involved in poverty, recession, low and incomplete employment, high inflation, price fluctuations without planning, without any planning. Undoubtedly, the importance of planning in the regions that make up a country is doubly important. Therefore, the distance between Kermanshah metropolis and other metropolises in terms of development and lack of research at the level of local organizations increases the need for this research. The study of Kermanshah province shows that the cities of this province experience different conditions in terms of the level of development indicators. Qasr Shirin is in the first rank compared to other cities of the province, then Kermanshah and in the next ranks (undeveloped cities) are eleven cities of the province. Many officials in Kermanshah acknowledge the lack of a long-term plan for the development of the city and the province, which is the duty of the city council and municipality. Strategic planning in local organizations has always faced obstacles that affect the quality of programs. Identifying and providing solutions for them can affect the development of society. Methodology. This research pursues the two purposes of description and explanation. Therefore, the present study, on the one hand, seeks to identify the disadvantages of strategic planning, on the other hand, because the relationship between research variables analyzed based on the purpose of the research, to explain the relationship between events. In the qualitative part of the research, using semi-structured interviews and studying different texts by theme analysis method, 33 sub-categories were identified and classified into four categories: behavioral, communication, knowledge and institutional. In the quantitative part of the research, triangular fuzzy numbers have been used to fuzzy the experts' point of view. Then the questionnaire was prepared based on the presented model and distributed to 133 statistical population (sample of 98 people). Based on the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, considering that the significance value of at least one of the variables was less than the error level (0. 05), so the data distribution was not normal. Due to the lack of sensitivity to the default normality of the data, smart pls software is the best structural equation software to run the model. The research model tested using the partial least squares technique. Then, to check the quality or validity of the model, a validity check used, which includes a subscription validity index and a redundancy validity index. The fit indices of the research model are positive and greater than zero, and then the model has acceptable quality and validity. The value of GOF index is 0. 611, which is a strong index and shows the high quality of the model. Findings. After semi-structured interviews with experts and a study, injuries identified. Then 170 keywords and phrases were extracted through theme analysis and 33 indicators discovered through coding and classified into four groups. Four hypotheses the significant effect of the four cognitive, behavioral, communicative and institutional harms with strategic planning with a probability of 0. 95 was not rejected. Finally, the analysis of the current and favorable status gap performed by distributing another questionnaire in the target population, which according to the results, there was a significant gap between the status and the desired four factors. The intensity of the effect of knowledge factor on strategic planning calculated to be 0. 166 and the probability statistic of the test is 3. 518, which is greater than the critical value of t at the error level of 5%, i. e. 1. 96 and shows that the observed effect is significant. . Therefore, with 95% confidence, the knowledge factor has a significant effect on strategic planning. The intensity of the effect of the behavioral factor on strategic planning calculated to be 0. 259 and the probability statistic of the test is 2. 358, which is greater than the critical value of t at the 5% error level of 1. 96 and shows a significant effect. Is. Therefore, with 95% confidence, the behavioral factor has a significant effect on strategic planning. Therefore, the intensity of the effect of the communication factor on strategic planning calculated equal to 0. 412 and the probability statistic of the test obtained 4. 448, which is greater than the critical value of t at the 5% error level, i. e. 1. 96, and shows the observed effect. It is meaningful. Therefore, with 95% confidence, the communication factor has a significant effect on strategic planning. Finally, the intensity of the effect of the institutional factor on strategic planning is equal to 0. 491 and the probability statistic of the test is 8. 727, which shows that the observed effect is significant. Therefore, with 95% confidence, the managerial institutional factor has a significant effect on strategic planning. Discussion and Conclusion. Dissatisfaction with today's Iranian cities is a common experience of citizens, professionals and managers. The popular view of this issue is only looking for a solution to it. However, the city is the supreme product of human civilization, which emerges under the influence of innumerable components, and accepting the excessive influence of one factor in this field is in fact a kind of neglect of the issue. Among the important factors affecting the construction of Iranian cities, the system governing the preparation, approval and management of urban development plans has a significant share. The power structure in society, managers 'view of citizens' rights, city space in the eyes of people and decision makers, city maps and other such components play an important role in explaining how and what the planning system is. Examining the factors affecting strategic planning in general indicates the distance of the strategic planning system. The desired conditions achieved by correcting the injuries identified in this study through related organizations. According to the research results, the model presented in this study consists of four factors and a total of 33 indicators were identified, which were divided into four categories of knowledge with 4 indicators, behavioral with 10 indicators, communication with 8 indicators and institutional with 11 indicators. This model was the basis model for analyzing the current and desired situation. After performing the gap analysis, 26 indicators identified as damage because the current situation of these indicators is a significant distance from the desired situation and is far from the desired situation. The share of knowledge factors is three indicators, behavioral factors are eight indicators, communication factors are 6 indicators and institutional factors are nine indicators.

