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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Non-invasive Assessment of Intravascular Volume Status for Postoperative Patients: The Correlation Between the Internal Jugular Vein/Common Carotid Artery Cross-Sectional Area Ratio and the Inferior Vena Cava Diameter




 Background: This study aimed to assess the correlation between the internal jugular vein/common carotid artery (IJV/CCA) crosssectional area (CSA) ratio and the inferior vena cava (IVC) diameter as non-invasive techniques for the assessment of intravascular volume. Methods: The study samples included 35 adult patients of both sexes (age range: 20-60 years) according to the criteria of the American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA) physical status II-III, who were admitted to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) after major surgeries for the assessment of intravascular volume status. Results: There was a positive correlation between the IJV/CCA CSA ratio and the IVC maximum and minimum diameter before and after fl uid infusion (r = 0. 923, P < 0. 001 and r = 0. 390, P = 0. 021, respectively) and between the IJV/CCA CSA ratio at inspiration and the IVC minimum diameter before and after fl uid infusion (r = 0. 605, P < 0. 001 and r = 0. 496, P < 0. 001, respectively). The sensitivity and specifi city analysis of the IJV/CCA CSA during inspiration after fl uid correction to predict a Central Venous Pressure (CVP) of 8 12 cmH2O showed that at a ratio of 2. 56, the highest sensitivity was 56. 5%, and the specifi city was 83. 3%; at a ratio of 2. 58, the highest sensitivity was 65. 2% and the specifi city was 75%. During expiration, specifi city after fl uid correction was 56. 62%; at a ratio of 2. 62, the highest sensitivity was 52. 2%, and the specifi city was 67%; and at a ratio of 2. 65, the sensitivity was 56. 5%, and the specifi city was 50%. Conclusions: The assessment of the IJV/CCA CSA ratio alongside ultrasonography could be a non-invasive tool for the evaluation of intravascular volume status in spontaneously breathing adult patients after major surgeries.


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    APA: Copy

    Kasem, Samaa A., Ahmed, Ahmed Goda, Nagm Eldeen, Hebattallah, & Kassim, Dina Y.. (2021). Non-invasive Assessment of Intravascular Volume Status for Postoperative Patients: The Correlation Between the Internal Jugular Vein/Common Carotid Artery Cross-Sectional Area Ratio and the Inferior Vena Cava Diameter. ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE, 11(3), 0-0. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/667751/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Kasem Samaa A., Ahmed Ahmed Goda, Nagm Eldeen Hebattallah, Kassim Dina Y.. Non-invasive Assessment of Intravascular Volume Status for Postoperative Patients: The Correlation Between the Internal Jugular Vein/Common Carotid Artery Cross-Sectional Area Ratio and the Inferior Vena Cava Diameter. ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE[Internet]. 2021;11(3):0-0. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/667751/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Samaa A. Kasem, Ahmed Goda Ahmed, Hebattallah Nagm Eldeen, and Dina Y. Kassim, “Non-invasive Assessment of Intravascular Volume Status for Postoperative Patients: The Correlation Between the Internal Jugular Vein/Common Carotid Artery Cross-Sectional Area Ratio and the Inferior Vena Cava Diameter,” ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 0–0, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/667751/en

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