Information Journal Paper
CopyMohamadnia, Sajad, Norozi, Haji Mohamad, Heidarian Mir, Hamid, Masuodi, Shokofe, & MANZARI, ZAHRA SADAT. (2020). Assessing the Educational Environment of Mashhad Nursing and Midwifery School from the Viewpoints of Faculty Members. FUTURE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION JOURNAL, 10(1 ), 0-0. SID.
CopyMohamadnia Sajad, Norozi Haji Mohamad, Heidarian Mir Hamid, Masuodi Shokofe, MANZARI ZAHRA SADAT. Assessing the Educational Environment of Mashhad Nursing and Midwifery School from the Viewpoints of Faculty Members. FUTURE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION JOURNAL[Internet]. 2020;10(1 ):0-0. Available from:
CopySajad Mohamadnia, Haji Mohamad Norozi, Hamid Heidarian Mir, Shokofe Masuodi, and ZAHRA SADAT MANZARI, “Assessing the Educational Environment of Mashhad Nursing and Midwifery School from the Viewpoints of Faculty Members,” FUTURE OF MEDICAL EDUCATION JOURNAL, vol. 10, no. 1 , pp. 0–0, 2020, [Online]. Available: