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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Brief Report:The Prevalence and Determinants of Using Withdrawal to Avoid Pregnancy in Tabriz, Iran




 Objectives: Despite the increasing knowledge about family planning and modern Contraceptive methods, as well as high failure rates of the Traditional method, a significant percentage of couples use Withdrawal for contraception. Accordingly, the present study mainly aimed to investigate the determinants of using Withdrawal to avoid pregnancy in Tabriz. Materials and Methods: The sample of the study included 383 married women aged 15-49 years. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were employed to determine factors associated with using Withdrawal as a Contraceptive method. Results: Based on the results, about 19. 5% of the women were relying on Withdrawal. In addition, 55% reported that they were currently using a modern method to avoid pregnancy while the remaining 25. 5% used no method in order to prevent contraception. The results of multivariate logistic regression demonstrated that university-educated couples with no child who were within the age range of 15-24 and born in urban areas were more likely to use Withdrawal rather than modern Contraceptive methods (P<0. 05). Conclusions: In general, the rate of employing the Traditional method in Iran and, especially in Tabriz is increasing. Regarding higher proportion of Withdrawal use among higher educated women due to the fear of side effects resulted from other methods, family planning providers and reproductive health services should be sensitive to the women’ s concern and provide programs to decrease the unmet need of family planning.


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    APA: Copy

    Razeghi Nasrabad, hajiieh bibi, Alimondegari, Malihe, & Mohseni Nejhad, Zeinab. (2019). Brief Report:The Prevalence and Determinants of Using Withdrawal to Avoid Pregnancy in Tabriz, Iran. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HEALTH AND REPRODUCTION SCIENCES, 7(2), 223-227. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/751804/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Razeghi Nasrabad hajiieh bibi, Alimondegari Malihe, Mohseni Nejhad Zeinab. Brief Report:The Prevalence and Determinants of Using Withdrawal to Avoid Pregnancy in Tabriz, Iran. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HEALTH AND REPRODUCTION SCIENCES[Internet]. 2019;7(2):223-227. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/751804/en

    IEEE: Copy

    hajiieh bibi Razeghi Nasrabad, Malihe Alimondegari, and Zeinab Mohseni Nejhad, “Brief Report:The Prevalence and Determinants of Using Withdrawal to Avoid Pregnancy in Tabriz, Iran,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HEALTH AND REPRODUCTION SCIENCES, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 223–227, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/751804/en

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