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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Critique of the Lean Culture in Higher Education based on the competence-oriented organizational culture




 Aim and Introduction. The aim’ s paper is to critique the book "Pure Culture in higher education Towards Continuous Improvement" based on the Islamic approach of merit-based organizational culture. However, the concept of decentralized organizational culture has been studied with many ambiguities, which we will discuss in this study. The nature of this book is both conceptual and practical. In this way, it is possible to predict the expectations of the institutions that are in the process of implementing lean management today or want to make a binding decision in this regard. This book is addressed to theorists and specialists in the practical field of management of higher education institutions. According to the issues raised in the critique of the forthcoming book, the following goals are pursued: content critique with an Islamic approach to a worthy organizational culture; Critique of methodology with Islamic approach to merit-based organizational culture. Methodology. This qualitative research answered two questions with an analytical-critical method and an interpretive-Islamic approach. How can a decent-oriented organizational culture be criticized in terms of content with an Islamic approach? Moreover, what is the critique of a worthy organizational culture based on an Islamic approach from a methodological point of view? The validity of the present study also confirmed by Islamic citations. The layer of artifacts formed. Scientific critique is the product of a model based on which it deals with a selected problem, but this model is also derived from a special method that is defined and designed based on a special methodology, and when we go further, the effect of assumptions can be constructed with general, fundamental and basic views. The Foundation also considered methodologies. Based on this, five successive stages, including: scientific criticism, model, method, methodology, and governing and a priori philosophy distinguished. Our approach in this study is scientific critique. Critical view with a scientific approach is a comparative view, and if we consider the nature of comparative studies as comparative research, then such studies considered as a branch of critical view that compares commonalities or similarities and others compare the strengths and weaknesses or weaknesses of the subject under study or analyze the relationship between them. This article is of a qualitative type that reviews the book "Pure Culture in higher education towards Continuous Improvement" with an Islamic approach based on merit-based organizational culture. Findings. The culture of realization and promotion of the results of this research achieved in the direction of indigenous-Islamic culture. In addition, this study emphasized with an approach and in the light of Islamic culture. As a result, by exploiting this issue in the light of Islamic epistemology, concepts, models, and tools for implementing changes in academic management models based on lean management and other concepts of process-oriented management obtained for theorists and experts in the field of management of Iranian higher education institutions. Are beneficial. In the section on beliefs, the discussion of science and knowledge is a branch of reason, in other words, rationality. In those armies of intellect and ignorance that Imam Sadegh (as) says, one of these armies of intellect is science. Rationality is an essential element in both culture and science. Rationality means that the way a person looks and deals with all phenomena based on the gift that God has placed in him and he must identify the relations, the rules, and the regions. Identify things that are true and not without rules and discovering relationships. Rationality is the meant by individuals and all aspects of human life. It extracted from this divine treasure, as the prophets said. If man eliminated, neither living nor training makes any sense. Therefore, the main subject of the Islamic approach is man and its main axis is monotheism. This is the main difference in the organizational culture of a pure university. Therefore, monotheistic vision must be current and valid in all the pillars of a worthy organizational culture. Discussion and conclusion. A review of this book shows that the framework based on Edgar Schein's three layers. If the deepest layer of the university organization, as the core of "beliefs and assumptions", placed according to the principle of monotheism, monotheistic vision and belief. In the second layer to observe pure values ​ ​ and concepts of value and loss that form the core of pure thinking, " "Cohesion" maintained and by relying on the principles and laws that are in line with the implementation and realization of the goals of Islam. The main purpose of this book is to define the concept of pure culture maturity in higher education institutions and to explain its descriptive factors and key dimensions in the light of the ontological and epistemological assumptions and assumptions of this research. Help their organizational goals. However, the pure culture used in this book is a new approach that completed by adding a humanistic view based on the explanatory-symbolic intellectual framework, the functionalist intellectual framework governing previous researches. In this approach, the researcher pays more attention to the human being-the university employee-assuming that organizational culture formed in networks consisting of meanings, perceptions, and two-way relationships.


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    APA: Copy

    Ordoo, Fatemeh, POURKARIMI, JAVAD, KERAMATI, MOHAMMADREZA, & ZAKERSALEHI, GHOLAMREZA. (2021). Critique of the Lean Culture in Higher Education based on the competence-oriented organizational culture. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 12(47 ), 1-21. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/410294/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ordoo Fatemeh, POURKARIMI JAVAD, KERAMATI MOHAMMADREZA, ZAKERSALEHI GHOLAMREZA. Critique of the Lean Culture in Higher Education based on the competence-oriented organizational culture. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STUDIES[Internet]. 2021;12(47 ):1-21. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/410294/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Fatemeh Ordoo, JAVAD POURKARIMI, MOHAMMADREZA KERAMATI, and GHOLAMREZA ZAKERSALEHI, “Critique of the Lean Culture in Higher Education based on the competence-oriented organizational culture,” JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STUDIES, vol. 12, no. 47 , pp. 1–21, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/410294/en

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