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Introduction & Aim: It should be acknowledged that in the current situation, the pressures caused by the globalization of the economy or the World Trade Organization have caused negative and positive effects and results for the goals outlined in the 20-year vision document that the business environment Has posed serious international challenges. These challenges, in turn, require the development and implementation of appropriate strategic strategies and controls. Strategic control helps community managers to take into account environmental changes, such as changes in the nature of competition and the effects it can have on the development of the country's organizations. In many organizations and companies, the program they have designed a strategic plan without considering strategic control. In fact, strategic management has three aspects of development, implementation and control, which are mainly neglected by the strategic control side, while strategic planning is very suitable for turbulent and dynamic environmental conditions, and more importantly, strategic control. It is very important in these environments. This study tries to show the importance of controlling strategic planning and can provide a model for controlling strategy. And finally test this model by quantitative methods. Methodology: This research is of developmental-applied type in terms of purpose and descriptively combined with research approach. In this research, integrated research method has been used. In other words, in this research, qualitative and quantitative methods are combined. In the first stage (qualitative part), the purpose of this study was to identify the variables of strategic control model and model design. The Delphi method was used to achieve this goal. At this stage, first the research texts were studied, ie research-related research in the strategic control model was reviewed. Then, based on the findings of previous researches and their logical integration, the dimensions and components of this concept were extracted and in three stages of Delphi as a closed and open questionnaire was provided to experts. In the second stage (quantitative part), in order to investigate the effect of dimensions and components on the strategic control model and test the strategic control model, which is specified and designed from the qualitative stage, a researcher-made questionnaire with a 5 Likert scale was used. Findings: Iranian Customs has two sides of developing and implementing strategic planning but lacks strategic control. In 1998, 17 important variables were identified for the strategic control model of customs and the strategic control model was developed based on it. These 17 variables are "background conditions including: diagnostic, interactive, content and process controls, intervention conditions". Includes: incentive control, cultural control and informal control, environmental conditions including: objective-oriented control, humanistic fundamental control, gradual control, process-oriented gradual control, and intra-organizational environmental control including: preoperative, intraoperative control, "Feedback, environmental monitoring, abrupt change and benchmarking (optimization) and performance. " Then, to be more sure of the obtained model, the model was tested in the form of PLS software with a quantitative questionnaire with high reliability of 80% which was distributed among 290 executive and staff customs staff in Tehran province and the results confirmed 17 variables. Ganeh also confirmed the model obtained based on 17 variables in a quantitative manner. Discussion and Conclusion: All 17 variables of strategic control in the 4 main deputies of the Customs Organization along with their subdivisions and 2 supervisory departments and all executive customs could be used separately and the final model of strategic control causes customs to achieve strategic goals and priorities. Based on the software analysis and structural equation analysis, 4 sub-hypotheses, namely contextual conditions, intervention conditions, internal organizational conditions and environmental conditions have a positive and significant effect on the strategic control of Iranian customs. Therefore, the conditions of the internal environment had the most impact and the background conditions had the least impact on the strategic control model. In the context, 4 indicators were considered that content control and process control had the most impact and diagnostic control and interactive control had the least impact in the model, respectively. In the intervention conditions, three variables were considered that were informal control, cultural control and incentive control in the strategic control model, respectively. In terms of the internal environment in which 6 indicators were identified, retrospective control or feedback, abrupt change, benchmarking and performance, in-house control, environmental monitoring and predictive control were important, respectively. In environmental conditions, 4 indicators were identified that were fundamental goal-oriented control, human-oriented fundamental control, process-oriented gradual control and gradual control, respectively. According to research, each of the above four variables in general and in part and depending on the situation have a significant impact on the strategic control of the organization. This effect also applies to the customs organization.

