Information Journal Paper
CopyRAHMANIAN, MOHAMMAD, KAMALI, ALI REZA, Mosalanezhad, Hadi, FOROUGHIAN, MAHDI, KALANI, NAVID, Hatami, Naser, Heidarnezhad, Mohammad, Rayatdoost, Esmaeal, & ABIRI, SAMANEH. (2021). A Comparative Study on Anxiety of Medical and Non-medical Staff due to Exposure and Non-exposure to the Novel Coronavirus Disease. ARAK MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL (AMUJ), 23(5 (147) ), 710-712. SID.
CopyRAHMANIAN MOHAMMAD, KAMALI ALI REZA, Mosalanezhad Hadi, FOROUGHIAN MAHDI, KALANI NAVID, Hatami Naser, Heidarnezhad Mohammad, Rayatdoost Esmaeal, ABIRI SAMANEH. A Comparative Study on Anxiety of Medical and Non-medical Staff due to Exposure and Non-exposure to the Novel Coronavirus Disease. ARAK MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL (AMUJ)[Internet]. 2021;23(5 (147) ):710-712. Available from:
CopyMOHAMMAD RAHMANIAN, ALI REZA KAMALI, Hadi Mosalanezhad, MAHDI FOROUGHIAN, NAVID KALANI, Naser Hatami, Mohammad Heidarnezhad, Esmaeal Rayatdoost, and SAMANEH ABIRI, “A Comparative Study on Anxiety of Medical and Non-medical Staff due to Exposure and Non-exposure to the Novel Coronavirus Disease,” ARAK MEDICAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL (AMUJ), vol. 23, no. 5 (147) , pp. 710–712, 2021, [Online]. Available: