CopySchumaier, Adam, Abboud, Joseph, Grawe, Brian, Horneff, J.Gabriel, Getz, Charles, Romeo, Anthony, Keener, Jay, Friedman, Richard, Yian, Ed, Muh, Stephanie, Nicholson, Gregory, Delaney, Ruth, Otto, Randall, Levine, William, Tokish, J.T., Williams, Gerald, Kazanjian, Jack, Dines, Joshua, Ramsey, Matthew, Green, Andrew, Paxton, Scott, Namdari, Surena, Flanagin, Brody, Hasan, Samer, Kaar, Scott, Miniaci, Anthony, & Cuomo, Frances. (2019). Evaluating Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: The Relative Impact of Patient Age, Activity Level, Symptoms, and Kellgren-Lawrence Grade on Treatment. THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY, 7(2), 151-160. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/746704/en
CopySchumaier Adam, Abboud Joseph, Grawe Brian, Horneff J.Gabriel, Getz Charles, Romeo Anthony, Keener Jay, Friedman Richard, Yian Ed, Muh Stephanie, Nicholson Gregory, Delaney Ruth, Otto Randall, Levine William, Tokish J.T., Williams Gerald, Kazanjian Jack, Dines Joshua, Ramsey Matthew, Green Andrew, Paxton Scott, Namdari Surena, Flanagin Brody, Hasan Samer, Kaar Scott, Miniaci Anthony, Cuomo Frances. Evaluating Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: The Relative Impact of Patient Age, Activity Level, Symptoms, and Kellgren-Lawrence Grade on Treatment. THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY[Internet]. 2019;7(2):151-160. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/746704/en
CopyAdam Schumaier, Joseph Abboud, Brian Grawe, J.Gabriel Horneff, Charles Getz, Anthony Romeo, Jay Keener, Richard Friedman, Ed Yian, Stephanie Muh, Gregory Nicholson, Ruth Delaney, Randall Otto, William Levine, J.T. Tokish, Gerald Williams, Jack Kazanjian, Joshua Dines, Matthew Ramsey, Andrew Green, Scott Paxton, Surena Namdari, Brody Flanagin, Samer Hasan, Scott Kaar, Anthony Miniaci, and Frances Cuomo, “Evaluating Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: The Relative Impact of Patient Age, Activity Level, Symptoms, and Kellgren-Lawrence Grade on Treatment,” THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 151–160, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/746704/en