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Aim and Introduction. Today, competitive sports in professional clubs are the institutional form of the process of promoting the social capital of society. The present study conducted with the aim of discovering the future of Sepahan Club and developing its scenarios for the next 20 years and presenting a strategy. Considering the importance of professional sports in Iran, which has a special place in Sepahan Club in the field of professional sports, and living in this unstable and rapidly changing environment, the vacuum study of the club's futurism is very noticeable. Sepahan Club, which has a very important role in the affairs of professional sports in Iran, is no exception to this category. Therefore, it can acknowledge that Sepahan Club has a very high priority in professional sports in Iran and has engaged many athletes and fans. Professional sports foresight can be of great help to club managers and on a larger scale can be useful for the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Iran. After conducting this research, its possible results will enable stakeholders to imagine the possible future of professional sports and make informed decisions, and finally be able to. Evaluate the positive and negative aspects and create a favorable future for the Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club. Methodology. In the present study, the futuristic method with a scenario writing approach based on the method of intuitive logic used. To design the scenarios, the method of trend analysis and uncertainties used. First, the project scope was determined, and then the main development factors and blind spots identified with 360-degree feedback. Two key uncertainties developed for the scenario design basis. In the next step, a detailed and complete definition of the four possible scenarios made. Then, a general strategy based on the scenarios was presented and the last step, including monitoring and controlling the strategies, was performed. The participants of the present study included 20 internal and external stakeholders of Sepahan Club who selected based on purposive sampling. Data collected through interviews and open questionnaires. Findings. Based on the findings, the analysis of the 26 main factors obtained eventually led to the production of two key uncertainties: "sustainable financial allocation" and "emphasis on sustainable club social responsibility in society. " In general, in building the favorable future of Sepahan Club, strategies with the components of allocating financial resources, integrated management, social status, specialization, highlighting and modeling, and media coverage should considered to build the future of the club. It was found that the factors of "maximum interaction with the strategic parts of the plant" and "economic sanctions" were the most effective and least effective in terms of domestic stakeholders, respectively, as well as the factors of "allocation of funds from Mobarakeh Steel" and "legal infrastructure" in terms of internal stakeholders. In addition, have the least impact on the development of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Club. Discussion and conclusion. At first, the strategic directional pillars of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club formulated. After the meetings of the Strategic Council with the presence of the CEO, deputies and consultants in the strategic field of the mission, vision, macro policy and the slogan of the club considered as follows. Mission: Activity in the field of competitive and professional sports and social and cultural role-playing in society under the auspices of Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan as the strongest supporter of sports in Iran. Vision: The promotion of Iran-Isfahan name in the national and international level and the promotion of national pride through the development of competitive and professional sports considered. Macro-policy: Promoting Iranian-Islamic values ​ ​ by emphasizing the four areas as thought, science, life and spirituality. In the path of comprehensive development of the cultural and sports club by implementing a program-oriented approach in the processes of competitive sports and professional club, maximizing the actual and potential capacity of the factory Mobarakeh Steel in order to realize the vision of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club of Isfahan. "and finally the slogan: " The best of the first " would approved. The most important key and strategic factors of Sepahan Mobarakeh Steel Cultural and Sports Club include the support of public and private bodies of the club (economic), excellence of socio-cultural responsibility of the club (cultural), development of media awareness (social), management of devices and processes in the club (managerial ). The development of sports infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the club (environmental), improving the financial situation of the club (economic) and affecting environmental and security factors in accordance with the sustainable development of the club (environmental) consider. The overlap of the extracted key indicators, including such factors as bedding factors with components such as the allocation of financial resources from Mobarakeh Steel, the equitable distribution of resources and the construction of sports incentives considered. Social adjustment factors included factors in entering popular sports and the club's social status among the people. Management excellence factors include; Unified management and specialization considered. Finally, institutionalizing cultural factors such as the involvement of political leaders, highlighting and modeling, and media activity considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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