Information Journal Paper
CopyPrkic, Ante, Claessen, Femke, Somford, Matthijs P., The, Bertram, Van Den Bekerom, Michel P.J., & Eygendaal, Denise. (2019). How Well do Orthopedic Surgeons Recognize Different Models of Total Elbow Arthroplasties on Plain Radiographs with the Use of a Diagnostic Flowchart?. THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY, 7(5), 407-415. SID.
CopyPrkic Ante, Claessen Femke, Somford Matthijs P., The Bertram, Van Den Bekerom Michel P.J., Eygendaal Denise. How Well do Orthopedic Surgeons Recognize Different Models of Total Elbow Arthroplasties on Plain Radiographs with the Use of a Diagnostic Flowchart?. THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY[Internet]. 2019;7(5):407-415. Available from:
CopyAnte Prkic, Femke Claessen, Matthijs P. Somford, Bertram The, Michel P.J. Van Den Bekerom, and Denise Eygendaal, “How Well do Orthopedic Surgeons Recognize Different Models of Total Elbow Arthroplasties on Plain Radiographs with the Use of a Diagnostic Flowchart?,” THE ARCHIVES OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 407–415, 2019, [Online]. Available: